My plan pays down an unprecedented amount of our national debt. And then, when money is still left over,(感謝克林頓政府) my plan returns it to the people who earned it in the first place. (Applause.) A budget's impact is counted in dollars, but measured in lives. Excellent schools, quality health care, a secure retirement, a cleaner environment, a stronger defense -- these are all important needs, and we fund them. The highest percentage increase in our budget should go to our children's education. (Applause.)(太搞笑了,當然用了虛擬詞--should)
Once we have funded our national security and our homeland security, the final great priority of my budget is economic security for the American people. (Applause.) To achieve these great national objectives -- to win the war, protect the homeland, and revitalize our economy -- our budget will run a deficit that will be small and short-term, (多小?多短?難道要等民主黨執政?) so long as Congress restrains spending and acts in a fiscally responsible manner. (Applause.) We have clear priorities and we must act at home with the same purpose and resolve we have shown overseas: We'll prevail in the war, and we will defeat this recession. (Applause.) (將戰勝這次衰退,我還會創造下一次衰退)
Lower taxes and greater investment will help this economy expand. More jobs mean more taxpayers, and higher revenues to our government. The best way to address the deficit and move toward a balanced budget is to encourage economic growth, and to show some spending discipline in
We must work together to fund only our most important priorities. I will send you a budget that increases discretionary spending by 4 percent next year -- about as much as the average family's income is expected to grow. And that is a good benchmark for us. Federal spending should not rise any faster than the paychecks of American families. (Applause.) (說的多好啊!現在美國的收入在下降,可聯邦支出卻無限製地增長)
In two weeks, I will send you a budget that funds the war, (絕不含糊,無任何討價還價的餘地,如果不通過,就說不顧軍人的死活)protects the homeland, and meets important domestic needs, while limiting the growth in discretionary spending to less than 4 percent. (Applause.) This will require that Congress focus on priorities, cut wasteful spending, and be wise with the people's money. By doing so, we can cut the deficit in half over the next five years. (Applause.) (共和黨人掌聲雷動,明知難以兌現)
First, we must balance the federal budget. (Applause.)(說對了,可共和黨近三屆政府從未做到)We can do so without raising taxes. (Applause.) (夢遊)What we need to do is impose spending discipline in
Just as we trust Americans with their own money, we need to earn their trust(如何能對這樣的政府產生信任) by spending their tax dollars wisely.(太聰明了,用全體納稅人的錢為銀行家的投機損失買單)Next week, I'll send you a budget that terminates or substantially reduces 151 wasteful or bloated programs, totaling more than $18 billion. The budget that I will submit will keep