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陳泱潮 標題:九剝草蝦(草根)畫皮-English

(2007-12-05 03:47:14) 下一個

 zt陳泱潮 標題:九剝草蝦(草根)畫皮 草根 於 10/26/2007

主題:自我標榜不顧屁股 http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/397367.shtml

[博訊論壇] 1981年到1991年,共十年刑期,還有,剝奪政治權利五年,陳泱潮,什麽時候辦的公司?被剝奪政治權利的人,在大陸可以作為經濟法人嗎?陳泱潮,十年在什麽地方,和誰在一起?我記得007等諸人,都問過他在那裏,和誰在一起,沒有那一篇,他的文章裏,正麵回答過網絡朋友的問題,他敢說嗎?所以說,陳泱潮,本身就是一個鬼,大陸也查過,並沒有陳泱潮所說的,那些個人和事,這,還有什麽問題要說嗎?
海外,民運的某些人,該,好好的清醒一下了。 http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/395706.shtml

[博訊論壇] 為什麽海外民運,一直都不能占據主導位置,一句話說明了,在海外,這一個大染缸裏,魚龍混雜,例如陳泱潮,這一類的社會流氓,稍微施用一點江湖技倆,民運中的一些人,就不知好歹,而拚命誦揚,其實,這一類騙子,隻要,細看一下他所寫的文章,就能看出他的本質,已經是六十歲;七十歲的人,文風,是不會改變了,但是,心中的念頭,卻永遠不會變,陳泱潮為什麽?一再鼓吹他,所謂的特權論,其實,說白了,就是想以此為基礎,騙得信任,而陳泱潮的,所謂特權論,除了所謂的,曾節明以外,又有誰?認真的讀過呢?當然,說起讀,似這一類的臭話,誰,也不會去碰一下,就任憑一個人,演雙簧,而蒙騙了眾多的民運人員,公然認賊為父,創下了世間之最。
這類政治垃圾可以休矣! http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/393292.shtml


祭爾晉(泱潮) http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/398785.shtml

[博訊論壇] 爾晉(陳泱潮)年虛,偶見墓誌銘,恐突撒手人寰,趁此時,奉祭爾晉(陳泱潮)文一篇,以示遺撼-
黑手放風箏 http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/397354.shtml

