
Living in a period of zero interest rate...how do u profit from

(2008-02-01 16:13:01) 下一個
Rather than debating about who and what is wrong, let\'s focus on how do we profit from it. We can\'t change the world but we can change our own life.

So with the Fed cutting interest rate like there\'s no tomorrow, it\'s no surprise we will see the rate close or even at zero. --Deflation

With consumer product price on the rise and oil price as well, that\'s Inflation.

So basically we are close to or already in the a Stagflation time. How do we profit from this is the big question.

My suggestion:

1. Always diversify your money, part of them in dollar, part of them in RMB and may be even in EURO or gold if you can.

2. In a stagflation period, buy evergreen cash flow small business like gas station, convinience store etc as the price gets cheap.

3. Put some money aside, and wait for a bottom in the stock market.

4. Keep yourself liquid. RE may be good but it\'s not liquid enough, take too long for a deal to close. Only buy RE if the price is really really really low. Market value or close to market value REs are not worth it.

5. Stay in a big stable company so you have a stable income. Dont\' gamble with small companies.

Please feel free to add on.

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