
The Only Way To Catch A Miracle Is To Believe In It


(2008-01-30 10:51:37) 下一個

Acing the College Application: How to Maximize Your Chances for Admission to the College of Your Choice (Acing the College Application) by Michele Hernandez

On Writing the College Application Essay: The Key to Acceptance and the College of your Choice by Harry Bauld (Paperback - Sep 3, 1987)

1. High school ranking:
How the Schools Stack Up
11/30/07 from Wall Street Journal

Weekend Journal looked at the freshman classes at eight top colleges — Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Williams, Pomona, Swarthmore, the University of Chicago and Johns Hopkins — and compiled a list of the students’ high-school alma maters. The survey ranked the high schools based on the number of students sent to those eight colleges, divided by the high school’s number of graduates in 2007, limiting the scope to schools that had senior classes of at least 50
High school ranking, both private and public

2. Best Books for SAT preparation
free online preparation: number2.com

3.Best book to prepare application:
The New Rules of College Admissions, ten former admissions Officers reveal what it takes to get into colleges today
Stephen Kramer and Michael London 2006

4.AP tests:
why you should take AP

5. Nation merit scholarship:
National Merit Scholarship Program is an academic competition for recognition for high school students who are US citizens or permanent residents and are going to college not later than September after graduation.

Qualifying score for each states:

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