不好意思,我也來show off 一下
(2013-02-04 14:21:18)
看到壇子裏那位5歲小朋友大作,我也來show off 一下我家小女的作品.小女上K三個月了,這是她在ESL班的作品。老師說讓她選一個喜歡的動物做一個project,她就寫了個故事,共六頁,每頁還根據內容配上畫。拿回來時我還以為是老師帶著寫的,上周和老師meet,才知道是她自己寫的。 我這個當媽媽的真的很為她驕傲。
Topic: The Sad Pony
Once upon a time, there was a pony like her mom. She play with her mom, she run with her mommy, but one day the pony run to god. Her mom dad was surprise. Then she quick her wings to fly up into the air. She fly 12345678 days, then she was tired. She was sad, but she like to run. She run home. Her mom and dad were surprise to see her. They eat yummy dinners then. They were happy to see the pony.