15 Coolest Google Earth Finds
Dubbed the "Badlands Guardian" by locals, this geological marvel (Google Earth coordinates 50.010083,-110.113006) in Alberta, Canada, bears an uncanny resemblance to a human head wearing a full Native American headdress--and earphones, to boot. Of course, The Guardian was produced naturally. (Link | Photo)
A synthetic wonder that can be truly appreciated only fromabove, this giant man-shaped lake (-21.805149,-49.089977) is locatednear Bauru, Brazil.(Link)
This heart-shaped island in the Adriatic became a hit on Google Earthfor Valentine's Day. The uninhabited island is only 130,000 squareyards and is called Galesnjak. The owner didn't even know how perfectlythis island off the Croatian coast was until he was swamped withrequests from couples to stay there.(Link | Photo)
This fingerprint can be found in Hove
Park, near Brighton and Hove in the UK. It measures 38 metres around. Imagine the size of the hand.
Rhett Dashwood, a graphic designerfrom Australia, created the first Google Maps alphabet, featuring all26 letters, using satellite images of natural features and buildings.(Link)
Lion, at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo located at Whipsnade, near Dunstable in Bedfordshire, England.(Link)
Some of the sights you find in Google Earth are just plain mysterious. For example, why is a fighter jet parked (Google Earth coordinates 48.825183,2.1985795) in what looks to be a residential neighborhood lot near Paris?
NOTE:our reader Guilhem told us it "must be located at a Dassault Systèmeoffice. It's an old Mirage and I know for a fact that there is aDassault office there", while another reader, Roland, argues "it's afull scale model of a Mirage 2000 on a campus of the university of Paris"(Link | Photo)
This is a US Navy building in Coronado, Ca. that wasunintentionally built in the shape of a swastika. Now, because of apublic uproar, the Navy will be spending $600,000 to alter the shape ofthe building.
In the early days of Firefox, a few devoted fans wanted togenerate more PR for their beloved site and so gathered a team ofpeople in Amity, Oregon, to recreate the Firefox logo in a field; theirvery own fox crop.(Link)
Last year, one of the Google Earth Community members called 'ear1grey' posted an amazing discovery. He found a huge picture (36 miles tall) of Santa!(Link)
So here's a giant Ipod Shuffle! It looks like a farmer's fieldwith a horse pen or something on it? Either that or a hard core appleenthusiast. Unfortunately, it looks like he moved the pen on the mapsince it was first spotted.
(Link | Photo)
Google Earth doesn't have advertising,unless you consider the corporate logos and trademarks big enough to beseen from space. Check out this massive Coca-Cola logo(-18.529225,-70.25002) etched into a hillside of Chile with 70,000 Cokebottles. Haven't they heard of recycling?(Link)
As if Oprah Winfrey's celebrity weren't already big enough, an Arizona farmer built a 10-acre homage to the talk show host (Google Earth coordinates 33.225488,-111.5955). (Link)
Too late now, huh?(Link)
It's not safe to do topless in your roof anymore. One careless sunbath and you can end in everyone else's computer screen.
(Link)Reader Contributions to "15 Coolest Google Earth Finds"
| Area 51 by RonPeace on 11/24/2009 Does this Mean.."UFO Inside" |
| Swastika Dorms by Andrew on 11/23/2009 Self-explanatory construction blunder at a college in Maine, USA. |
| Readymix logo in desert off Caiguna, South Australia by b_phrea on 11/8/2009
(Source) |
| Strange Airplane by Javier Ivan Heredia on 11/7/2009 A strange Airplane.On Google Earth V5 go to date: Apr 29 2005 - 40°31'7.69"N, 80° 7'42.65"W |
| Pink Bunny by James "Chumba" on 10/30/2009 It a giant pink bunny |
| Hung Like a House by dub on 10/29/2009 A British teenager worked long and hard to make this contribution. (Source) |
| Alice in Wonderland - Mad Hatter / White Rabbit by David Flanagan on 10/29/2009 The Amazing Maize Maze in Appleton Thorn, close to Lewis Carroll's home of Daresbury, nr Warrington,(...) |
| dinamo's crest by tek on 10/28/2009 Crest of football club Dinamo Zagreb in Republic of Dugave, Zagreb, Croatia |
| Cerne Abbas Giant by sambo on 10/25/2009 Carved in chalk bedrock since about th 1600's. |
| Kössi kenguru by Cacheflood on 10/24/2009 Set of buildings forms shape of old Finnish cartoon named 'Kössi Kenguru' (Kössi The Kangaroo) @ 60(...) |
| Studebaker Trees by E Echtle on 10/23/2009 Former Studebaker test track at South Bend Indiana (Source) |
| Letter M by Alohamora on 10/17/2009 I can't imagine, who and why made this drawing on the sea.44°29'46.13"N33°35'42.29"E |
| 15 Coolest Google Earth Finds by Stefan on 10/17/2009 Here's another one from Google Earth: seen at 52°20'50.21"N, 9°42'33.34"E |
| A Horse is a Horse of Course Of Course by Tiffany L on 10/17/2009 Giant Horse located at 51 31 03.04 N 3 15 22.51 WCool for sure, there is also horse shoes that c(...) |
| Howard the Duck....pond by Antihiro on 10/16/2009 Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre man-made duck pond in Manitoba, Canada |
| LUECKE by jags529 on 10/16/2009 off of highway 71 between houston tx and austin tx |
| Fire? by Alohamora on 10/16/2009
| Wheres Waldo by Lindsay on 10/15/2009 Art project in Vancouver, Canada. (Source) |
| Whoa~ That's a little close there! by Scott Kjeer on 10/15/2009 The same Mexican Airliner seconds apart while satellite snaps the picture to create the map to the e(...) (Source) |
| Nazi-fountain by Denidorm on 10/15/2009
(Source) |
| KFC logo by ri1987 on 10/15/2009 A giant KFC logo in Mojave U.S.A. (Source) |
| Giant Y by Jack on 10/15/2009 Giant Y in Union Kentucky, the remains of the Farm Haven corn maze in the area. (Source) |
| Firefighter getting down a kitten by Santiago Flores on 10/15/2009 Firefighter are helping a girl with her cat maybe (Source) |
| Role-playing in the streets of Pittsburg by Merete on 10/15/2009
(Source) |
| There are more Swastika shaped buildings by Marc on 10/15/2009 This is a hospital in Amsterdam (Source) |
| People on the floor. by Ashabi on 10/15/2009 I found this next to the Firefox logo in Oregon. It scared the crap out of me. |