陶子 於
10-06-04 21:57:20 隻在電視上看到的情節發生在我身上。前天我帶不到一歲的孩子去商場退東西。因為孩子一直在睡覺,怕把她吵醒,我把她留在車上。我鎖車並用remote starter把車啟動,這樣車內空調也在運行,孩子不會熱到。等我退完東西出來,車已被警察包圍。我被帶到警局一通按指紋。由於我態度很好,孩子也很安全。他們沒有為難我,把我和孩子放回家了。下周上庭。我被指控felony,Risk of Injury unsupervised child.並且DCF在調查我。
我知道我是法盲,我知道我圖省事惹大麻煩。我正在受到懲罰,惶惶不可終日。現在隻想怎麽把這事擺平。我谘詢一個律師,張開要10k律師費。有人告訴我我不一定需要律師;我隻有等到上庭那天才知道我是否有資格申請免費的律師public defender。
- 我的情況需要請律師嗎?
- 這會影響我綠卡申請嗎? 我是PERM剛批下來,公司正準備給我交I-140
- DCF會怎麽調查。律師說他們有權把孩子從我身邊帶走
- 這趟水到底有多深
蠢就一個字送你. 你是法盲更是科盲. 老實說這水太深了.
茄子1 於
10-06-05 00:47:38夏天車內放小孩絕對被控Child endangerment felony. Further, 開空調以為能讓小孩降溫實際上可能讓小孩死得更快(CO poisoning takes much shorter time (about 10 mins) than overheat/suffocation from excessive heat to kill a child as the result of being left alone in a hot car). further, CO poisoning could leave a child in vegetable state depending on the degree of poisoning).
警察隻管抓人執法. Nice 不 nice 已經無關痛癢. 你的事現在已在檢察官的手裏了. 美國每年糊塗父母因各種原因留小孩在車裏而致死的多達45+ cases. http://www.kidsandcars.org/education/Airbags_Heat_Chart_2009.pdfhttp://www.kidsandcars.org/arizona_baby_death_2003-07-01.html你在那個州? 快請好律師吧.爭取從輕處罰. If convicted a felony as a result of failing to exonerate your wrongdoings, you won't be getting a greencard for sure.
DCF definitely has the power to take the child away from you without your consent. They can actually do it before your case is heard in the court of law as long as they deem your kid is in danger while living with you. Hurry up get your neighbors and friends who know you 做證你是好父母.隻是一時糊塗幹了蠢事下次不敢了.
You need to be smart, never leave your child out of your sight in USA.
養個孩子在美國長大太不易了. 你要深刻反省一下.不要隻是目前想著脫罪. 為了你家和孩子的幸福你要做事多長腦子才是getting something out of this incidence. 否則今後就會按下葫蘆又起瓢, 別的不好的事情又會有機會發生的.