中華正國 英文名字Chinese decent



(2007-12-05 07:38:10) 下一個

Beam of light of loved courage and Yoshi-- Kei
"Democratic fighter prize of China of Cau" of the fourth stage of the fund association of the life is 1st place recently against Hahayashi and the won word studied with strict accuracy.
The friend who comes back from the continent ..".. says to me that it becomes China today and a complete country of the desire, and everyone () also has crushed him all under the mortar with large money. "

China is getting sick. As for this sickness, gradually changing makes the air contamination and the river become to stinky;"Cancer village" and "AIDS village" are promoted, and in this sickness, the village falls, and is made to die by a no interest without villager's voice;It ..pit.. collapses, and the work away from home farmer ..this sickness.. has it meet with a tragic death;This sickness was caused so that it was flooded to the commodity of pretender's lie, and sincerity and confidence may lose;It is far apart that this sickness intensified rich and poor, sore of the rot of a rich hierarchy in an extremely small part, and the usual people are hard day by day in life;This sickness becomes small, keeps silent, is paralyzed of the spirit, and paralyzes the people by the sense. It enters, crushing is separated, and it ..The people in the taken nation and the front for the sense to be able to forget the soup of the satan who has been paralyzed, to drink it for one, to do, and to be possession (taking of the abyss further at once to the sickness).. doesn't understand again harmoniously.

The situation was already in now in this in "Sickness of the arbitrary decision" that China half impaired the century this due to fatal disease and there was seriously no saving way. It rapidly persecutes it, and as for the people of the arbitrary decision, the secret wants to shut therefore further, to reside in a brave mouth, and to strangle a good-natured mind on the other hand boastfully because of the other for their results. At one time..rattler..kind of..please..features..expect..ignorant..see..child..various..world..temptation..run..feel..people..provide.Because they expect morality to sweep ground by the face of each district, and the japanese aralia or the expression that will remain in the future or is not lucky either stiffens, and the general public who enters a minimum space is pressed to China by breathing difficulties, the system of the arbitrary decision can keep being steadily operated like Ban'ishi.

A Chinese prison burns a democratic spirit of China, and tries to annihilate it in persecute such seeming burn the stove of the corpse by not one seeing. It hesitates in it only in seeing in a democratic, large goalmouth expecting it of everyone because more people are blackmailed. It is not separately on the history of the example of the hesitation only in seeing without. When a lot honest, brave people order to start on a journey to the paradise all in the accommodation place of Nazis or new Nazis at last century. It gave birth to vinegar and fear universally therefore with the company most imaginative, and the most much criticism of a republican ideologist in France of the spirit. China..clan..family..annihilate..have..history..involvement..become..similarly..successive..refined..race..hard..constancy..worship..spirit..life..further..sublime..China..writer..compared with..see..have..large-minded..spirit..change..provide.

I know, and however, I believe cooking, and, then, am always opposing a despotic system my belief through all eternity for energetic desertification of such all races who some people, resist tenaciously by using the body that my blood passed from strength, and are blocking and energetic democratic annihilation. They are a tenacious do green plants in rare A, and are standing strongly and straight in the desert assumed to be spacious of confusing the desire of yellow brown in the cloud of dust, the cloud of dust, starvation, dryness, and one side. Their numbers of people and the hugeness with which the person is pleased without far becoming it are transferred. The kind of a bell that existed however of them, and was big warned us: There was only a person who was alive like them, and it is finally unfettered ..no energetic finally prisoner it.. .... with the pressure of the soul.

It is five days in December of today and one. It is all these days of every year, and the days that "Democratic fighter prize of China of Cau" wins. We commended Azumadake, Kure Ruu, Nishi (winner of the second stage in 2005) of Todoishine, Masaru (winner of the first stage in 2004), and the admonition, and Clwatoos, Shuucocorozaei, and Hayashi (winner of the third stage in 2006) one after another for past three years. Die to a democratic fighter and that these won, exist, get a malformation, and send it being persecuted is exciting it, it is confined still, it prepares in the prison, it is destroyed, and it exists, and it holds fast to the democratic anti-day war at the awkward position, and the threat of the safety of the body is always received. It is a boast as their existence and our race's honor;More their winning before, and brave is taken, goes forward one after another following the person , ahead encouraging people, participates, and comes in a democratic procession.

