不很明了 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2020-10-27 11:27:07) 下一個


Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris addresses whether she plans to bring progressive policies into the White House. https://cbsn.ws/3mhiSZK





She literally cannot answer a question without laughing

All I got from this interview was she likes hip hop and thinks Trump is a racist. Good job 60 minutes

She literally said nothing and kept laughing.


Hillary Clinton wasn’t even this bad.


god, liberals can't even stand her. america spare yourself from this awful woman.


You could see in her eyes she didn't expect the reporter to ask her anything remotely difficult or controversial


The obvious Kamala poker face: laugh when your lying and/or covering up.


I love how when she laughed and said "No", she started doing her Christine Blasey Ford impression


She has a huge ego and is molded to fit fake, you can't even tell if shes laughing when she is laughing smh.


That black child in America story no ones buying it! She always goes back to this and laughs like a crazy lunatic


Interviewing Harris would be SO frustrating , especially when she laughs at a serious questions. That’s annoying. And the she plays every card with shaking voice. What a fake.


Kamala laughs when she is put in a corner to lie every time.


World leaders: "Make me a deal I can't refuse."

Kamala: "Hahaha....Hehehe.....Hahahaha...... I'm not like Trump"


She always sounds like she's gonna cry. She seems unhinged, too.


I love the fact that the interviewer is not laughing back...


The election is 8 days away and she's laughing instead of answering questions head-on? What's so funny?


Shes such a pain ! Nothing is funny!


Admitted to smoke weed on breakfast club but she threw 1000’s of black people to jail for doing the same. And hasn’t done ANYTHING to have them released


Interviewer: Are your policies from a progessive or socialist perspective?

Harris: i am black hahahaha


She NEVER answers a single question !!


California will be glad to see this woman go they don't even like her there.


She is the only one in the room that thinks any of this is funny ..


Even people who smoke pot don't laugh like this


Why did she even speak? She could just answer any question with just a laugh and the results would be the same.


My God! She is so creepy! Her fake laughter is cringeworthy. And she is clearly a dishonest politician.


She can’t giggle her way out of this, it’s an obvious nervous laugh when confronted about her true nature.


All the smiling and laughter comes across as false confidence to me. I only recognize it because I used to do it myself. It's a defense mechanism used to convey confidence where it's otherwise lacking. She probably doesn't even realize she's doing it or how bad it looks on  a politician.


It is weird, why is she laughing all the time? We wanna know were she stands.


And what does her gender, up bringing, her mother, her "like of hip hop, Donald Trump, or a pandemic have to do with it? It was a yes or no question. 


Stop that crazy maniacal laugh. She does it whenever she’s being asked a serious question.  


The likes are for the interviewer actually asking tough questions!


Harris said she believed Biden's accusers and called him a racist.



Interviewer asks question:


Kamala: Look over there. Orange man bad or what?!


And this is why I can’t vote for Biden/Harris.


She has the evil joker laugh when she nervous or lying. She is a clown. They are so used to the media taking it easy and friendly with them.


Dear lord that whiny voice and fake laughs. Is this really a candidate for the vice presidency of the most powerful country in the world!?


earl wilcher



Nancy Ratcliff

That was painful to watch. She's got to be the most disingenuous politician I've ever seen.


Interviewer(采訪): Are your policies from a progessive or socialist perspective?

Harris(何經理): i am black hahahaha





evil shady laugh, your not black, your paper says Indian American






特朗普還表示:“她不會成為第一位女總統的,你不能讓這種情況發生。我說,‘她是有病嗎?’ 一直笑著談論那些非常嚴肅的問題。”

報道指出,在CBS電視台《60分鍾》節目的采訪中,哈裏斯在記者諾拉·奧唐納(Norah O'Donnell)提出關於被GovTrack網站評為“最自由派的”美國參議員的問題時一笑而過。當她稱自己喜歡嘻哈音樂時,她又笑了。






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