Cherish AARS 1980
Name: Cherish
Designation: JACsal
Class: Modern Cluster Flowered Floribunda Rose
Hybridizer/Date: William Warriner, USA 1980
Parentage: Bridal Pink x Matador
Fragrance: Mild
ARS Color: Orange Pink and Orange pink blend (salmon)
Awards: All America Rose Selection 1980
28 petals
Comments: A VERY VERY good garden rose. An AARS Winner except for the lack of fragrance this would be the absolute perfect pink garden rose. Blooms a lot with beautiful perfectly formed rose show type blooms.

AARS 1973 Cluster flowered Red/yellow blend
lady X (hybrid Tea)

AARS 1969, Hague 1963, Portland Gold Medal 1967, WRFS Hall of Fame 1991
White large flowered
Pink Peace
'Pink Peace' is a well known and very fragrant Hybrid Tea rose with a distinctive rather hard dusty deep pink color. The high centered flowers are large (4-1/2" to 6") and the petals are among the largest produced on any rose.
The blooms repeat well throughout the summer and fall, and the flowers last well after cutting. There is also a climbing form of 'Pink Peace'
'Pink Peace' received the Geneva Gold Medal in 1959.

Name: Pristine
Designation: JACpico
Class: Hybrid Tea Rose (Modern Large Flowered)
Hybridizer/Date: William A. Warriner, USA 1978
Parentage: White Masterpiece x First Prize
Fragrance: Strong, missing in hot weather
ARS Color:Pink edge, white, near white and white blend
Awards: Royal National Rose Society Certificate of Merit 1979, Portland Gold Medal 1979, Royal National Rose Society Edland Fragrance Medal 1979
22 to 30 petals

Cl Blaze
Climbing Knock out rose