It is a day that "Democratic fighter prize of China of Cau" of today's the fourth stage wins. Because it is hoped that we encounter the body in a little prize at the time of concrete help at one o'clock of people at the awkward position (point) because this democratically does people of an important sacrifice to ownership by it by us for China, expresses Takashi, loves attention of admiration as well as before, and the day of thanks is loved, the chance to express gratitude for greeting the family and relatives from whom we are made the involvement of ownership is expressed.

This year's encouragement learns two people from Hahayashi with strict accuracy and there is a share combination. It studies in Qinghai University Hit of Anhui 45 ..Hahayashi teacher.. years old of a present age before, and the prison is confined now and it destroys it. It becomes a democrat who receives a strong influence of the movement of a democratic wall in 1978 on Hahayashi before at the university, accepts the thought of a democratic idea and human rights, and hardens it. It is captured, and he confines many times, and is imprisoned four times by the political power of the arbitrary decision of Chinese Communist Party without yielding without tenaciously surrendering on the first year of 20 or more to what deeply fitting in the prison and crowding in total up to the present for 13 years.

It positively participates in 8 and nine democracy movement, and it does in Anhui before the aspect, and the Hahayashi teacher adjusts the student with the establishment of the worker's organization, is caught by the government of the arbitrary decision of Chinese Communist Party, and adds "It is advertised that the counterrevolution (molecule) agitates the crime", gives the penalty, and is imprisoned about many. After it is released from prison, he continues to the democratization activity, is engaged, does before the aspect, establishes the organization of illegal excess democracy movement, takes charge of the whole country of "The right of the worker in China secures the alliance" of the leader of the organization of Nenhal of Beijing, and reports the person. It arrests to the encounter, and it judges, and runs (Pass) and is not adjudicated to the confinement of "Three ..thought remodeling.. years by labor to the criminal" by repeated authorities for this.

It comes to the United States obtaining release Hahayashi and the visa by the sentence completion in 1997. When he arrived at the United States, he offered it to a large amount of help for the work in the fund association of the democratization activity and Cau that positively participated in foreign countries in daily life. He abandons freedom without closing back in morality, returns to a Chinese continent quietly, exposes an unhappy position so that original ..him.. may promote a democratic business of China safely in foreign countries more effectively, and repeated captures the confinement with three years ..authorities of Chinese Communist Party.. A.

As much as one thing Hahayashi is already awful, is poor, and doesn't exist because the person arrives at the middle age after reeducating by labor releases it in 2001. Speech that he behaves receives all watches as an important person in the blacklist of not only so but also Chinese Communist Party. He holds fast to the decision of a democratic movement, and however, he chooses to enlighten the method to enlighten and to write the manuscript of the freedom of the culture of the people of one country and knowledge, and does a democratic activity at all continuously the shake because of that. He announces the opinion, criticizes current politics, and advertises a democratic idea strongly for several years outside the fantastic idea heaven of several hundred thousand characters. The organization of the character that provides a lot of bases without regretting the fatigue for a democratic business of China of the future works at the same time by him. It is arrested again while it goes to Tokyo in 2005, it participates in Zhao, Ziyang's remains, and it bids farewell to it, the crime is told, and the penalty is given for five years. At that time, the Hahayashi teacher protests when it shortly fasts on the 50th in prison, and he or she criticizes the assault of Chinese Communist Party severely.

It is helped worth of taking up like coming to spend a large amount of energy in one year ahead of the Hahayashi teacher's being arrested of that before and to promote a continental labor movement, and understanding power that defends my right rights and interests to engineer apprentice's people. It at the right time made known in large quantities through a continental situation of the labor movement and the effort of Hahayashi, it gave to the fund association of Cau, it made known similarly, and it arrived at each corner of the world.

