中華正國 英文名字Chinese decent



(2008-02-19 02:37:10) 下一個

[博訊論壇] 一、 中共的目的宗旨就是一黨專政、奴役他人


二、 中共為實現一黨專政,奴役他人都幹了些什麽?

1. 壟斷媒體,反對言論、新聞、出版、集會、遊行示威自由。

2. 堅持“黨指揮槍”,反對軍隊國家化。












三、 中共計劃逐步奴役全人類






現在受經濟利益驅動,有些人閉眼不看中國經濟在各方麵所實行的壟斷行政審批,不看大企業基本被中共政府操控的事實,硬要承認中 國為完全市場經濟國家,這隻能使中共的經濟更快的強大,推進中共奴役人類的步伐,這些人實在是為虎作倀,助紂為虐。更有甚者,如法國前總統希拉克之流的無恥小醜,竟公然要求歐盟解除對華武器禁運,這更會加快中共奴役全人類的步伐,中共的戰爭真的即將來臨了。


The Chinese Communist Party will enslave universe?

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Subject: The Chinese Communist Party will enslave universe?

[Abundant news forum] one, Chinese Communist Party's goal objective is the one party dictatorship, enslaves the other people

The Chinese Communist Party since does depend on the violence captures the political power the public slogan is "the party leads all", "the party directs the gun", "all obeys the party leader", "what the party calls to do to do what". The Chinese Communist Party lets Four Fundamental Principles' core which the Chinese must observe is "persisted the party leader", this principle lists as Four Fundamental Principles' most important principle. This principle is must cause the Chinese Communist Party to dominate above all other Chinese, leads the other people, the direction other people, the control other people, but the other people do not have the right, only has the duty which obeys.

May see from in Communist Party of China's slogan, the Chinese Communist Party had been established, the existence goal, the objective is oneself monopolizes all rights, namely the one party dictatorship, leads the other people with this kind of authority, uses the other people, the control other people, wants the other people absolutely to obey, only has the duty, does not have the right, this certainly also is enslaves.

Second, the Chinese Communist Party for realizes the one party dictatorship, what enslaved the other people all to do?

1. monopolies media, oppose the opinion, the news, the publication, the assembly, the demonstration freedom.
Says from the essence, everybody all are not willing by the other people to enslave. Therefore Chinese Communist Party for covers must enslave the other people the truth, the deceit common people, beautify oneself, the attack free world, date of from the ruling, starts to ban all not the media which is held by oneself controls, all monopolizes all media in the oneself hand, speaks by a sound, forbids all to be disadvantageous to the Chinese Communist Party one party dictatorship opinion sends out.

 Therefore, the Chinese Communist Party is from essentially opposed the freedom of thought, the freedom of the press, the publication, the assembly, the demonstration freedom, the Chinese Communist Party can freely let you in no way express your real thought, the real opinion by any form, such, how does it also deceive people, you want to obtain the expression freedom under the Chinese Communist Party rule, that really is the foolish delusion. Even if regarding the Chinese Communist Party media, certain a little consciences media people, told a truth, also often is the destiny is pitiful, the Chinese Communist Party can fabricate each kind of charge to renovate him, to suffer him, even executes him, and implicates him the family member.

The Chinese Communist Party now is pushing this kind of monopoly to Hongkong, Macao, buy the Hongkong, Macao media, hits the pressure, the threat free media person, causes them to keep silent, peacefully causes person like Li Zhuming, Liu Huiqing, Liang Guoxiong, the Chen side which other has the free democratic idea, Shen Ting to emit sound with difficulty, Hong Kong's and Macao's free space increasingly small, the Chinese Communist Party continues to rule, the people of Hong Kong are free finally also will certainly to lose, the people of Hong Kong also will certainly thoroughly to enslave. The Chinese Communist Party also will be monopolizing the media the method to push to the world, not only will be Hong Kong, including Taiwan will even be US'S partial media,

