(2010-05-18 13:19:35)
球爸長在南方農村,那地界和加州不同,足球是粉不上檔次的一項運動(如今好像也逐漸popular了,不過還是不及little league那麽普及),所以是個足球盲。生了大別針後,一次國足來米國友誼賽,偶想帶他去掃掃盲。開場不久,國足就往自己球門裏烏龍一個,球爸說,足球的規則是往自己門裏踢?球媽鬱悶的不行。
大別針8歲多的時候開始踢competitive. 這孩子個子大,所以跑動總是比較clumsy,不是很靈活,再加上對厲害的教練有些怕,球技進步很慢。球爸和教練溝通無效,於是考慮換隊。換了幾次,找到現在這個隊,總算安定下來,可是大別針和隊上的球星差距是明顯的,球爸危機感很強,擔心兒子被雷比擔心自己的工作要甚N倍。
於是球爸請了兩個私教給大別針單兵訓練。球媽看著辛苦掙的銀子流水一樣的花花溜走真是肉痛啊。不過效果也是很明顯的,大別針雖然依然不是球星,但是總算留在了A隊,從前鋒倒左中右中踢個遍。老爸和兩個教練也很有趣,不讓對方知道彼此的存在,總在時間上周旋,我說你好像在dating的two timing 一樣哈。
球爸教練之餘,還給ayso當裁判,有時一天能判三場球。自己在公司裏也參加球隊,老胳膊老腿沒少受傷。電視裏一般隻有西語台轉播足球,球爸特地多花錢裝了足球頻道。去年去南方度假,球爸口沫橫飛的和發小大談足球比起其他運動如何superior,說的朋友直翻白眼,人家還是baseball country 哈,球爸於是直歎南方人愚昧。
正打著字,球爸來電,小別針上次try out的一個competitive隊要他了,球媽心裏一緊,腰包又癟了不說,那隊在虎媽家附近,離俺們二十邁,接送咋整?可是七歲的孩子,附近沒有這麽小的隊,球爸不甘心他在ayso被埋沒,唉
附加球爸給隊員家長的end of season email,想想當初的球盲,他真是come a long way啊
Hi All,
A word on the final game. I'd like everyone, coaches and parents, to treat this last game as an exam of sorts and not give any instructions from the side lines. Do, however, try to be sophisticated in your cheering and look for tactics we have worked on this season:
* Throw ins should be down the line unless near the goal
* Goal kicks, passes and dribbling should not cross the "danger zone" - the zone in front of the goal. When clearing a ball in the danger zone it should be kicked past the in touch line.
* Passes, including the start, should be to open space
* Push out and shoot - move the ball away from you and run at it and shoot - don't get stuck dribbling and dribbling and never taking the shot (happens because when the ball is too near to you it is very hard to kick)
* Stay in relative position - we are playing 3 forwards, a mid and a sweeper. The mid stays about a quarter of the field behind the forwards and the sweeper about a quarter of the field behind the mid.
* Stay spaced apart - should mostly apply to the forwards; this includes not stealing the ball from another team mate and not calling for a pass standing next to your team mate (or behind unless you are a mid). Note that this is a debatable strategy at this level but its useful going forward.
* Don't kick and watch - follow a shot in and move forward after a pass
* A corner kick is a pass not a shot (we can't bend it like Beckham yet)
* Back up when defending on a throw in - try to be behind the other team and pop out in front or have a running start towards the ball
* When defending try to "stand up" an attacker first - that is stop his forward running before attempting to take the ball away
* Engage, challenge - can't defend or attack if we give the opponent time without a man on
* Try to go down the field along the side and push the ball further away and run faster as opposed to taking small touches and running slow
* Use the laces to kick big and inside of the foot to pass short - no toe kicks
* Look at the ball on opponents goal kicks, corners, throw ins
* When receiving a hard pass try to chop the ball down
Even though we only have one practice a week I have seen most of the kids making a lot of improvement on the above. Don't let anyone tell you that your child is too young to play serious soccer - everyone on the team would be very good with enough practice and skills instruction (which we didn't do much of). The above list is only a tiny start on what soccer requires. For mental development I would put soccer right up with piano or chess and you get exercise at the same time. So I hope everyone comes back for another season.