It gives birth in strict learning and 1944, and Chekiang stand state person and he are democratic fighters who do not always change in addition with the painter and the writer in the artist of the act. He will enter the painter village of Beijing En'aen in 1989, be engaged in the work of art that stands primly, and be done by us because of the village chief. After the violence of Beijing City Department of Public Safety is prosecuted corresponding to an awful ordinance to the performance of a Chinese government, the people are repressed, human rights is violated, and it arrests it instantly in 1994, he is imprisoned in 1993. It learns with strict accuracy after two years, it is released from prison, "The painting exhibition of the prison is strictly learnt" is held in Beijing, and, therefore, it is indicted that it is not humane of the political power of Chinese Communist Party. It bites and the section of the government of) ..(of how many of ten such as the board of educations.. works the prosecution many times at Beijing for him not to slacken, to hold out, to do the people, and to appeal for "Performance" of on him. He does the petition and the speech that organizes the meeting of the lawful march, does the rot sweeping in a public way, and signs, and is paved again therefore in June, 1999 in 1999.

It is widely reported to domestic and foreign media that "The government is prosecuted and prostitution is done" is learnt with strict accuracy, it is called, "Those who sue it about the first public interest of China", and becomes one of the artists of the act owing the highest continental fame in 2001.

It is learnt to hold 《 The painting exhibition of the prison is learnt with strict accuracy 》 toward United States New York responding to an invitation with strict accuracy in 2003, and is engaged in an art and a democratic activity in post-New York. Chekiang stand state the police, the prosecution, and the court are dark after half a year and it returns to the protested Chinese continent to disturb the persecution to the person of the art. He takes the lead, puts out "It calls for the abolition of the system to which thought is remodeled by labor at once", and sends the open letter of Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao in 2004. "hopes to verify this world by the act of the art, and to cast a high stone monument that remains future generations for a long time do not collapse in race's soul indefinitely because he also positively manages for 64 people and defends. "(The word is studied with strict accuracy. )

The person of him of recognition is made not to slacken with strict accuracy, to learn the spirit that holds out, and to admire it extremely. His holding fast for ten-odd years helps to advertise a democratic idea widely with arms that use the performance, to defend the justice of the art in rivalry with a government not humane, and to appeal to the people suppressed 40 several times, and because the weak layer defends, it 100 several times, for this, he gets danger arrested receiving the most much loss of the living right of the minimum, the disturbance many times, and the persecution, hitting, and receiving the wound, and the encounter to the murder of the traffic accident, the imprisonment of both, and reaching to the number of 13 times. The accusation to which repeated "The political power of the nation is agitated and the overthrown crime is agitated" is finally added in 2007 falls into the prison, and ..penalty.. is given for three years.

It has the place where a lot of common people are made impressed to learn two people to Hahayashi strict. First of all, they do not all yield by the man of firm character to what. Wish that devotes democratically oneself to which it is arrested facing 13 times and penalty is given, and Hahayashi teacher has not shaken all strictness study teachers for China at life facing prison of four times. The Hahayashi teacher has time more than ..spending.. Han in an adult and a dark by contraries prison later. However, all democratic movements start again without closing after he secures freedom every time back in morality. The strictness study teacher is this. It has the painter of the occupation of the paintbrush, and one hand be seeming a sentence or less, and a simple writer sensitive in people's eyes. The painter's people's seeing in surprise, and learning with strict accuracy cannot become slight for one minute by arresting the death when arriving at still extreme the prison and the entire sound of his protest devotion, the strong like this strike of the pursuit, the plot, and news, and hitting and no relations to. this by contrariesIt learnt to Hahayashi strict, and they did for the intellect in brave China of the oncoming generation, and never waved on the inside, never trembled tremblingly in the blackmail of the whip made of leather, and wrote one brilliant brush for Shica of the democracy movement of China bloody and rough.

