
Do not let us abuse vanity.Honor itself is but the highest form of vanity.Snobs are vain. But so ,too,are heroes.Come on!

Wake me up when September ends

(2005-07-26 01:17:32) 下一個
Wake me up when September ends Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last like you come to pass seven years has gone so fast here comes the rain again falling from the stars drenched in my pain again becoming who we are as my memory rests but never forgets what I lost ring out the bells again like we did when spring began as my memory rests but never forgets what I lost Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last Wake me up when September ends -Green day ONE 忽然發現,4月中旬的晚上,海邊仍是如此地寒冷,幽幽的潮水慢慢地湧上岸,遠處影影約約地幾個光點在晃動,我坐在沙灘的圓木上,回想時間一點點地隨著這海潮來了,走了,有時想起了甚麽,然後又馬上忘記。 身邊的朋友在和我說話,好象在訴說著人生的遠大理想,以及生活的種種無奈,我不好意思地打斷他,那些被海潮喚起的片斷顯然遠比生存在人群來得更讓人平靜,朋友,你抹殺了這曼妙的風景。還是談談第一段回憶吧。我總喜歡把那樣的回憶當成大麻吸食,吸下去的一瞬間,傳到你耳裏的所有聲音開始變得唯美,而這肮髒的世界也似乎變得精質,隻是從口裏吐出來的煙味卻讓旁人厭煩不已。 你知道嗎?我們都是那團煙,提供一瞬間的快感後,便成了臭不可聞的氣體,遠遠地滾開。 隻是,你會在身體裏永遠留下我的印記的懲罰。 於是,我拿出伏特加,然後對了對橘子汁,遞給我朋友,並期盼警察不要在這裏出現,雖然,我討厭大麻,隻是喝醉酒而已。 TWO 我突然喜歡上一首歌,於是開始瘋狂地愛上搖滾,我很討厭英倫,卻突然喜歡上了KEANE。原來甚麽都沒有真的好還是壞,隻要它麻醉了你的傷。 “我要驗你的傷,好讓你解脫。” 我坐在SKYTRAIN上,耳機裏的聲音不停地變換著,我開始懷疑我的注意力到低在哪裏,是窗外不停向後飛奔的事物,還是不斷敲打我耳膜的聲音。或許,一首歌就能改變陰晴圓缺,隻要外麵陽光燦爛。 夏天啊,隨著猛烈的紫外線,浩浩蕩蕩地搖滾著人們在雨季抑鬱已久陰暗的熱情。 搖吧,滾吧。 THREE One day I woke up knowing today is the day I will die Cashdogg was barking went to the park and enjoyed that one last time Called my mother told her I loved her and begged her not to cry Wrote her a letter that said I´d miss her and signed that goodbye... We took a drive and we drove thru B.C. To see the places we lived, long conversations We talked of old friends and all the things that we did Summer nights, drunken fights Mistakes we made...did we live it right? My friends? You know the happiest day of my life I swear the happiest day of my life is the day that I died Can you feel the cold tonight? It sets in but it´s alright Darkness falls I´m letting go All alone but I feel just fine You know the happiest day of my life I know the happiest day of my life I swear the happiest day of my life is the day that I died Did I live it right? Four 我準備了瓶2000年的冰酒,輕輕地包好,放進酒架。躺在床上,心裏想著周末的約會,夢裏的阿芙羅狄蒂露出滿意而溫柔的微笑,慢慢地閉上雙眼…… 隻是當我回過神,才發現20多天過去了,這瓶冰酒仍沒開封。我想這是我的錯,我把那瓶酒貼上了她的標簽;我想也是她的錯,輕閑在這個陽光普照的夏天,果倒成了種奢侈。 如果你說,還是在外麵吃吧,在家做太麻煩了。 我也隻能失望地說,阿芙羅狄蒂,其實我並沒有愛上你,隻是我愛上了這種浪漫。 這夜晚瘋狂地愛著你,愛你飄著碎花裙的背影。 女人都狂野起來,個個都有了淫蕩的力量。 這虛容裏有著我們唏噓的感傷,這閃爍的城市裏瘋狂地愛著我醉人的詩意。 你愛我,愛我是你的鏡子,你要愛我,我是你們的鏡子。 和,真是無聊。 FIVE 當漫漫地假期提早地遠去,我開始過著重複的生活,似乎隻有周末,才擁有放縱的權力以及盼想的欲望。 我坐在圖書館裏心想著明天的PAPERWORK仍然覺得這日子是如此的美好,就象飯後那根煙讓肺充實的滿足感。 忽然,一個電話擾亂了生活的全部。飄洋過海的聲音,抽泣地讓心裏滿是憂傷,我想我會很高興聽到佩悲慘的哭聲,然而卻沒有絲毫的快感,我想我仍是如此地溫柔,我想我仍是如此地懦弱,在她的麵前。 I never found the perfect time to tell you You are the only one for me Its ok Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last Now the moments gone SIX 我想人們在夏天裏被毀滅,就算死亡也不過是毀滅的最後目地,隻是我很明白,我們都是懦夫。於是我們都平靜下來,心裏想著各自的未來,以及那些尚未完成的夢想。 夏天,如果你真的要離去。 而那時我仍在沉睡,Please wake me up when September ends.
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