  • 博客訪問:


(2010-03-22 13:36:24) 下一個

我是facebook的用戶。並且我有兩個帳號以便和我的不同的朋友群聯誼。從我的觀察中中國人使用facebook的很多。但相對來說比較自我素描似的,比較實事求是,比較保守。 一般和中國人紮堆比較多。不太和外族聯誼。

印度人恰恰是另一種樣子。他們把profile做成的自我推銷。特別是他們喜歡使用假ID, 比如放兩個貓在profile 上誰也不知到她真人是誰。在哪。但他們都喜歡標榜自己是正在印度生活印度人。這個我發現破綻是他們中有人在當地清晨兩點中在那裏精神百倍的聊天聊愛情。所以肯定不是在印度的ID的印度人。 有時他們裝扮成巴基斯坦人。他們在profile裏用幾句英文把自己盛情款款地-要不描述成上帝派下來的愛的天使,聖母Teresa一樣的愛普天大眾的人; 要不描述成大眾情種。這裏是一個叫Dolly Caty ID about me: 她深情款款的寫自己: have always found myself Different...Different from everybody around me..,my reactions,my intensions&my emotions always thought why am so????Answered myself over&over but couldn't satisfy myself...asked my friends but could'nt extract...until i found the answer in a simple quote.,"Everybody is different&same at the same time'Its me now,its the begining of da chapters of my life..My childhood is over...left sweet memories behind...Life has taught me one thing&that is truth is bitter it's hard to trust everyone...Iam changed,my life changed...its the reason of my living is changed..Dis is Da profile of a character,an enigma,cool to someone...weird to many"The reason of my creation still unknown to me,but i can see Da light..I can see where the tunnel goes.,but what role am going to play in it?????Just because my eyes don't show tears doesn't means my heart doesn't cry..&i don't get hurt.....just because i come out strong,doesn't mean that nothing is wrong,often i chose to pretend that iam happy,so i don't have to explain myself to people who'll never understand me.,any how smiling has always been easier than explaining Why am SAD"
The other side of my reflection shows that......
Am a happy funloving girl who believe strongly in the institution of relationship no matter its friendship,love or any shape of relationship,i always want to give others happiness&take their worries in a smile,am born to love the creatures that god has created on this earth,forgiving,devoted,realistic,romantic&loving person who lives for others&keep herself happy! (秒秒評論:我日常觀察她其實是比較酸的,自我中心的,說話不直接的ID!可是人家就敢在profile 裏那樣宣傳自己,嘿!)再在photo裏放上不知到從哪裏找來的化妝化的五顏六色的印度成熟美女。 然後就到facebook 裏Zoo 和星座 Chat 裏和人聊天,剛剛和你hello 完就嚷嚷著add me! add me! 加我加我!。這樣她/他幾天就有上百個朋友。加上後她/他毫不猶豫地給你送擁抱送問題,好像個網上探子。她他們這種做法實際上做了最強的印度民族的推銷。你看:印度人最美!印度人最博愛!印度人最多!如果你有時間可以到下麵這個link 上看看,那裏是印度人紮堆的天下。http://apps.facebook.com/horoscopes/myhoroscope.php

我希望我也有個假ID,用的是中國人的mask. 用最浪漫的英文寫自己推銷自己。中國人是最浪漫的。用照片大力宣傳中國的美女,美景。最好的地方就是那個facebook horoscope Zoo Chat place. 網上的美女俊男們,我們一起這樣做吧。我們在那裏可以在世界觀看下直接用中文聊天。在玩笑中宣傳中國。我們的根。請記住,要使用假ID,用最浪漫柔情的英文推銷那個“你”。 我們中國人最浪漫了。誰比印度人少呢?:))


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閱讀 ()評論 (5)
Quarx 回複 悄悄話 Facebook is a chat website, a talking world, a way to communicate and sale oneself!

Ok, 一起行動! everyone represents 'a beautiful china'!

秒秒 回複 悄悄話 回xinyunzhu: 比較是最基本的衡量標準。喜歡你的照片。
秒秒 回複 悄悄話 回自然人:我的印度同事對公司網上,會上提及中國,印度的地方,堅持要寫成:印度,中國的順序。朋友,您的心胸寬闊。謝謝訪問。
xinyunzhu 回複 悄悄話 想怎麽寫就怎麽寫,純屬個人愛好。有必要比嗎?
自然人 回複 悄悄話 比呀比呀我們就愛比。。。還是多享受享受歐洲恬靜舒適的生活吧