the media person looked like also has been bought by the Chinese Communist Party, will emit sound for the Chinese Communist Party, helps the Chinese Communist Party for to be wicked. The Chinese Communist Party also obtained on the media to the western democratic country victory, the lie which the Chinese Communist Party deceived people has been allowed in the free world free dissemination, is not limited by the western government the prohibition, but the freedom, the human rights, the democracy, the government by law idea by the Chinese Communist Party government strict limit, the prohibition are actually disseminated in China, even if on Internet, also "the harmful information" deleted these content achievement or the shield, Chinese Communist Party's overwhelming majority people hears to be free with difficulty, the real sound, had very many matters to the world not to understand the truth, whatever the Chinese Communist Party Explanation, twists, down to confused right and wrong, black and white inversion. If US is the free world flag,

it in order to maintain fairly is just, helps the world each place people to obtain the human rights, the freedom, relieves their shackles, helps them to get rid enslaves. But very many Chinese actually because of Chinese Communist Party to the media the monopoly thought US is bad very, the hegemonism, wilfully commits aggression against another country, instead sympathizes with the dictator, terrorist these enslaves the other people or the intention enslaves the other people the devil, like Saddam,ChaWeis, in Judd, Kim Jong Il, this • Radden, class of and its organization the Harney Asia. The Chinese Communist Party monopolizes, the buy media, the media person is causing the Chinese Communist Party gradually to realize to universe enslaving, certainly this kind enslaves finally must realize through the war. This kind of war quietly is arriving as if, the Chinese Communist Party now in the economy,

the military already sufficed formidable, when it thought when oneself enough was formidable, it could start the third world war, this world war perhaps take annexed Taiwan, eliminates the Taiwan democracy as a blasting fuse. This humanity will suffer the disaster frigidly to fear will be imagines with difficulty. If in the world quite part of people specially are the outstanding person characters all are confused by Chinese Communist Party's rumour, fills the fantasy to the Chinese Communist Party, is in Confuses you to the fantasy to the Chinese Communist Party in, aids the Chinese Communist Party, emphasizes and Chinese Communist Party's common interest, but positive cooperates with the Chinese Communist Party, that can cause the Chinese Communist Party enough to be rapidly formidable, then this war also could rapidly arrive.

2. persisted "the party directs the gun", opposition army nationalization.

The Chinese Communist Party must persist the one party dictatorship, enslaves the other people, depends on the monopoly media, spreads the rumour, covers the truth is only insufficient, because the rumour sometimes can reveal, truth some times cover. How by now managed? The chart poor dagger sees, the Chinese Communist Party can reveal is evil
 this, with the violence suppression request freedom, the request gets rid of the person which enslaves. 8,964 events are only example, "is alone" "the Tibetan independence to so-called the boundary" the suppression, to Falungong's persecution never is not so.

The maintenance persecution, maintains the violence suppression, must grasp the organizations to control violence - army. Therefore, Chinese Communist Party in any event. All is not willing to give up the army, throughout persists "party's direction gun". Firmly opposes the army nationalization. From now on in order to will enslave the expansion to universe, starts the third world war, the Chinese Communist Party also to have to grasp the army, and causes the army scale world first, including the armed police, China probably had the nearly 4 million standing armies, not only that, the Chinese military force strengthened day by day, it had the massive nuclear weapons, its weapon was allowed to destroy the satellite. But the western certain main pointses of administration unexpectedly thought Congress deeply loves peace,

has never realized Chinese Communist Party's essence enslaves the person, it in the domestic rule the performance is the despotic dictatorship, treats when its strength enough is formidable, inevitably to the overseas expansion, in the world dominates, the world supremacy is the domestic despotic dictatorship extends in the strength formidable time necessity, its essence is same, is must control the other people, enslaves the other people, only has realizes the democratic government by law, has the matter to depend on decides the rule consultation or the judicial organization ruling, only then has the home peace and world peace. The despotic strength has been formidable, the necessity causes the war.

 Therefore, the Chinese Communist Party rules China will be future world war most possible starting, even will be inevitable starting, if front Chinese Communist Party in enough will be formidable not the speech which will disintegrate. Laughable western certain main pointses of administration, if class of the French President Chirac, unexpectedly entices of economic for the Chinese Communist Party, wants European Union to relieve to the China arm embargo. Chirac and Nixon will be same, is solid is the person condemned for all time also, they will cause the Chinese Communist Party formidable to get up, cause the humanity to face the enormous disaster.

3rd, persisted the centralization, opposed local self-government, opposes the general election, the opposition separation of powers.