[博訊論壇] 本來嘛,對陳爾晉這樣的厚臉皮,真不值,多費半點口水,然而,厚臉皮的人,還在繼續,販賣那些不要臉的謠言,不撕開他的厚臉皮,真不知道,他本身就是一個不要臉的人。
第一、 陳泱潮,所謂的特權論,是什麽貨色?眾所皆知,他,真的以為,這就是什麽天經地理,你陳泱潮編故事的本事,真是堪稱一流,你,一會被槍斃,一會又奉調什麽中國科學院,更不明白,找你這樣一樣老朽之材,上共青團中央,籌辦什麽青少年研究所,我,很難想得出,陳泱潮還能寫得出,所謂的“無產階級民主革命”!看了,你個人自傳,真是令人不可思議,你,一貫的手法,就拚命說別人,是中共別動隊,就像你,在下麵所說,如果,你陳泱潮,真有如此大之能耐,中國公安部,早就將你引渡回宣威,可惜你,隻是,一個不知天高地厚的小人而已。
第二、 你一會說,你因為特權論,而險些被吃槍子,一會,又“因為《特權論》,而奉調到,中國社會科學院,和共青團中央,聯合籌辦的,中國青少年研究所籌備組”,究竟?孰是孰非,看你前言不對後語,就證明你,就是一個說話,像放屁一樣的老柴棍,你,見過方向東嗎,你,知道十四軍,軍長是誰?1980年時,請問14軍在雲南省的那裏?侯良輔,一說,也是陳泱潮自顧自吹牛了,侯良輔是軍人嗎?我看你,越來越牛頭不對馬嘴了,據我所知,雲南大學,根本沒有什麽氣功,治療肝癌的一個什麽公司,你,如果要吹牛,先看好,周圍是一些什麽人,在知根;知底的人麵前,小心吹破了天,1990年,方向東,已經從雲南省,郵電局付局長的位子上,下海做昆明時代中學的校長,昆明,時代公司董事長了,謝覺哉夫人,王定國,就是方向東的名義校長,他什麽時候,請你轉過什麽報告,給錢學森?雲南省氣功協會,是方向東,與個舊錫礦的王家林,一手於1979年,在昆明開辦的一個機構,1982年,方向東籌建時代中學時,就將氣功協會,轉交給了王家林,方向東的公司成立時,在什麽地方?誰請你做過客了?我,就是時代公司的付董事長,在我記憶裏,沒有這麽一回事啊,你,最好不要在我麵前吹,這樣,太影響你個人形像了,碰上一些老太太,你挨人家擺擺古,倒還可以。你,說方向東認識你,需,不需要?我現在,就讓方向東寫一份證明來,貼在博訊,或海外眾多論壇,羞羞你,一貫以大人們,來充門臉的壞脾氣?你開什麽餐館?你直接說,是你為了遮醜,讓周家洪老婆,藏身的地方,不是多美,還能顯出你的大氣。
第三、 黃兆琪及劉殷農、塗曉雷身邊,有那幾個人,什麽時候,又成了八大金鋼?是不是,你也是其中之一,可惜你不是,你是誰,人家都不知道你?你,說你在省看守所,黃兆琪關在第幾看守所?劉殷農、塗曉雷,倒底關在那一個看守所?你,真的太無知,隻知道編白話,而不顧事實,草根也好,草蝦也好,他們,知道什麽兩大派,你,又把人家,強行劃入你設想的圈子,你,真的很無聊!
第四、 宣威市,是以火腿而聞名,但是,不是聞你的名,就如甫家山,距你家花椒村一樣,相距太遠了,不管你,祖上積是什麽陰德,與你有什麽關係?隻可惜,你家,也僅僅是一個小地主而已,你,從小心懷仇恨,你,找整你家的人去複仇啊,你,一天像一個無賴,老是賣你的老火腿,你,煩不煩?你,好好的做一個,踏踏實實的人,你,就說陳友諒是你祖宗,也與本人無關,我,又沒有參加鬥過你祖,也沒有,從你家得到什麽東西?!你,老是一天,揪住一些無關的人做什麽?我看你,是三天不刮,你皮子倒是真癢了!
第五、 你的全益公司,是一個什麽樣的公司,全宣威城的人,倒是真的很清楚,這個問題你不用急,我,下一次,就一張張的證據,貼上來,讓大家開開眼,你,在二監獄做什麽,你,騙了些什麽人?這些人,現在也不會放過你!他們,現在就集中住在三江公司內,起草,控告你的資料,這一回,你真有資格,被國際刑警輯拿了,你不是?一直都把自己說的很神嗎?什麽公安部,什麽中共中央,這一次,我看你的級別,免強達到遣返的條件了,你,就好好的等著吧。不是我,或者是誰,跟你過不去,是你陳泱潮,和大家都過不去,什麽草根、草蝦,什麽蘭劍、金星、小溪,你老了,神經報廢了,還是,先刪除一下你腦子裏的垃圾,換一個話題,又來擺你的故事吧。
第六、 你,從“東北返回故鄉,雲南省宣威市的,又利用了中央,把我送到東北,交遼寧省管理我,而遼寧省當局,又害怕我在東北,搞“政治地震”,有意,把我逼回雲南省,因而,沒有把中共中央,最高當局,嚴格管理監控我的要求,通知雲南的空子”,“一夜之間,奇跡一般成立了集團公司的。”
“共產黨的政策,決定了,絕對不會給我這樣的人,創辦的公司,發放一分錢的貸款的!”你,又從何處?從那裏引進巨資?“奇跡一般,迅速引進巨資”,是奇跡,是創造了,世界上最大年紀,最快詐騙的奇跡?公安部,什麽時候下令,撤銷過你的公司?公安部都知道,你,又在詐騙,你還想外逃嗎?所謂的引資,是不是詐騙?用榕城鎮的資產,抵押貸款,是不是詐騙? 我,上邊告訴你了,你,再一次聽好,你,等著被通輯吧!我,隻是一根冬蟲;一棵小草,我,沒有你那麽大的能耐,我,不會結黨營私,更不會招搖撞騙,你,要想玩,等到緬甸的問題,告一個段落後,我陪著你玩,就是草根、草蝦、蘭劍、金星、小溪、007,等等人,都不想和你玩了,我,也要和你,玩到國際刑警,來捉拿你歸案那一天,我,還要陪同你一起回家鄉,約著方向東,來看看你,倒底是那一方鬼怪?看看,宣威市老百姓,放鞭炮的日子,看看周家洪老婆,如何衝上台,煽你的臉那一天?!你高尚,就不會流浪天涯了,你,高尚,就不會做夢,在想別人的老婆了,這,可是你,對周家洪老婆說的話,難道你,也忘了嗎?君無戲言,等著你兌現吧。同時,我也告訴你,我,會好好的陪著你,一直回到雲南省為止。

