

(2008-07-18 11:39:40) 下一個
昨天下班路上,NPR的all things considered 有一個有意思的故事,主持人RobertSiegel采訪南加州9歲的華裔神童Marc Yu. 以我這個外行聽來,孩子的確彈得很好,他下月要和偶像朗朗四手連彈。大概是子女壇很多琴娃爹媽的夢想。不過聽了他的采訪,我有幾點不很舒服的感覺:



I vaguely remember ... but the retalling story by my mother ....


3。他是在家裏home school, 不知道是否可以多一些練琴的時間,本來無可非議,可是他說other kids are missing out because they have to spend 7hours in school every day. 首先我不相信這是他的看法,因為他應該沒有一般學校的概念。如果這真是他的想法,不能不說有些偏狹。


(點listen now)

All Things Considered, July 17, 2008 - Marc Yu, a 9-year-old piano prodigy from Pasadena, Calif., recently played at a benefit for victims of the earthquake in Sichuan, China. And he didn't play "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." He played a piece that Chopin wrote for victims of the Polish-Russian war, the composer's "Nocturne in C Minor."

"My legs are long enough for the pedal, but still my legs aren't straight," Marc says. "I sometimes have to sit close to the piano or stretch my legs." He says his left hand can reach an octave, but his right hand isn't quite there yet.

Marc says he can only vaguely recall beginning to play the piano. He says his mother has told him over and over that he was 2. He does remember his recital debut, when he was 3. He played a G major sonatina by Beethoven.

That same year, he asked his mom if he could become a pianist. These days, he practices up to eight hours a day, depending on his schedule and his mood. "Practice makes perfect," he says. "You don't want a Beethoven piece to sound like something else. That's disrespectful to the composer."

Marc's days are different from those of other 9-year-olds. He travels the world playing the piano, and has met celebrities and dignitaries such as Condoleezza Rice, herself a pianist. "I think other kids are missing out, because they're confined with school five days a week," says Marc, who is home-schooled.

Marc will perform with his idol, the Chinese superstar Lang Lang, in London at the end of August. They will play a piece for four hands by Schubert.

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qqqq1111 回複 悄悄話 For the most of the kids, Piano is a hobby, not a profession. Marc was put into a tough road.... Sign...
安娜晴天 回複 悄悄話 有種說不出來的感覺,挺難受的。。。