In China, Chinese Communist Party in order to enable oneself the effective control other people, enslaves the other people, right firmly grasping in the oneself hand, firmly opposed divides power, opposes the general election. It opposes in the horizontal aspect to divide power, opposes the separation of powers, the separation of powers can cause fairly, causes nobody to be able to control the other people, enslaves the other people, how the Chinese Communist Party also "leads all"?

In the vertical aspect advocated the centralization, advocated the lower level subordinates itself to the higher level, the entire party obeys the central committee, opposed local self-government, the local authority official central appointment, the higher authority appoints. If under autonomous, the general election, the official has elected by the populace, who also listens to the Central Party Committee, who also listens to the party. Therefore, can allow the place in no way to be true autonomously, can permit the general election in no way. Therefore the Chinese Communist Party to Xinjiang, Tibet populace's own requests on "is alone" "the Tibetan independence by the boundary" "the attack separationism" the name to suppress, to Hong Kong's general election request, then to National People's Congress releases the law,

 is divided and demoralized the democratic strength the method to delay. Speaking of Chinese Communist Party's essence, it until death cannot permit local self-government and the general election. Therefore the outside do not have to confuse by the Chinese Communist Party, so-called "the boundary is alone" "the Tibetan independence" "the separationism" "the Taiwan independence", all is not there people truly wants independently to exit from China, what here occurs is the human rights free democratic government by law and the despotic dictatorship struggle, is enslaves with instead enslaves the struggle.

If really has the democratic government by law, the unification splits also has any significance, the European Union several dozens countries in addition can in the various association be a body, much less the two sides across the Taiwan Strait originally once belonged to a country. Therefore, the Taiwan government should be many from the dictatorship despotic counter- freedom, the government by law human rights aspect attacks the Chinese Communist Party political power, supports Chinese populace's all free demands. Must do not announce the Taiwan independence in the form, causes the Chinese Communist Party to find starts the war the excuse. The international society also should support Taiwan to enter the association or to return the association request, the picture treats original Democratic Germany Federal Republic of Germany. South Korea,

North Korea are same, causes in the world any local people all not to abandon outside the United Nations, do not have to submit to Chinese Communist Party's pressure uses the different standard. Hong Kong's democratic strength should is the mainland democratic strength, the world democratic strength unites, mutually supports, do not have to confuse by Chinese Communist Party's false theory, Chinese Communist Party so-called "patriotic rule of Hong Kong by the people of Hong Kong ', only is another kind of excuse which the Chinese Communist Party rules as a dictatorship, it is in fact said is loyal to the Chinese Communist Party the rule by people port, Chinese Communist Party's running dogs governs the port. Any is patriotic, loves this country the people, cause them to obtain, the democratic government by law, the human rights freely,

is patriotic. Enslaves a country the people, actually said loves this country, this is Chinese Communist Party's lack of patriotism, it loves is only oneself, loves is only own dictatorship authority. The counter- freedom, the human rights, the democracy, the government by law person, is the vacation is patriotic, really loves oneself. Li Zhuming is patriotic, he loves is the Chinese people, the Taiwan people, therefore the Chinese Communist Party only then can slander him, Li Zhuming should receive common people's universal respect. The Hong Kong people struggle the general election, the struggle free motion should receive the international society the universal support.

4th, forbids all independent organization to exist, opposes the freedom of association.

The Chinese Communist Party must maintain the one party dictatorship, inevitably does not allow other organization to treat as an equal with him, does not permit besides organization independent existence. China just a being in power, suppressed the Ikuan sect, the sects and secret societies, now suppresses the underground church, suppressed Falungong, these organization therefore are suppressed the persecution, was not because they really had any wrong, but was because they most asked the independence, the freedom, the human rights, refused to accept from Chinese Communist Party's dictatorship arrangement, has contacted Falungong's people, knew practiced this merit many for good, is honest,

tolerantly treats people the person, really did not understand why the Chinese Communist Party did have to suppress them, was because did not understand the Chinese Communist Party did not allow the true independent organization to exist, opposed freedom of association this crux was at. Before the reform and open policy, the establishment often to the counter-revolutionary crime is executed without the Chinese Communist Party permission organization's people, previous two years, application registration "China Democracy Party" is average per person responsible average per person to sentence. Therefore, China is does not have the genuine folk organization, the Chinese Trade Union, the student association, the youth league, Women's Federation, disappear cooperates, an association, the writer's association, the bar association,