混世魔王袁紅冰做起縮頭烏龜了 http://news.boxun.com/forum/shenghuo/3829.shtml

[自由聖火] 混世魔王-袁紅冰-做起縮頭烏龜了- 冬蟲夏草

到現在,反共,反華的文章的詞兒,都被袁紅冰定了調。什麽中共暴政 啦,什麽馬克思的殖民地啦,什麽“中共,是最大的賣國賊”啦,什麽“國家恐怖主義”啦,都是袁紅冰,嚷嚷出來的。我,不是中共的黨員,可我,也聽不慣袁紅冰這麽瞎罵。不管怎麽看,中共也開始改變了,往好裏變。
最起初,袁紅冰,寫了一篇文章-“論高智晟的孤獨”,試探性的-忽悠了一下。高智晟就象著魔,一下就上鉤,寫文章回應。袁紅冰又寫了一篇-“鐵膽高智晟”,開始大忽悠。高智晟立馬忘乎所以,以為自己,是中國的昂山素雞了。搞起絕食來。 高智晟那兒一絕食,袁紅冰就總結出-“維權絕食抗暴“運動,這一個名詞,滿世界張揚。袁紅冰,又寫了一篇“讓藍色帶飄起來“,高智晟,跟著把在澳大利亞的,袁紅冰的腦子裏,飄的藍絲帶,掛到了北京,和陝北的樹枝上。後來,袁紅冰又寫了一篇“為高智晟辯”,這,就徹底把高智晟忽悠暈了。這傻小子一門兒心思,要當大英雄,開始,扯著嗓門兒罵當局。泥人,也有個土性子,你,高智晟這麽罵,也就別怪當局不客氣了。

The zt Shio finding: Nine is 10/26/2007 such as grass roots that peel off the
skin of prawn's (grass roots) taking the shape.

Theme: Http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/397367.shtml that makes not looking back on hips
voluntarily public

1981 when news forum is gained?It deprives of both rights on politics the prison term of ten years and five years, and is 1991 year Shio, and a company that does when?Can you make it to an economic corporation in the person and the continent where the right on politics is deprived?With and whom is in for Shio and ten years by you?With whom is it my remembering 007 etc. various people, and having heard from entire in him, isn't there there is one volume, and does he say boldly directly in his sentences having answered the question of the friend of the net?Are Shio and oneself ghosts of one person, are the continent the remarks in overand Shio, and what and those individuals, things, these, and problems of saying do you exist?Is said.
The people who have foreign countries and democracy movement, ..goodness.. clearly at once. http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/395706.shtml

