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How To Do Forex Trading?

(2007-05-26 16:10:55) 下一個
Forex, the word, means FOReign EXchange market. This is an international market where the buying and selling of money is done freely and 24 hours a day. All forex trading involve the buying of one currency and the selling of another, simultaneously. Currency quotes are given as exchange rates; that is, the value of one currency relative to another. The relative supply and demand of both currencies will determine the value of the exchange rate.

Forex Trading, as with any other form of investing, you must be knowledgeable of what you are trading before you can expect to turn a profit and not trade yourself into a financial hole.

Forex trading looks simple but few succeed. A lot of the so called investment wisdom doesn't work and is given by people who have never traded in their lives. You must always remind yourself that forex trading is so high profitable and riskful that you must do it carefully.

Remember it is margin trading and expanded more than 100 times as your normal investment. You need to ask yourself how much you can afford to lose. Be extremely honest with yourself about this, in fact, be more than honest so that you are sure to not overextend your budget and cost yourself the family home.

Here are some simple tips that will help you increase your profit potential and prevent you from losing money.

1. Select your first broker

When you first decide to trade Forex you will need to locate a reliable broker. It's very important that you familiarize yourself with the software the broker uses for making trades, analyzing the market and any other features they may offer. Many have a training, or tutorial, account that will allow you to signup and make trades for free. Use this to your advantage before just jumping in and tossing your money in.

2. Get a simple method you understand

In forex trading many people think that the more complicated a method they use in forex trading the more likely they are to make money. The fact is that is not a truth and the simple systems work best. As you know, there are two main ways to analysis the currency rate: fundamental and technical analysis. Simple systems are more robust and easier to trade with discipline, as you understand the logic and can therefore follow it with confidence when it has a losing period.

3. Trade the big trends and not trade frequently

Although short term trading and long term trading are both good, you have to catch the big long term trends that make the big profits. The big moves in forex trading, with optimum risk to reward, come just few times a year, so don't trade for the sake of trading and wait for these moves - These are the ones that will make you the big profits and that's why you're trading.

4. Work smart and not hard

Once you have a system your happy with that's it. People go on about working hard in forex trading to educate yourself but once you have your system stick with it. The market doesn't give you extra dollars for effort, you get your reward for trading correctly. Forex trading is risky, so you need to manage your money and place your stop order far enough away from the market action to allow for volatility. Placing stops too close to entry and not taking enough risk dooms most traders to fail. Also when you have a profit don't move the stop up to quickly, be patient and give the trade room to breathe.

5. The formula to success

The formula to success in forex trading is to do the following:

Using Simple Method + With Discipline + Control Risks = Forex Trading Success

Keep these simple tips in your mind and you could make some big profits on forex trading. Visit SoloInvest and Forexmentor to know more.

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