In the courage that they loved because it learns the place where the second two common people are made impressed by Hahayashi strict, it flames about Yoshi. Democratic..idea..neglect..pursuit..provide..all..free..foreign countries..life..maintain..abandon..voluntary..human rights..situation..extremely..bad..China..continent..return..voluntarily..democratic..fight..line..decrease..)..enter.To the deprivation of the sympathy of the general public who is based on such their selections, reading of several years, and the ideas, and encounters human rights and mind and body's painful eyes. To be able to say, and for the general public's love to maintain those who guide it in a correct direction to Yoshi and them of I in the labyrinth of a modern soul, it leads. Two people are learnt with strict accuracy and is declared to be Hahayashi to us bravely of what, and it is unfaltering what, and reason what. These love all people based on love of China, are based, and maintain a basic demand of my Yoshi in the awkward position and confusion. We think that it is a principle of not only no love of China and one kind of feelings but one kind of lives with the general public. The presence of the government of our arbitrary decision that seems to be strong acquires the most fundamental source of courage to it. It can have the wish for the sacrifice because of the finally sincere hope because one talent throws away Ai to the self because of such love and pursuit to fame and fortune can be thrown away.

All our always entire presence of the person has been faced to the selection. There is a form of three kinds of selections. One kind of unavoidable selection is done under the threat. Because we however ..the regret of sadness to the person.. cannot severely criticize such a selection, we after all cannot request the entire patriot ..everyone ().. to become it. It is to doing of the second kind of selection and people the time of the selection by its free will when possible. A correct selection can be positively done by leading love, Yoshi, and people at this time. Because at least one thing can be done by the person of Yoshi ..way of the Solzhenitsyn place.. having, calling, and there, and that preserves silence, it flaps and it doesn't set it up in brutal power. However, the selection of the third kind of situation : very much. --Selection made under no helping person for exchange of not to permit under pressure of cruelty, and not to understand situation that character knows about freedom when crisis of life might be lost, and it arrives at loneliness and extreme if arriving at extreme. The real value of Hit is understood in a severe trial at this time. Such a selection, the selection of praise and impression that the profit of the general public in China did not dislike me of the sacrifice that did the purpose was worth, the beam of light of Yoshi, it flamed of love, and the example to make the person impressed to bring us a huge encouragement was established. Hahayashi and the strictness study teacher are one bunch of this flame. Today..commend..this..flame..firmly..remember..further..shine..this..flame..further..a lot..person..such..flame..become..encourage..democratic..fire..roaring..burn..have.However, the base of a despotic system can be crushed by extending by burning finally thoroughly because it always burns for a long term.

The purpose of the day that every year wins is the thing generated before 29 years commemoration it chooses on December 5. Today's Cau teacher in 1978 announced "Democratic ..the fifth modernization.. ..-.." epoch-making a wall west single democratic, beat the sound of China modern, democratic bell, and sounded it. For this, he spent 18 spring and autumn in the prison in his youth by a huge healthy, free price. We at this time commemorate ..hero who goes forward one after another.. transfer to the road in ..drinking.. China from At then democratic as for saying following a previous person recollecting the sound of the entire bell of this history. Such a hero shows up one after another to the relief because of pleasure. It sees, and we are some excellent, democratic Hitoshi some, and agree for you may die shouting hurriedly or neither silence nor to give birth. They are some brave fighters, and it is lofty without tenaciously surrendering, and they do a political power of the arbitrary decision and powerful contention also to some by using the body that the head and the blood of my wisdom passed. This is to make it relieved because it is very pleased with the person.

Because we are pleased, it is relieved, and we are painful and have fretted one's gizzard. When we are fortunately enjoying freedom again, the person in question of the person of a lot of brave democracy movement prepares the fall in the prison and has passed the destroyed day. Such darkness is that the normal person can not imagine it cruel, and solitarily. The stream involvement that their family and the relative received and tears and outsider can completely acquire it from experience, and it is neither nor. Feeling uneasy it makes further in these two "Sacrifice" words and phrases and the cold in winter and it comes to do. Only our hoping promulgates a fighter prize democratic Cau of the fourth stage, the reverence to everyone's victim of us, respect, support, and thanks can be expressed on a constant level, we are expressed, it is suitable, and receives the comfort with ..relative of the family of involvement.. thanks.