News..forum..gain..why..foreign countries..democracy movement..for a long time..leading..position..occupy..say..explain..foreign countries..this..large..dye..mixture of good and bad.., for instance,..this..kind of..society..hooligan..a little..respect..world..technique..pile..)..with..democracy movement..of..some..person..quality..know..hard..recite..high..to tell the truth..this..impostor..print..thin..write..sentence..a little..see..essence..see through..already.Through all eternity why ..can the change (It is) ..food.... ..tide... distinctive characters of the person and sentences of 70 years old and think in it is possible to change (It is) ..food.. and the mindWho do making him public many times to tell the truth to put it plainly, discussing a so-called privilege, and thinking that it is a base therefore, cheating confidence, getting damp, and excluding a so-called privilege discussing it have again by you outside Setsa so-called?Do you read as seriousness?Starting to say of course, reading, this smell talk of the kind of, ..be able hit (It is) ..food.... a little assuming the position similarly ..whom.., leaving to one person, performing two person haori coat, cheating a lot of democracy movement number of men, and distinguishing the thief in a public way made the extremity of the world from father.
What all stories and the people who are can actually able to say, and can measure true, amusing such one and document studied thoroughly by discussing a so-called privilege with the reproduction goods of of Cultural Revolution by translating, and cheating empty buying and selling it the person some dopy in Cultural Revolution from among the mountain of the garbage of Shio and the history?Round and round..turn..smell..trick..racketeer..lamplight..settle..means..believe..all of you..some..Cultural Revolution..old..sentence..look for..minute..a little..see..in addition..compare..so-called..privilege..discuss..life..Mao Zedong..a large amount of..Water Margin..suddenly..privilege..class..capital..system..say..Marx..Leninism..so-called..privilege..statement..this..one..impostor..reproduction..goods..a little..add..theory..become..take..worth.In the swiz in importance in addition that is Shime, it ..wind.. requires and the wind ..so-called.. is obtained by the technique for consistently slightly playing with ..only no this it.. and his swindle in the process of working with both sides;Rain..rain..come..person..ability..become acquainted..blow..at first..blow..how..what kind of..fate..person in question..back..chart..push..enough..know..without fail..large..high..person..say..hand..necessary..remodel..a little..add..incline..carve..whole country..become..world..exactly..old..thief..like this..go..become..deep..candidacy..large..retirement..person..find..now..this..real condition..extremely..nothing but..go out..good..a little..think..swiz..like this..hit.It thinks. In addition, the wheel of his use and man who achieves it want to be well versed in the name of the gramary, and, for instance, to go to all of you by himself by the technique with a small these worlds and one earning for the time being. It is sure to be good because of the person in question everyone, to think it is thin about the hoping person, and ..reason in that.. to understand.

The garbage of these politicss can take a rest. http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/393292.

Gain..teacher..often..know..how..know..Cultural Revolution..how..so-called..privilege..write..discuss..on condition that..really..teacher..then..still..nothing but..hear..on condition that..at all..teacher..individual..anything..provide..such..peel..evaluation..improve..a little..too..mean.

Cultural Revolution..misconduct..on the shake..other..person..Noto..emperor..throne..go..lay..exactly..extremely..mad..time..Chinese Communist Party..Yunnan..committee..title..file..attain..finally..this..person..give..mercilessness..way..know..day..too..grow up..provide..food..Yunnan..at that time..share..politics..impostor..people..party..put..a lot..person..cannon..burglar..become..all..low..the..age..politics..impostor..strike to death.How much is stricken, damaged, and exists the person who receives the persecution of politics?… Other people see these stories of him with another Ugotai because of the burglar, and use me under the persecution where the line is drawn without knowing there is no sentence the 27th (title) but there are still people how many and the line is formed seem to die and Susumu and now. Line..pull..recall..all..act..row..make a mistake..team..stand..person..become..shoulder..near..countryside..this..kind of..dark..slogan..obviously..evil..inflexible..do..do..all..all..very..clear.… You come back by me as the Sen'od city really arrives at the Susumu hometown of thine of at the teacher by Setsa, gets like that, and reflects and walks, and ..teacher.. ..Un'nan.. hears it if it thinks of the teacher, and there is one line done like this, and never understand it becomes such an impostor and a companion in addition, it makes public for and him, and the people how many are killed really ..it is possible to do (It is) ..food....?!
It is http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/398785.shtml in thine Susumu for which it holds a funeral (Shio).