various democratic parties, the church, the school, the enterprise (public) and other each kind of organization all is the Chinese Communist Party careful choice arrangement leader, who refuses to accept from this kind of arrangement, can suffer the attack persecution. These organization can carry out the task which the Chinese Communist Party gives. Therefore, you have the social dealings with Chinese Communist Party's any organization, all was equal to is has the social dealings with the Chinese Communist Party, you to China's any aid, all were equal to is to the Chinese Communist Party the aid, you with China's all cooperations, all are equal to with Chinese Communist Party's cooperation. Even if after is the reform and open policy private enterprise, truly makes money the enterprise secretly genuine all people,

 often all are the Chinese Communist Party high-ranking officials, or relative of, the trusted subordinate the high-ranking official, in the onstage often are only its agent, had an accident fortunately lets these people take punishment for somebody else. All these enterprises were equal to the Chinese Communist Party the enterprise, the Chinese Communist Party arranges them to do any, they inevitably do any. The state-owned enterprise Does not use the explanation, their all behaviors have been able to represent the Chinese Communist Party the behavior, like the war industry enterprise sold to the Iranian weapon, the military technology, or forwards to the terrorist organization weapon,

the technology through North Korea, causes them to kill the maintenance free serviceman, destroys the free world the life and property or makes the terror, the manufacture chaotic in the common people, the manufacture is free to the democracy does not trust, weakens the free world the strength. These quietly sold to the rascal country, the terrorist organization weapon technology motion, certainly all is Chinese Communist Party's inciting, otherwise smuggles the munitions to have to receive punishes extremely again, the Chinese Communist Party now is by the covert form resistance free world, said is these organization's behaviors, once it thought the our own strength enough has been formidable, the hiding transfers publicly, did not have again to borrow hand of the these organization, at that time, the third world war perhaps had really to approach.

As for the true managed by the people enterprise, they survive also depend on with the local government official's relations, can make money, the property right person must listen to the Chinese Communist Party the speech to be able to survive. Because does not have the government by law, the Chinese Communist Party may and so on each kind of excuse cause you by the tax revenue to go bankrupt. Therefore has time the social dealings with China's folk enterprise also must full be careful, they also can carry out the task which the Chinese Communist Party gives. As for a capital, the foreign capital enterprise, the Chinese Communist Party also must set up the party branch in these enterprises, the Chinese Communist Party influence will seep to these enterprises in, will arrange Chinese Communist Party's personnel in these enterprises, will work for the Chinese Communist Party, carries out Chinese Communist Party's task.

 Does not listen to the enterprise which talks together about, not the enterprise which cooperates with the Chinese Communist Party, often cannot make money, even The qualification all compensated, even the person also can suffer reality of the Chinese Communist Party prison.

5th, wilfully plunders, nearly monopolizes all economical resources.

(1) monopolizes the land
The Chinese Communist Party is in power soon, soon the private land plunders, first hypocritical apportions the farmer, subsequently receives turns over to the state has, the Chinese land although will divide into so-called state-owned and the collective all, but in fact it for Chinese Communist Party private, won't other Chinese completely have the right control punishment land, how the Chinese Communist Party to want to punish to the land how punish. For example, so-called farmer collective all lands, how does the Chinese Communist Party want to use how to use,

they give the village official which they appoints to sign a contract, for the village official minute spot internal organs, for the farmer each Chinese acre 20,000 about compensating, hands over by each Chinese acre several hundred thousand, several million Yuan even more than ten million price sells, divides the booty with the developer, this is to farmer's wilfully plundering. Which block settled on to have the building the land, let the building owner relocate,Compensates the standard was low, did not agree opened cutts, revolts on the suppression. Chinese Communist Party's land system, through takes over for use may see with the relocation is the Chinese Communist Party wilfully plunders populace's one kind of system. The Chinese Communist Party now in fact monopolized Chinese all lands, the land but the human most precious economical resources, China's land but has been occupying the world approximately 1,/15!