In the sky and Akira in December, it is severe, is cold, and is empty. It notifies of the coming of possible intense cold beforehand. However, can "It notifies winter to have already come beforehand, and it is far much from spring again" be done?Vietnam burns Co without easily stopping because the first cold on the day of such a season and winter exists, and it does and the warmest stove on the day of winter exists, and the flame of Yoshi continues to the oak for a long time. Do the fire of the volcano where the snowstorm of a democratic fire and the heavy rain of China cannot be erased, and it begins ..red, democratic sky.. to burn.

The reward is said to inclining everyone's ear. The fund association
of Cau is a yellow Itscshi (Sign) December 5, 2007 when the chief is

愛する勇気、良知の光芒 -- 魏京
生の基金會の第4期の"魏京生の中國の民主的な闘士賞"は張林、厳正に學ぶ授賞する語に対して 最近、1位ち



このような迫害の中で、中國刑務所は1基の見えないのが死體のストーブを燃やすようです、中國の民主的な精神を焼いて、殲滅することを試みます。それは更に多くの人を恐喝して、みんなに期待して民主的な大きいゴール前で見ただけでしり込みします。見ただけでしり込みする例、歴史の上で別になくありません。前世紀、多くで正直で勇敢な人々はすべてナチスあるいは新しいナチスの収容所の中で浄土へ旅立つことを命じますと。中隊が最も想像力に富んで、最も精神のフランスの共和主義者を批判することを持って、そのためあまねく酢と恐れをも生みました。 中國は一族、一家を全滅させる歴史に巻き添えになって、同じくかつて歴代に高尚な品格と固い節操をあがめ尊んで、精神を生命の更に崇高な中國の文人に比べて見させました、それから彼らの豪放なことの、気骨の聲調を変えましたあります。
















毎年の授賞する日は12月5日に選んで、記念します29年前に発生する事のためです。 1978年の今日、魏京生先生は西単で民主的な壁は畫期的な"第5の近代化する-民主"を発表して、中國の近代的で民主的な鐘の音をたたいて鳴らしました。このために、彼は自分の青春、健康と自由な巨大な代価で、監獄の中で18春秋過ごしました。この時、私達はすべてこの歴史の鐘の音を追想して、それではの後から中國で民主が言うことを路上に先の者に続いて次々と突き進む勇士達振りかえって記念します。喜んで安心したのは、このような勇士は次々と現れます。私達は見て、いくつかはまたいくつかの優秀な民主人士です、むしろ慌ただしく叫んで死んでもよくて、沈黙して生むことを承知しません。いくつかはまたいくつかの勇敢な闘士です、粘り強く屈伏しないで、堂々として、彼らは自分の知恵の頭と血の通った肉體を使って、獨斷の政権と力強い抗爭を行います。これはたいへん人を喜んで安心させることです!



ます 黃慈萍 (署名し
ます) 2007年12月5日
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Courage of Love, Flames of Conscience
-- Prize Dedication to Zhang Lin and Yan Zhengxue as Awardees of the Fourth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" by the Wei Jingsheng Foundation

December 5, 2007
A few days ago, one of my friends who just came back from a trip to China told me: "Nowadays, China has become like a place for fulfilling desires. Everyone is working themselves to death in the quest for wealth."

China is sick. This sickness causes polluted air, stinky rivers; this sickness creates "Cancer villages" and "AIDS villages" where the villages are disappearing and the farmers are dying without being noticed; this sickness causes mines to collapse and bury workers on the site; this sickness has broken down trust in society due to millions of fake and dangerous merchandise; this sickness has enlarged the gap between the rich and the poor, with a few rich people living a rotten and corrupted life while the majority of the common people suffer more and more; this sickness has also kept people quiet out of fear with a numbed spirit...the people of this sick country are facing a bowl of magic evil soup, a soup of forgetfulness and numbness. If one drinks from it one will fall into the abyss of suffering, be crushed without even realizing it.

