


(2007-04-29 19:57:57) 下一個


The instruction for the assignment given by Ms. Nora Capron, the Creative Writing class teacher is as follows:
Write nonstop for a set period of time.
--Do not make corrections as you write.
--Keep writing, even if you have to write something like, "I don't know what to write."
--Write whatever comes into your mind.
--Do not judge or censor what you are writing.
--If your free writing is neat and coherent, you probably haven't loosened up enough.

Allen Lee's writing:
Blood sex and Booze. Drugs Drugs Drugs are fun. Stab, Stab, Stab, Stab, poke. "So I had this dream last night where I went into a building, pulled out two P90s and started shooting everyone, then had sex with the dead bodies. Well, not really, but it would be funny if I did." Umm, yeah, what to wright about I'm leaving to join the Marines and I really don't give a (obscenity) about my academics, so why does the only class that's complete Bull ####, happen to be the only required classenough said. The model citizen would stay around to vote in new board member to change the 4 years of English policy, but no one really stays around to vote for that kind of local crap, so whoever gets there name on the Ballet with a pretty face gets to do what the (obscenity) ever they want with local ordinance. A person is smart, but people are dumb selfish animals. We can't make rules for ourselves so we vote others to do it for us, but we can't even do that right, I meen seriously, Bush for President? And our other option was John Kerry who claimed to parktake in Vietnam Special Forces missions that haven't been declassified.(obscenity) Bull ####. So Power Flower Super Mario. Pudge, hook, rot, dismember "Fresh Meat." Mostly new/young teachers are laid back, and cooperative with students as feedback and input into the curriculum and atmosphere. My current English teacher is a control freak intent on setting a gap between herself and her students like a 63 year old white male fortune 500 company CEO, and a illegal immigrant. If CG was a private catholic school, I could understand, but wtf is her problem. And baking brownies and rice crispies does not make up for it, way to try and justify yourself as a good teacher while underhandedly looking for complements on your cooking. No quarrel on you qualifications as a writer, but as a teacher, don't be surprised on inspiring the first cg shooting.

Ms. Susan Popp
Cary-Grove High School
2208 Three Oaks Road
Cary, IL 60013

Dear Ms. Popp:

Through newspaper accounts, I learned about the actions by the Cary-Grove High School in alerting the police to the writings of Allen Lee, a senior attending Cary-Grove High School. It goes without saying that the horrific tragedy at Virginia Tech University has caused great caution in trying to anticipate the actions of troubled students. However, it is troubling when this may result in an overreaction thereby stigmatizing the character of a student.

There is very little information surrounding your decision except that Allen Lee is a straight-A student. We don't know if there is a history or pattern of behavior that caused your decision. We don't know whether you interviewed the student or provided counseling prior to your action. We don't know whether there was any form of parental intervention prior to the action. What we know is that you called the police and they arrested Allen Lee, charging him with disorderly conduct because he wrote an essay for an assignment in a creative writing class because the contents according to the police were "violently disturbing."

We are concerned too because Allen Lee is an Asian American, which was made abundantly clear to the public because his photograph accompanied the story of this incident on the front page of the Chicago Tribune. As the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization in the United States, we hope there wasn’t the slightest instance of racial profiling involved in the decision to call the police, thereby criminalizing Allen Lee’s class assignment.

We would appreciate a more detailed explanation for the actions taken by you and the high school district.


William Yoshino
Midwest Director
Japanese American Citizens League

What do you think?
 Is it a personal revenge on the teacher’s part? (being called “control freak”)
is it an overreaction under the effect of Virginia Tech tragedy?
Is it an ordinary teen disorderly conduct case?
Is it racial discrimination?







"Disorderly conduct" 是不實之罪。

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