Susumu of thine who gains the news forum (Shio) is year, and Na that loses and shakes - that meets the grave magazine signature by chance, will be presented in this time in the fear of the world of the person who suddenly separates his hand, and is held a funeral, and shown in one sentence volume of thine Susumu (Shio).
It is, and it exhales, and Wacashi of unhappiness in thine Susumu. Aren't can able to hold and "Privilege" and the person ..damage (damage)..?I want to regret to endure it, and prepare one sheet of paper: Thine is Sonotamashii, and enjoys my buddhist service. Thine is hung, it changes young, and intestines of madman's stomach: It cheats concentrating, and the conscience is lost completely. Moving about that thine is good is hung, and it confines and it enters Nagayama the attraction of enterprises of the gate of the torii type that talks about others' names and Kita. It is things except the far cheat hanging and again of thine and a barrier: It returns to the person, the trial is started, and the hometown is trapped. The go-between who has the good match hang the person in whom thine is outstanding, and connected is kidnapped: It comes to do the wife and the side room of a poor quotient. Hanging thine is crazy, people's money is collected, and the foreign country to which it escapes and the day medicine cheat a man. Poorly it thinks and it yearns for the delusion because thine Bangkok is hung: The refugee is cheated, and swimming is strong-minded in the hand. Thine dog is finally hung, man's Co is admitted, it steals, it troubles the people people, and damage is caused to one provinces. It thinks of thine gray hair, and the damage of aborticide mother (damage): The heaven road returns the country of Mitslou as what nature doesn't exist. Of ..twining.. delusion ..the distortion of Saaya..: The fate is seven after all, and the whole country is happy. Ruin is voluntarily caused wandering in foreign countries: However, the part of the soil height of the grave does the open-air burning without my forgetting;It is miserable that the dream climbs all, and falls: Only thine can be a singing (It is) ..food.. deluding the person in the false rumor;There are a means and both sides of Cultural Revolution with a fat club in the hand the one according to me ruins the one against the prosper me, and the loyal subject is murdered. However, thine skill and the party of the burglar of the remainder. It is dirty that the demon region clearly catches morality. Does it return to the time destiny, and what does thine see go mad?It barks, it ..impostor.. exhales, and it enters the ground surely. It is not easy ..heaven.. to enter by changing it from two boundaries and the foundation of life and death. It rises to the heaven, it begins to speak, it loses, and it enters the prison: Peacefully in the world and the thousand generation are Akira. It changes ..exhaling.. always, and the chain of the plastron puts bark.

The print is http://news.boxun.com/forum/boxun2007b/397354.shtml that does the kite

Mu is gained. Before the year of 1,1976, the persecution is received moreover in Shio and a certain opposition of Cultural Revolution, and this is the inside of , for instance, ..not strange..;Cabt;Mizyo;The severe cold;Sodacashico;Country and all wait for being.
After the year of 2,1976(), the friend is busy with carrying on trade participating in democracy movement, looking for them, reporting, and without struggling similarly ..him.. in no participation in Shio and any democratic movement even if it is even original and he or she is an opposition that grows old.
...Shio.. why. threeCan you rapidly leave the refugee camp in Thailand?It knows, and dark power there is very strong. Moreover, he can not be typewriting (It is) ..food.. by one;Person and that doesn't understand computer. Is it my Web site if it lengthily describes suddenly and there can be sentences set up (It is) ..food.., and it arrives at extreme?Obviously, it is a shadow and there is a marksman. Same age..for a long time..democracy movement..for instance..foreign countries..arrive..all..democracy movement..range..become..happily..do..a lot..age..again..establish confidence..person..provide..value..know.However, is Shio fast so much why?Do it become father of democracy movement?It has been pressed to take charge of the town plundering of the action and legitimate of him, and everyone's expectation is waited for, and it is father of democracy movement of source.
On 4, one crowd, and a coincidence, there is inevitability. Cau;Ougn;All of all are the person love scenes of a lot of ages that Mizyo and those become famous and a lot of ages that come out, and blues;It is waited to encounter Sodacashico and entire devastating blow;However, Benihei;It was new, and this began to expand like the entire balloon all, too and, moreover, it was ..mysterious person who had been taken out.. ..collecting by cooperation mutually.. high-speed of Shio and these;One of the high efficiency is formed, and it becomes the size with very spectacular camp and dignified air, the size of the scale of cost, and mysterious. Moreover, it can do nothing but be a back, and an inevitable element. the super-huge there is one it is Ki one unskilled the monster who cooperates with the person, and can do these chance elements and .... place it by contraries all that person's members and all
It shoots as it surprises by a way that makes it 5, the guess, there might be one mysterious power, questioned on these people, know, arrive at the character of their characters at fixed time, do careless thing to them, and watch or is nonchalant or it catches, is released, and the kite deep-frying is done, and, similarly, it guards to them by the shadow. For instance, even they land safely in foreign countries for the statement of the diplomacy part and Benihei, it receives in addition among them, and it arrives up to one. It is in the place to the tentacle and the continent of this one mysterious power;Taiwan;Hong Kong..this..person..especially..true..make a mistake..provide..mysterious..hand..choose.
Voluntarily..associate..this..group..of..member..observation..understand..common..feature..lonely..show..swindle..shameful..lie..attach..house..understand..means..choose..spoliator.Coucousono;Shuusodata, do it dress up, and do it disguise it as one brilliant image legitimate without giving it to democracy movement and me who disappears only for an individual self-interest?!