It is the "autocracy disease," China has had it now for more than half a century. It is an incurable disease in its last dying stage. The dictators are at once elated with their creation, and yet also secretly speeding up the persecution, in order to silence the brave voices and snuff out the kind hearts. They hope one day to smile like a rattlesnake, watching Chinese people rush into worldly desires like innocent kids. They hope morality will be swept into the trash pile and what will remain in China are either lucky good-for-nothings, or dead-seeming, hardly-breathing common people who are pressed into a tiny place. Thus the Chinese autocratic system can keep its rock-like grip on power forever.

In this persecution, the prisons in China are like an invisible crematorium, trying to burn up and destroy the democratic spirit in China. It threatens more people hoping they will flinch in front of the door of democracy. This kind of fear has been seen before. In the last century, many brave and righteous people were killed in Nazi or Neo-Nazi concentration camps. They made French Republicans become so reluctant and filled with dread even though they had been very independent thinkers with a great spirit of criticism. In China, we know that "implicate nine generations" and "exterminate the whole family and confiscate all the property" of the Chinese history was so cruel that it silenced Chinese intellectuals, who once valued one's spirit more than life; and for generations used bold and unrestrained voices to advocate good causes and noble character.

However, I know, I believe, and I always trust that there is a kind of hero who can stand up firmly, using his own blood and flesh to stop the destruction of the soul of the nation, against the dictators annihilation of the democratic spirit. Such heroes exist like stubborn green plants in the sandy, dry, deadly desert that is full of lust. The number of these heroes is not as large as we wish, but their existence is like a large bell tolling all the time and reminding us: if we live like them we can avoid being a prisoner in spirit with the soul-handcuffed.

Today, it is once again December 5. On this day of every year it is the time to announce the winners of the annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize". In the past three years, we presented the prize to Hu Shigen and Liu Xianbin as the first annual prize winners in 2004; Yu Dongyue, Wu Yilong and Chen Xi as the second annual prize winners in 2005, and Guo Feixiong, Zhou Zhirong and Lin Mu as the third annual prize winners in 2006. Among those winners of the Chinese Democracy Champion Prize, some is already deceased, some have been driven insane, some are still suffering inhuman torment in prison, and some are in society fighting the cruel and turbulent situation, facing danger every day. They are the glory and pride of our nation. The awards they received have encouraged more brave and clear-minded people, waves upon waves of people, to join the ranks of those advocating democracy.

Today is the day for the fourth annual award announcement. As usual, it is the time for us to show our admiration, respect, and appreciation to these people who sacrificed for Chinese democracy, an opportunity for us to provide limited monetary help to those people who are suffering in a difficult situation, and also a chance to comfort and show our gratitude to their family members, relatives and friends who are all persecuted together.

The prizewinners this year are Zhang Lin and Yan Zhengxue.

Forty-five year old Zhang Lin is from Bengbu of Anhui province. He once studied at QingHua University, but now is in prison. When Zhang Lin was as a college student, he was influenced by the 1978 Democracy Wall Movement, and thus accepted the idea of democracy and human rights and became a steadfast democracy fighter since then. For the past 20 years, he has been always adamant and indomitable. He was detained and imprisoned many times by the Chinese government and has been sent to jail four times and spent a total of 13 years in prison.

Mr. Zhang Lin participated in the 1989 Democracy Movement in China and was a key person to establish and coordinate many student and worker organizations in Anhui province. He was arrested by the government and charged with "propagandizing and inciting counter-revolution" and was imprisoned for that. After he was released he continued to participate in the democracy movement, helping to establish several underground democratic organizations, and was the chief coordinator for "China Workers Rights Defense Alliance" lead by Liu NianChun of Beijing. For this, he was arrested again and sentenced to three years of "Re-Education through Labor" without trial.

In 1997, after being released from prison, Zhang Lin obtained a visa to travel to the United States. When he arrived in the U.S. he immediately started to work for the Wei Jingsheng Foundation and provided a lot of help. He could stay in the United States and enjoy freedom and a better life, but he decided to go back to Mainland China in order to help the Chinese democracy movement in the most effective way. Unfortunately, his secret return failed, and he was arrested again for the third time and was put in prison for three years.

