Woman convicted for hitting bottom grabber
Published: 26 Mar 13 10:19 CET
A 23-year-old woman who slapped a man in the face after he grabbed her rear end has been convicted of assault by a court in southern Sweden. The 27-year-old who made the unwanted move escaped charges for the incident after a preliminary criminal investigation was dropped.
"This goes to show that it's okay for guys to grab girls any way they want," the 23-year-old woman told the Metro newspaper.
The woman reacted when the 27-year-old man put his hand on her buttocks at Glorias nightclub in
Lund last summer.
She instinctively turned to confront the man who grabbed her and hit him in the face so hard she broke the 27-year-old's nose.
In its ruling the Lund District Court agreed that the woman was subject to a "serious provocation", but ultimately ruled her actions couldn't be considered as acting in self-defence.
The court convicted the 23-year-old woman of assault, slapping her with a suspended sentence and a 2,500 kronor ($380) fine, the Sydsvenskan newspaper reported.
She must also pay 1,860 kronor in damages to the man, who had originally demanded 25,000 kronor as compensation for the injuries he suffered during the incident.
The investigation into the 23-year-old's sexual assault complaint was dropped, however, due to a lack of evidence.