(2) monopolizes the finance, the telecommunication, the transportation, the power supply, the water supply, for the oil, the heating, the tobacco, gains the sudden and huge profits from the monopoly.
For example the telecommunication, the handset communication expense, originally has the month to rent, but also bidirectional collects fees, but also has expensively roams the expense, causes the sudden and huge profits is cost several time, several dozens times. Gains the sudden and huge profits the way to plunder the Chinese populace, caused the Chinese Communist Party to amass wealth by heavy taxation the massive wealths by this way.

6. Joins the World Trade Organization, harm other country, expands oneself.

The Chinese Communist Party through joins World Trade Organization, wilfully encroaches upon the developed country intellectual property rights, massively carries on counterfeits, pirates, in addition in domestic wilfully embezzles, to delay, to resist to pay out the worker wages, causes the Chinese Communist Party inexpensive commodity to flood the international market. Enters the Chinese market to the overseas product to establish many barriers, if to the foreign import automobile establishment import automobilism permit system, a permit wants 780000, who also buys the foreign import automobile. This caused China to have the enormous trade surplus with his trade object country. Causes foreign the enterprise to be in the inferiority in the competition, even goes out of business the bankruptcy, the state economy declines, the populace are unemployed, the income reduces, the purchasing power reduces, also in turn also affects the enterprise the production.

Since the Chinese Communist Party has joined World Trade Organization, does not defend the world trade rule, has harmed other country, has harmed the world, expanded own, it has caused the world economics to fall into a confusion. But some person of blind Chinese Communist Party disturbs, the destructive effect to the world economics, actually said the US economic recession implicated the world, is really had not found the true reason. It can be said that, does not observe the World Trade Organization rule China, its economical strength more is formidable, is more serious to the world harm. Now he already take the formidable economy as the bait, submits like class of the Chirac not strong free human rights value idea western main points of administration, coerces most outstanding main points of administration like Germany Premier Merkel.

Third, the Chinese Communist Party plans gradually enslaves universe

Chinese Communist Party - take the dictatorship, enslaves the other people as the goal, for the political party, what formidable it can make after the economy? It can act according to own strength expansion to enslave the object. It first is by "the return" the name Hong Kong, Aomen will belong to own rule, will cause the Hong Kong Aomen compatriot gradually to lose freely, degenerates into enslaves the object. Then will be able to unify the name Taiwan will annex, causes the Taiwan people to enslave. Again further starts the world war, becomes the world overlord, enslaves universe.

The Chinese Communist Party to the Chinese several dozens years rule, causes China approximately 80 million people unusually to die, the Chinese also experienced suffering the Chinese Communist Party other each kind of form devastating with to suffer. China entire turned the big jail which a Chinese Communist Party establishes. It to the present up to, it on has surpassed the German Nazi by far to the universe harm, if it to "liberates universe" the name has enslaved the universe speech, then, the humanity suffers the misery really was imagines with difficulty.

Chinese Communist Party's economical strength has been so formidable, in 2007, only the state treasury tax revenue achieves more than 5000000000000 Renminbi, but also did not calculate it prints and distributes the massive bills, moreover, we cannot neglect, the implementation public ownership system centralization Chinese Communist Party, it can control the property is national all properties, says in light of this, its national strength has surpassed in the world any country. Its economic status far from at that time started Second World War Germany to be able to compare. Take the dictatorship, enslaves the other people as the evil political party, not the formidable economical strength will transform as formidable military force that only then blames. It does not fund in the world by each kind of form all evil strength that only then to blame. The Chinese Communist Party gathered world each kind of evil strength under the oneself flag,

world each kind of evil strength now only Chinese Communist Party's following the lead, China now has become world each kind of evil strength the supreme headquarters. Kim Jong Il, in Judd,ChaWeis, Hamas, Burmese military government, this • Radden, all take the Chinese Communist Party as the biggest backer. Through Iran, North Korea to the world each kind of evil strength transportation weapon and the military technology, kill the maintenance free United States military soldiers, only is the Chinese Communist Party supports each kind of evil strength one kind of form. It can by each kind of form attack free world, in particular free world flag - US, because US is the Chinese Communist Party realizes enslaves the world the biggest barrier, it especially can strive with each kind of form to destroy American the economy, weakens American the military force. The economical military unprecedented has been formidable also day by day the formidable Chinese Communist Party, has become the human security the biggest threat, Iran, North Korea, this • Pulls Dan, Hamas to the human security threat, compares with the Chinese Communist Party, only is feels dwarfed. Chinese Communist Party's question does not solve,

