你能確定不會崩盤嗎? 我不能....
(2008-09-03 06:33:31)
While stocks are the world\'s biggest thermometers, credit markets are the backbone. As such, the end game of these agendas is to induce an appetite for credit so corporate America can effectively issue secondary -- and in many cases, dilutive -- offerings.
Thus far, the litany of conduits, discount windows and auction facilities hasn\'t been able to do that. While they\'ve kept stock markets afloat, credit spreads remain at levels last seen during Bear Stearns.
I expect to see new inventions of financial engineering introduced with time.You can call it socialism, manipulation, intervention or desperation but make no mistake, the mandate is to avoid the unthinkable -- a stock market crash that sends an already fragile socioeconomic situation into a downside spiral that sucks the global capital market structure into an abyss.
Yes, it\'s scary but pretending it doesn\'t exist won\'t make it go away.