After his release in 2001, Mr. Zhang Lin was already a middle-aged man, poor with nothing left. Moreover, as one of the people at the top of the government's blacklist, his actions and words were highly monitored. But he never changed his determination to push for democracy in China. He then chose the path of independent writing, as a way to inspire democracy. In a few years he had published hundreds of articles and commentaries that attacked government policy and spread democratic ideals. Meanwhile, he endured many difficulties in doing foundational organizational work for the future movements. In 2005 he was once again arrested while traveling to participate in Mr. Zhao ZiYang's funeral in Beijing. He was sentenced to five years. That year, he was on hunger strike for almost 50 days in prison as a protest of the Chinese government's inhuman violence.

I need to point out that during the year before Mr. Zhang Lin's sentencing, he contributed greatly to encouraging workers' rights movements, to help workers to defend their own rights and to protect themselves in the best way. Through Zhang Lin's effort, information about Chinese workers and rights defending effort in Mainland China was passed to the Wei Jingsheng Foundation and then to the whole world.

Mr. Yan Zhengxue was born in 1944 in Taizhou of Zhejiang province. He is not just an artist, writer, and artist-in-action, but also a long-term advocate of democracy. He moved into Beijing's Yuanmingyuan artist village in 1989, and was chosen as the head of the village. In 1993 he sued the Beijing police department for its crackdown of people's artistic freedom, violation of human rights etc. As a result, he was thrown in prison in 1994. Two years later, after he was released, he held "Yan Zhengxue Prison Art Work Show", as a way to denounce the government's inhuman conduct. Because of his persistence in his special "action art"-- the civilian-suit-against-government, he has been sued by more than a dozen government departments, such as Beijing Reform-Through-Labor Department. In June of 1999, he was arrested due to a lawful demonstration in which he gave a speech to the public to call for a petition and signatures against corruption.

In 2001, Mr. Yan Zhengxue's brave action of suing the government as a social evil was widely reported by world media. He then was called "The first person to sue in China for the public good" and became one of the most famous artists-in-action in Mainland China.

Yan Zhengxue was invited to hold a "Yan Zhengxue Prison Art Work Show" in New York, United States in 2003. He stayed in New York City to continue his artistic and democracy movement work. Half a year later, he voluntarily went back to China in order to protest the oppression and harassment of artists by the Zhejiang, Taizhou government and legal system. He led an open letter to Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, to appeal for abolishing "Re-Education-through-labor". He also came to defend the 1989 Democracy Movement, and "use artistic action to prove this world, in an effort to mold an eternal monument within the spirit of our nation." (Quoted from Yan Zhengxue's own words.)

Mr. Yan Zhengxue's persistence in the democracy movement has earned him great respect. For more than 10 years, he has used "action art" as a powerful weapon to promote democratic ideas, to resist an inhuman government, and to protect the justice of art. He has helped people to sue the government more than 40 times and has defended disadvantaged groups more than 100 times. Because of this he has lost his basic rights and was harassed and oppressed many times; beating, intimidation, and even attempted murder by automobile "accident." He has been arrested as many as 13 times. In 2007, he was sentenced to three years for "inciting to overturn the government".

Both Zhang Lin and Yan Zhengxue have many moving characteristics. First, they are both tough guys, indomitable despite suppression. Mr. Zhang has faced imprisonment four times and Mr. Yan has been arrested 13 times. But it never shakes their determination for democracy in China. Of Mr. Zhang Lin's adulthood, more than half of his life has been spent in the dark cells of prisons. But whenever he is free, he has always immediately started taking action for democracy without hesitation. Similar to Mr. Zhang Lin, Mr. Yan Zhengxue also has amazing qualities as a democracy advocate. In people's minds artists are sensitive, weak and simple, yet this artist Yan Zhengxue can be persistent and strong. Despite being tailed, plotted against, electric shocked and beaten up, or under arrest or locked in prison, even facing possible death, he never lowers his voice of protest. Mr. Zhang Lin and Mr. Yan Zhengxue, as brave Intellectuals in China, without fear they have faced the bloody battle and have written a glorious page in the history of Chinese democracy.