 the Iranian nuclear question, the dynasty nuclear question, the Iraq security problem, the Burmese question, the Sudanese question all totally cannot solve or is very difficult solve, because these questions behind all have the Chinese shadow the existence, the Chinese Communist Party is must use these questions, or intends to make some questions again, the free world Tows mire, the American Tows mire, gradually will weaken the free world the strength, will expand own strength to seep to world each quoin. You looked, when US falls into the Iraqi war mire, Chinese Communist Party's each kind of spies seep to in US'S each kind of organization, including the enterprise, the student organizes, the official organization, the overseas Chinese organization and so on various organization, the Chinese Communist Party sovereignty fund  chart to infiltrate the western various countries, holds by the chart influence controls there economy, politics, thought the oneself future will start the third world war, will conquer, enslaves universe to prepare.

Nixon curries favor with to the Chinese Communist Party, admits China is the United Nations member nation, and causes China to become United Nations Security Council one of five permanent members, but free Taiwan will compel the United Nations, enable the world to plan greatly wrong, caused the Chinese Communist Party to be increasingly big to the world political influence strength, became the world biggest devil for the Chinese Communist Party to lay the foundation, will cause the humanity to face the biggest disaster, the Nixon actually person condemned for all time.

In China although reform and open policy, but is not genuine market economy time, the world unexpectedly admits China to become the World Trade Organization members, this is the free world violates in a big way one is wrong, this causes the Chinese Communist Party through the infrigement intellectual property rights, massively counterfeits, pirates, establishes each kind of non- tariff barrier to the overseas commodity, squeezes out the Chinese worker blood and sweat, makes the inexpensive commodity, causes the Chinese commodity to flood the world, enables the foreign commodity while to enter China, also has lost its domestic market, but also causes business failure, the tax source to lose, the national strength weakens, the worker was unemployed, falls the firewood, reduced the domestic purchasing power, Has also affected the various countries' domestic market from this point. The Chinese Communist Party is such simply does not observe the World Trade Organization rule, destroys the world economics through each shameless method, causes the world economics to fall into a confusion, causes the Chinese economy rapidly to rise.

Now the economic actuation, some people is closed one's eyes did not look the Chinese economy the monopoly administration examination and approval which implements in various aspects, did not look the big enterprise is basically held by the Chinese Communist Party government the fact which controls, insists to acknowledge China for the complete market economy country, this only can cause the Chinese Communist Party an economical quicker great strength, advances the Chinese Communist Party to enslave the humanity the step, these people really are help an evildoer do evil, help a tyrant do evil. And what is more, if class of the French former president Chirac shameless comedian clown, unexpectedly blatantly requests European Union to relieve to the China arm embargo, this could speed up the Chinese Communist Party to enslave universe the step, Chinese Communist Party's war really coming soon.

The world deep love free people, did not have by Chinese Communist Party's rumour deceit, not to have again to fall into again each kind which the Chinese Communist Party made Confuses you to the fantasy

 in, did not have to entice by Chinese Communist Party's economic, did not have to be swayed by personal gains and losses for the for a while economic, should clearly recognize the Chinese Communist Party the essence, resisted the Chinese Communist Party together, disintegrated the Chinese Communist Party. Support world just free representative - Merkel, tall is high, wheat Tass,HaBai, supports Taiwan, supports Dalai. The world democratic strength should rapidly unite, establishes a world democratic league, distinguishes between the United Nations, not Chinese Communist Party sincere elbow. The free world should adjust the global strategy, should number one enemy which takes the Chinese Communist Party the human security, but other evil influences are only Chinese Communist Party's foot soldier attendants. If does not adjust the strategy, but continues to aid the Chinese Communist Party, cooperates with the Chinese Communist Party, causes China to be more formidable, Taiwan very quickly enslaves by the Chinese Communist Party, the world enslaves by the Chinese Communist Party possibly also becomes the reality. Fearful prospect! 
Firmly supports US to pursue wheat lofty aspiration this kind of Chinese

My family's dog a communist party is better than 27 orderliness by

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