Shio of the effrontery makes an impudent folk song.
News..forum..gain..originally..such..effrontery..really..worth..a lot..a little..slaver..take..effrontery..person..continue..impudent..false rumor..buy and sell..effrontery..tear..really..know..impudent person.Of what kind of commodity do it discuss, and kinds are (quality and number of goods) the 1st and Shio so-called the privilege?It is made to the punishment of shooting dead, and you and one meeting present also by one meeting and add and subtract what kind of Chinese Academy of Science knowing all popular places, and can call the first class really by knitting the ability of Storri by your Shio through the geography (learning)(Pass) as for he and this on what day, and. Because Shio can be written further by going to the center of the material and Communist Youth Organization to have become senile thus similarly looking for you without understanding in addition, and preparing what kind of youth's laboratory because it hated it ..me.. ..wanting obtain it.., it is really thought, "Proletarian's democracy revolution ..so-called..". See..individual..autobiography..really..mysterious..become..have..consistently..technique..hard..other..person..say..Chinese Communist Party..on condition that..really..like this..large..capability..provide..China..Public Security Division..already..hand over..return..to our regret..very..get conceited..child..say.Say..privilege..discuss..near as damn it..bullet..hit..die..meeting..privilege..discuss..present..reshuffle..Chinese Academy of Social Sciences..Communist Youth Organization..center..cooperation..prepare..China..youth..laboratory..arrangement committee..on earth.Who is who seen your preface word with non-Dare after it becomes wrong, you proven, it talked, has it met the stick of the brushwood that grows old thoroughly that does breaking wind of the image, you, and the east of the direction, does it know you and 14 armies, and the head of the army?Do you ask there in Yunnan of 14 armies in 1980?Is it a serviceman that Couyo assists with Shio after it throws the hatchet out from Cou Yoho, one theory, and looking back?See..more and more..coherent..know..university..at all..anything..provide..liver cancer..what kind of..company..treat..on condition that..throw the hatchet..early..firmly..see..surroundings..what kind of..person..provide.Private circumstances..know..person..presence..day..blow..spoil..note..direction..east..already..Yunnan..post office..director of a bureau..seat..pay..sea..enter..age..junior high school..high school..principal..do..age..company..director..grow up..wife..king..country..direction..east..name..principal..when..what kind of..report..rotation..money..forest..give.It is in the royal family woods and a move of piece and old tin ore the Kiisao society in Yunnan and east of the direction, and do one organization that establishes it with A and 1982 year be to 1979 and where exist when the Kiisao society is passed to the royal family woods when the east of the direction constructs the junior high school of the age (high school) planning, and the company in the east of the direction establishes it?Who did want to do to you and do by the guest (Made it)?As for me, because association company's of the age pays the chief director, the way as possible to blow is as good in front of the thing, you, and me who is not doing in my memory like this one, and it is good that your influencing your image of the individual too much, encountering the grandmother some, and arranging it to the person a little are old, and fall so-so thus. It is said that the east of you and the direction will get to know you, and you be necessary, and need?When one is written east of my direction now, it is made to prove, and is it pasted, is news gained or are it a little shameful and does come by adults consistently ..you.. to take charge the character with a bad gate front a lot of overseas forums that are?What kind of restaurant do you apply?You say that you transfer your bride of Shuuca by you to hide ugliness (shame) under a cover, and show provinces where the body is hid, very not beautiful, and your atmosphere directly. The 3rd and ..yellow.. 1000000000000. Did h and Nou painted surroundings of Acatskicaminari, exist some those people, and become eight large Canehagane when?The person be not will all one in that and you, to our regret so you, and get to know you as for you by whom?When you and you save the police cell, 1000000000000 ..saying.. ..yellow... h is few (what) Related in the police cell?Does Nou paint Acatskicaminari, and is the delivery of the store related in that one police cell?It knows only the story that tells the lie however really too ignorantly ..you.., and it knows whether to send both very much, and you and the person are forced, it puts in the circle of your plan, and it is not blocked without looking back on the fact really ..you.. at all. The mountain in the house of and, and does the ancestor's piling up as the distance is too long even from a pepper similar village in