
西藏之行: 直麵珠峰

(2007-06-13 20:18:09) 下一個
在此潛水兩年多,從諸位大俠學到和看到許許多多, 對我自己的旅行多有助益. 多謝.

四月底到拉薩和珠峰,真是人生應到之處. 放幾張照片與大家分享. 第一次發帖, 請多指教.

1. 珠峰日出

2. 珠峰日出

3. 珠峰日出

4. 珠峰早晨

5. 珠峰大本營

6. 珠峰大本營, 取奧運聖火登山隊正在此紮寨

7. 珠峰大本營

8. 珠峰大本營

9. 從絨布寺看珠峰, 8km to base camp

10. 從觀景點看珠峰, about 15km to base camp

11. 從觀景點看珠峰, far away

12. 去珠峰之路, Road to Everest

13. 去珠峰之路, Road to Everest

14. 去珠峰之路, Road to Everest

15. 去珠峰之路, Road to Everest

16. 去珠峰之路, Road to Everest

在珠峰大本營和絨布寺,珠峰好象伸手可及. The temprature changed very dramatically, too. It is 15C during daytime, but maybe -10C during night. It is still 滴水成冰 at the Everest area during night.

高原反應有輕有重.The first day in Lhasa, there were 33 people in the morning for the tour, but only 30 by noon time -- the other 3 bought air ticket and went back to home, because of 高原反應.

Lhasa is about 3650m above sea level, and 65% oxygen level comparing to sea level. 珠峰大本營 is 5200m, and even lower oxygen level -- one guy wanted to smoke, and tried 2 lighters and matches, none of them working.

I have other photos from 藏北草原 and other places. I will share with you later.
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