The second moving characteristics about both Zhang and Yan are their courage of love and flame of conscience. They pursue democracy and gave up the freedom of living aboard. They voluntarily went back to China and devoted themselves to fighting on the frontier of the Chinese democracy movement. Their choice is from study and independent thinking for many years, as well as from their sympathy towards the pitiful common people. Needless to say, love of the common people and one's own conscience are the pilot in the modern soul-maze. The actions done by Mr. Zhang and Mr. Yan show us the meaning of bravery, determination, and rational thinking. These valuable characteristics are based on a love of China and the Chinese people and based on the essential maintenance of one's conscience, especially amidst chaos and difficulties. We think love toward the common people is not just an emotion; it is a principle of how to live. It is the root source that gives us courage to endure the pressure of the seemingly strong dictatorship. With this love, one can give up love of self, and give up desire for fame and money; then one can have a strong will to sacrifice oneself for Chinese democracy.

Everyday we face a choice. There are three kinds of choices. The first one is the choice we have to make under political pressure. This kind of choice is regrettable, but we cannot blame it too much since we cannot ask everyone to become a martyr. In the second case, people have a certain freedom to make a choice using one's own will. In this case, conscience and love can guide people to make a correct and positive selection. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said: one with conscience can at least do one thing, that is, keep silent, do not add to the flame of the evil fire. However, in the third case, the situation becomes very uneasy, under the threat of tyranny, under the pressure of possible loss of freedom even life, without being understood and being recognized. It is the time of silent sacrifices, like true gold that proves its worth when thrown in the hottest fire. It is the choice that is highly praised and remembered. It is as if a light of conscience, a flame of love, brings the courage and sets the example. Mr. Zhang Lin and Mr. Yan Zhengxue are this kind of flame. Today, we give them this award in order to remember it, to grow it, and to encourage more people to become this kind of flame so that the torch of democracy will grow into a great fire to burn out the root of autocracy.

We choose to announce the Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize on December 5 in commemoration of what happened 29 years ago. On December 5 of 1978, Mr. Wei Jingsheng posted his "The Fifth Modernization -- Democracy" on Xidan Democracy Wall and rang the bell for the era of modern Chinese democracy. For this deed he paid the heavy price of youth and health, as well as freedom - for 18 long years of prison time. Every year on this day we recall this deed and memorialize all heroes on the path of Chinese democracy since then. We are glad to see this kind of hero emerge so frequently, one after another. We see that more and more democracy fighters would rather die for freedom than live silently enduring injustice. More and more brave people use their intelligence and determined spirit to fight the autocracy. It is gratifying to see.

We are gratified; yet, we are also sad and sorrowful. Although we enjoy freedom at this moment, many democracy advocates are in prison, being tortured and devastated. The darkness, loneliness, and cruelty are not imaginable. The tears that their beloved ones shed, the pain that their relatives suffer, are not something we can fully realize. The word "sacrifice" is so cold and shocking in this chilly winter. We hope that the Fourth Annual "Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize" can express our respect, admiration, support, and appreciation to those heroes, and also express our appreciation and concern for their suffering family members.

The sky of December is clear, grim, and cold. It indicates the coming of a severe winter. But, it also tells us "if winter is here, spring cannot be far behind." During this season, one appreciates all the more the warmth of the fireplace on a cold snowy day; for the flames of conscience shall continue burning lively, the flame never extinguished. We believe that the fire of Chinese democracy, like the fire of a live volcano, can never be stopped by either snow or storm, and will eventually bring a beautiful democracy sky!
Thank you very much for listening.
Ciping HUANG (signed)
Executive Director
Wei Jingsheng Foundation

Wei Jingsheng Foundation fourth annual "Wei Jingsheng Democracy Champion Prize" award announcement by its judging committee:

For further information and detail, visit our website at: www.weijingsheng.org
or contact us at HCP@weijingsheng.org or HCP0411WJS@aol.com or call 1-202-543-1538.

(The Wei Jingsheng Foundation is grateful to Yike CHENG for her great contribution of composing this dedication, and for her long time voluntary work and other contributions to this Foundation.)

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