your house, and it doesn't take care of you what hidden beneficence, and what you and relation have hearing fame with the 4th, the Sen'od city, and the ham, and not smelling your name?Whether do you get irritated because it goes to retaliate looking for the person who cherishes hatred at landowner that only however regrettable is small your house and one person, you, and small time, and straightens your and your house, and you, one do hooligan a day, and it sells the ham that you are always always old ..you.. or not?Do it do well by one ..you.., has your been fought, do not it exist similarly without similarly regardless of the person in question, and my.. participating even if Tomoryou is your ancestor, and what one do you obtain from your house?!Reside in the person who doesn't have some relations during a day the usual ..you.. and what is done are it firmly gripped?Because I saw you, and did not rob on the third, your leather was really itchy on earth. Clear one very much and Yunnan ..bite.. museums how many .., me.. do it require ..you.. and do you send you after your and those former discernment?It presents it to the treasured sword and you in three Guangxi Tiwan family autonomy district of Rencre. Become complete..profit..company..what kind of..company..person..on earth..really..very..clear..this..problem..hurry up..next..one by one..evidence..put..all..a little..experience..spread..have..prison..do..some..what kind of..person..cheat.It to be able to be overlooking of neither these people nor you now (It is) ..food... You concentrate they, now, live in three inlet company, will draft, accuse your material, are really qualified, be had by the international detective police collection this time, and you be so. It is I for a long time and ..saying.. very as for the god. You, and ..what kind of Public Security Division and what center of Chinese Communist Party.. this time, I must see your rank, escape, achieve the condition of repatriating it by force, and be waiting well. What grass roots, a prawn, what Ranken, Venus, a small valley, and you cannot use the nerve by becoming old, must delete garbage in your head a little .... previously, exchange one topics, and come for the array your Storri thinking all and grateful of all with your Shio because it is thought you and grateful in ..no me it.. or whom. Tohoku..hometown..return..reflect..city..center..use..Tohoku..send..Liaoning..ministry..associate..manage..Liaoning..ministry..authorities..Tohoku..politics..earthquake..do..on purpose..Yunnan..return..force..then..Chinese Communist Party..center..high..authorities..severe..manage..demand..observe..control..chance..inform. The miracle ..".. usually established group association company's during night. Communist party..policy..decide..absolutely..such..person..do..provide..food..foundation..company..money..lend..issue.You and somewhere?Enormous amount..capital..introduce.Is it the maximum age in the world, and ..".. miracle because it created it due to the miracle that introduces enormous amount of capital the miracle usual, and promptly of which it cheats most at once?..Public Security Division.. when is the instruction given, and have you canceled the company?Public Security Division knows everything, and do do it cheat ..you.., and do you want also to run away somewhere else?Do it the capital introduce so-called, and do it cheat it?Is the property of the city and the town of Ki used, and ..loan secured on.. cheated?On me, you must wait as you should teach to you, and hear it again ..you.. ..you.. and the collection must be passed. It is one insect of winter me;It doesn't have the capability that one stock is small, crude, and you and I are big so much, and it plays with you ..me.. after it appeals, and the person is waited for by grass roots, a prawn, Ranken, Venus, a small valley, and 007 my.. teaming up as a group and wanting your.. ..self-interest.. play in a public way in addition ..can the measurement (It is) ..food.... ..the person.. ..can the cheat (It is) ..food.... waiting for the problem of Myanmar, and waiting for one paragraph, and. ..decrease..) comes to play, and to arrest that day when your criminal is arrested, and is should still gone to you, return to one's hometown together, the east of the direction promised, does it come to see you, and power and that me wicked ..(.. not wanting the entire play with you the delivery of the store one provinces even in you, the police, and an international detective me?It sees, and is the bride of Shuuca seen, very does it go forward, does it go up to the stage, and does it look up at that day of your face on the people in the Sen'od city and the day when it shoots off firecrackers?!Refined..roam..provide..food..refined..dream..see..provide..food..other..person..bride..think..bride..say..story..surely..similarly..forget.You must not be the joke, wait for you, and redeem one's pledge. I also teach to you, and it returns Yunnan
for a long time well about you simultaneous ..me.. ..in proportion to (It is) ..food.... can.

