

a scary event

(2007-03-14 16:48:41) 下一個
Grade 3
Write a story to tell about a scary event

From :D

One day I was in my house, I was play with my brother in the sun-porch. Then the blue sky turns black. As black as night. Thunder clouds I said. I know that the darker it is the harder its going to rain.

Boom ! Flash!

It scared me, then it rained hard. Rain was coming in our house! The water was coming in the screen window. I hid in a small spot. We jumped high sometimes, because of the booms.

Boom! Flash!

We ran around crazy. It was so loud. It rained very hard! I could hear the rain bumping on the roof. There was more and more small booms. Every few little booms there was a big boom. Then it hailed. Small hail. I heard small ice balls falling on the roof. But then I looked outside from window. The wind was blowing hard. It looked like if the trees will break. A big tree fell over from our neighbor. Only a branch fell from our back yard--- A big branch

Then the storm was over. That was close I said. Then my dad came home. We changed the screen window in to a glass window. Then it was 9:00 PM .it was still not dark. It was pretty bright so we went outside and cutted the big branch into a pile of other logs.

We were tired. So we went inside. It was a little darked now.
We were creeped up because it is not dark as it used to be and it was 9:30PM .so I went to sleep.

It was a strange day. I have never see a night like it before. Everyday I tried to figure out what happened? I am still trying to compear all the dark nights to the bright night.

Day after day its getting scarer.

What have happened that day???

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