
USCIS Reportedly Admitted Some I-485 Approvals at Last Minutes W

(2007-07-06 08:08:43) 下一個
New York Times, http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/06/us/06visa.html?hp, has reported:
To complete the applications in time, the immigration agency put employees to work both days last weekend at service centers in Texas and Nebraska, immigration officials said. They said that 25,000 applications were processed in the final 48 hours before Monday’s deadline. In some cases, security clearances required by the F.B.I. were not entirely completed, immigration officials said. The agency approved some applications “when we were certain the process will be completed very shortly,” Mr. Aytes said.

The report also indicates that the State Department and the USCIS tend to disagree with each other for the root of the problem for the current fiasco. Earlier there was a report in the Washington Post that the USCIS denied that the USCIS worked ceaselessly and frantically during the weekends (two days) before July 1, but it has been admitted since then the employees indeed worked hard during the two days. According to the NY Times report, during the weekend alone, they approved 25,000 I-485 backlog applications.
We are afraid that the alleged admission of approval of I-485 application before completion of the security clearance is likely to face the legal challenge for violation of the rules which is likely one of the main claims of the AILF lawsuit as well as the political backfire as an issue of security lapse relating to the homeland security. It appears that the July visa bullen fiasco is going out of control and pushes the two agencies into an edge.
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