軍城早秋 Military early autumn 唐代 嚴武(726-765)陝西 華陰 -10-
jūn chéng zǎo qiū 軍:jūn army, military; soldiers, troops 軍隊 軍紀軍威 城:chéng castle; city, town; municipality 城牆 城市
昨夜秋風入漢關zuó yè qiū fēng rù hàn guān
漢: hàn Chinese people; Chinese language 漢族 漢人 漢代 老漢 關:guān frontier pass; close; relation 關門 海關 年關 關心
朔雲邊月滿西山。 shuò yún biān yuè mǎn xī shān 。
朔:shuò first day of lunar month; the north 朔日-初一 北方
Last night the autumn wind into the Han Guan, Shuo Yun side over the Western Hills.
更催飛將追驕虜,gèng cuī fēi jiāng zhuī jiāo lǔ ,
更:gèng more, still further, much more 更少 更時 催:cuī press, urge 催促 催眠 追:zhuī pursue, chase after; expel 追趕 追加 追問 驕:jiāo spirited horse; haughty 驕傲 驕陽 虜:lǔ to capture, imprison, seize; a prison 俘虜
莫遣沙場匹馬還。mò qiǎn shā chǎng pǐ mǎ hái
莫:mò do not, is not, can not; negative 不要 沒有 莫非 遣:qiǎn send, dispatch; send off, exile 遣送 消遣 沙:shā sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 沙子 沙漠 砂糖 場:chǎng open space, field, market 場地 一場雨 匹:pǐ bolt of cloth; counter for horses 一匹布 匹配 還:hái still, yet, also, besides 還鄉 還手 退還
More to fly will be chasing arrogance, imitation battle horse also.