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(2018-02-15 15:03:25) 下一個

涼州詞 liáng zhōu cí 王之渙 wáng zhī huàn688—745唐朝(618-907) 山西太原   -8-

:cool, cold; disheartened 涼快 涼爽  州:zhou administrative division, state 州縣 杭州

:words; phrase, expression 詞匯 詞典 詩詞 唐詩宋詞

黃河遠上白雲間,huáng hé yuǎn shàng bái yún jiān ,

: jiān midpoint, space; place, locality 中間 人間 間隔

The Yellow River away from the Baiyun,

一片孤城萬仞山。yī piàn gū chéng wàn rèn shān 。

:gū orphan, fatherless; solitary 孤單 孤兒 孤家寡人 :chéng castle; city, town; municipality 城牆 城市 長城

a city alone million mountain.

羌笛何須怨楊柳,qiāng dí hé xū yuàn yáng liǔ ,

:qiāng Qiang nationality; surname 羌笛 四川少數民族 :bamboo flute; whistle 長笛 短笛 警笛 :hatred, enmity, resentment 抱怨 恩怨 :yáng willow, poplar, aspen; surname 楊柳 楊樹 楊姓 :liǔ willow tree; pleasure 柳絮 垂柳 柳姓

Why should the reissue greedy willow?

春風不度玉門關。chūn fēng bù dù yù mén guān 。

:dù degree, system; manner; to consider 尺度 高度 角度 製度 :jade, precious stone, gem 玉石 玉翠瑪瑙 玉泉 :mén gate, door, entrance, opening 門口 大門 :guān frontier pass; close; relation 關門 關口 海關

Spring is not too close to the door

The Yellow River far stretches onto clouds white,

An isolated city faces the mountains scraping sky.

Tone of Weeping Willow flutes need not to play,

Beyond the Jade Pass spring wind never goes by.

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