
Tomorrow - I am going to Raspberry Falls -狗熊吃元宵

(2007-06-21 17:30:11) 下一個
It is one of the best course in the local area. Have to take half day off because weekdays are usually cheaper than weekend. ;-) Being a full time professional, I wish I got more time to play. Golf is like many other sports -- the more you play, the better you are. Have to get up tomorrow 6am to drive there, practice for half hour.... 花錢買罪受. 

One thing I heard: the bunkers are really difficult for this course. Another thing: Raspberry Falls is golf and hunt club as well. I hope hunters /golfers are not sharing the same field. There might be big bears on 18th hole who want to hug us...Kind of scary. Got a tricky words (歇後語)for you all: 狗熊吃元宵 ---??(兩個字) Here is the link to the course: www.raspberryfalls.com

Raspberry Falls Golf Club

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menhaoran1 回複 悄悄話 狗熊吃元宵 --- 白玩(丸)

I was hoping to win some money on this round of golf. Turned out -- I did not win anything, lost 2$ after 18 holes.

There is no free lunch in golf :-) No pain no gain... hehe

menhaoran1 回複 悄悄話 Got a tricky words (歇後語)for you all: 狗熊吃元宵 ---??(兩個字)

Does anyone know what it is?
I will reveal the answer next Tuesday night.