不很明了 (熱門博主)
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(2018-03-31 23:58:43) 下一個

人與人之間的吵架不愉快是難免的。生氣的時後不能用自己習慣的語言來表達自己的情緒不是很討厭嗎?沒關係!既然是「實用生活美語」, 當然也要收集一些吵架生氣時的用語囉! 希望會對你有「幫助」喔!

1.You blow it! 你把事情搞砸了! 

A: We could have got the deal , but you blew the whole thing!
A: 我們原本可以達成那筆交易的, 但是你把整個事情都搞砸了!
B: What did I do?
B: 我作了什麽呢?

blow up"是「發脾氣」的意思。 "You'd better take off right now. Kevin will blow up if you're late again." 你最好現在就出發吧! 你要是再遲到, Kevin 會氣炸的。

2. Get lost ! 滾開吧! 

Why don't you get lost? You filthy scum!
這個沒用的東西, 為什麽不離我遠一點呢?

filthy 是髒的意思。scum則指「汙垢」、 「廢物」。 

3. Get on a person's nerves ! 把某人惹毛 

You're really getting on my nerves.

nerve 除了「神經」, 還有「膽量」的意思。如 "He had the nerve to say that." 他竟然有膽說那種話。 

4. hard feelings 怨氣 

A: Man, I'm really sorry about what happened last night.
A: 老兄啊! 昨晚的事真是抱歉...
B: It's all right. It's over with. No hard feelings.
B: 沒關係。已經過去了。沒什麽好生氣了。

"It's over with" 是「已經過去了」。結束某種不愉快的情緒, 可以用 「get over」。 如 "I know you were mad at him for what he had done. But, it has been five years. Get over it." 我知道你很氣他所作的事, 但是這已經是五年前的事了, 你應該釋懷了。

5. at the top of one's lungs 大聲喊 

A: I'm here right in front of you. Why are you yelling at me at the top of your lungs?
A: 我就在妳麵前, 你為什麽要對我大聲吼叫呢?
B: Maybe because you've been ignoring my feelings too long.
B: 也許因為你忽略我的感覺太久了。

"lung" 是「肺」的意思。為什麽用「肺」, 我並不清楚。不過, 中西思考邏輯在某些方麵差異很多, 倒是真的。 

6. Get off my back. 不要管我! 

A: Why don't you get off my back? You've been bitching at me all night.
A: 你為何不讓我一個人安靜一下? 你整個晚上都在抱怨我。
B: That's fine. Never talk to me again.
B: 好啊! 你都不要再和我講話好了。

"bitch" 是「母狗」的意思, 也有人用來罵「凶悍的女子」(或所謂的「賤貨」)。 "bitch" 還有「抱怨」的意思, 抱怨者不必是女生。"Why are you so bitchy today?" (你今天怎麽好象是吃錯藥似的, 抱怨個不停?) 

7. leave someone alone ! 不幹涉; 聽其自然 

A: Isn't it about time Jane visited her hairdresser? Her bangs are hanging all over her face now.
A: Jane 該去見她的美發師了吧! 她的瀏海都(長到)垂到臉上了。
B: Leave her alone. Maybe she likes to have her eyes covered so she doesn't have to see your face.
B: 妳管她! 也許她希望(頭發長到)把眼睛蓋住, 好看不見你的臉啊!

"leave me alone" 和上一句中的 "Get off my back" 意思很像, 都有要求別人「不要管」的意思。"hairdresser" 是花時間整理你頭發的「美發師」; "barber" 則是收費低廉, 5分鍾就把你的頭發剪好送出門的「理發師」。

8. Get out of my face. 離我遠一點 

要一個人離開你的視線外, 就該是要他離你遠一點吧! 

9. stab a person in the back 背後捅刀; 出賣某人 

A: I can't believe my best friend stabbed me in the back.
A: 我不敢相信我最好的朋友竟然出賣我。
B: What happened?
B: 怎麽回事?

"stab a person in the back" 和 "sell a person out" 都是「出賣某人」的意思。和中文語法很像, 應該蠻好記的。

10. take it out on a person 向某人泄怒 

A: Be angry all you want. Don't take it out on me. I didn't do anything.
A: 你盡量生氣, 別把氣出在我頭上就是了。我又沒怎樣。
B: Go away.
B: 走開。

"Don't vent your anger on me." 也是「別把氣出在我頭上」的意思。

11. at each other's throats 吵架 

A: I can't believe Sean and Keith. They were at each other's throats in front of the whole class yesterday.
A: 我真不敢相信 Sean 跟 Keith。他倆昨天當著整個班上互相叫罵起來了。
B: They fight all the time. You didn't know that?
B: 他們經常在吵架, 你不知道嗎?

每個人表達不滿的方式, 常因他本身的個性及和對方的關係, 而有不同的選擇。有些人「實話實說型」; 有些人是「默默抗議型」; 也有些人「(感情+表情)豐富型」- 可能一麵開罵, 一麵丟東西哩。像這種比較激烈型的吵架方式, 就是這裏的 "at each other's throats" 喔! 

12. Cool it! 冷靜點! 

A: I'm gonna kill Cliff for doing this crap to me.
A: Cliff 對我作這樣的「好事」, 我要把他殺了。
B: Hey! Cool it!
B: 嘿! 冷靜點!

"crap" 是原意是「排泄物」的意思, 有些人覺得"shit"這個字很粗, 就會用"crap"來代替它。
"Cool it." 是當一個人很衝動時, 用來勸他靜下來的詞語。除了"Cool it!"、 "Cool off!"外, "Cool out!"; "Chill out! 都是一樣的意思。 

13. act up 氣得不得了(指行為上的失態) 

A: Man, it was only a joke. You didin't have to act up like this.
A: 老兄, 那隻是開玩笑的, 你用不著氣成這樣。
B: Joke? You thought that was funny?
B: 開玩笑? 你覺得那樣好笑啊?

"act up" 是指一個人因為像受到刺激或生氣等等, 在行為上表現地很誇張, 比如開始卷袖子, 準備揍人之類的樣子。

14. have a chip on one's shoulder 心存芥蒂 

A: Blanche's already apologized and asked for your forgiveness. Why do you still have a chip on your shoulder?
A: Blanche 已經(跟你)道歉過, 也請你原諒她。你為什麽還是心存芥蒂呢?
B: I don't know. I guess I never really got over it.
B: 我不知道。也許我對這件事從來沒有真正釋懷吧!

或許你也曾經有過類似上麵的經驗; 以為自己經對一件別人做錯的事釋懷了, 當你再度麵對這個人時, 那種氣氣的感覺又回來了。也許沒說到幾句話, 你又忍不住地責備對方一頓。這種感覺就是這裏所說的"have a chip on one's shoulder"。 

15. make up 和好 

A: Are you and Eileen still talking at all?
A: 你和 Eileen 還有沒有說話呢?
B: Yeah, we've made up.
B: 有啦! 我們和好了。

"make up" 除了當「化妝」外, 也是「和好」的意思。"Let's make up." 就是「我們和好吧!」的意思。





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