今天早上的警察抓小偷的槍戰就發生在離我們家步行5分鍾的地方。看新聞: GERMANTOWN, TN (WMC) -After hours of chasing, Germantown police caught a robbery suspect in the backyard of a Germantown home. Early Friday morning, a homeowner called police to say a man was at his house in the 2700 block of Scarlet Road with a shotgun. The victim got into his car and drove away as quickly as possible. Later an officer found a car containing who they thought was the suspect. When officers ran the plates on the car, they learned the car was stolen. When the officer tried to pull the car over, the suspect refused. He sped off and eventually abandoned the stolen car near the intersection of Farmington Boulevard and Kilbirnie Drive. Not long after, officers caught up with the suspect in someone's yard. Officers said the suspect pointed a shotgun at them and opened fire. Officers pulled out their guns and shot back. The bullets did not hit anyone. The suspect somehow slipped away again. Minutes later, a Germantown homeowner called police to report seeing the suspect near their home on Pine Needle Cove. Police were able to arrest the suspect at the Pine Needle Cove location. The identity of the suspect has not been released. 有人在離我們家開車10分鍾的地方偷了輛車,車主報警。小偷開車飛奔,警察追到了我們家附近,小偷棄車逃跑,並對警察開槍。 這大約發生在淩晨3點,一群警察把匪徒圍堵在我們家附近,直升機在天上搜索。我是聽到過警笛聲,但沒持續。因為平時總有警笛,我就沒關注,繼續睡覺。領導後來說他似乎被槍聲吵醒,但也沒引起注意。 早上,二少爺6:20出門趕校車,我開門看了一眼外麵,天還黑著,他一個人在路上。好在周圍有不少初高中學生,大家都那個時候出門,他也隻走2,3分鍾到校車停車點,我還是比較放心的。 可是當我早上打開微信,孟村裏傳遞的消息讓我後怕,警匪槍戰就在我家附近呀!走到那裏大概5分鍾。警察8點才在一個鄰居家後院抓到匪徒。警察怎麽沒通知居民不出門呢?特別是有天不亮就去上學的孩子們,多危險啊!匪徒有槍!也許因為警察已經包圍了匪徒,沒什麽危險吧。 我們這個區一直是很安全的,幾乎沒有發生什麽事情。這次應該是被警察追,才跑到這裏來的。這件事情讓我想起我像二少爺這麽大的時候,那天下著毛毛雨,天還沒亮,我一個人去上學。家裏人都囑咐我:找個伴一起去吧。我穿過村子,走到一個低年級同學家,找她一起去學校,我們要步行3、4公裏。到了同學家才知道,村子裏晚上有人被殺,不過沒殺死,凶手也沒抓到。好可怕呀!我剛才一個人就從那附近走過。哎,也不知道誰幹的,幾十年過去了,沒結果。不知道被殺的認識不認識凶手,我想應該是認識的,應該就是村裏某個人。 看來今後還是要小心一些,警覺一些,防著一些。 |