Benicoori of the tyrant who disturbs the world is turtle http://news.boxun.com/forum/shenghuo/3829.
shtml that begins to do and shortens it.

Tyrant-turtle vegetative wasp that Benicoori - shortened it by disturbance of the
free sacred fire world

A lot, the nature of the tyrant who disturbs the worlds most reveals itself to Benicoori and leaving the country for two years, and it with the ability. Falun Gong is sympathized with because each regions' is discussed for at first wavering Benicoori and Falun Gong, one volume, and Falun Gong, it introduces oneself as the person of top one side of a large newspaper of the era and the forced knowledge that stands primly, and declares the attitude one after another. It was useless not to declare the attitude, and who doesn't declare the attitude and who said that there was no Yoshi Benicoori?It is possible to write at last by the Genghis Khan's laughingly doing an equal exchange gifts early to ..Cocoroza Lee.. breaking, saying bright red ice, arranging the pine and reborn nothing but ..former.. through life as a king few democratic, and praising receiving the life, and , saying that so-called "Freedom is an evening sun" and "Golden sacred peak". After that, Benicoori is declared, too and Chinese Communist Party is judged. Hou court ..the receipt of one crowd's Falun Gong.. ....open.. causing... do not believe everything because it starts of whom, arrive at the thrift shop for myself, buy one hairpiece for Benicoorimino, and buy the length clothes of the whole body methodMoreover, it pulls apart, the communist party is judged, and it is opposed to decide the official document of one central government, and to say the beginning of human race's crime. Is you are whether normality said?The condition has been matched by words of sentences that ..anti-communism.. anti-inside act and entire Benicoori up to now. What kind of..Chinese Communist Party..cruelty..what kind of..Marx..colony..Chinese Communist Party..maximum..traitor..what kind of..nation..terrorism..all..let out.Benicoori Ki is not accustomed to come and it abuses it at random and me no party member of Chinese Communist Party and me it like this. Chinese Communist Party is started not related to seeing very, and changing it, too and the inside Cawa is divided. Appearance and you of Benicoori are made seeing because of many to become to impossibility. The culture of ..Chinese Communist Party.. China is exterminated the start of "The culture of China revives" where applying of neither here nor court yet, ends of the garden, and doing, and saying. This will be quite useless. However, like this waveringly, there was a person, and feelings were not pressed to Benicoori. There is clamoured what of with army, and it says similarly in a hurry, and, because, he says that he required "Renaissance" the starting point of the performance and Renaissance that all their tickets do not sell Falun Gong saying of piece. Other..person..continue..let out..revive..this..how many..China..free..culture..start..move.Does this ..Benicoori.. make fun of the person having it you?It says. A certain person says that the pen of Benicoori cannot kill the person. It was wrong in this. As for the stone that can be said, Benicoori and a certain ability think that a big hero can come not to fix to say ..that pen.. inflexible excellence because tears are thrown, and it says foolish Mr. in addition people. It is Cousatoshi, and it is a model. "The landlord is thrown out" that of a stainless rat means and Benicoori are indicated. This respect doesn't make a mistake. Everyone thinks return following me, and has understood without believing. "The solitude of Cousatoshi was discussed sentences-" of Benicoori and one volume was written most first, and search - wavered. Cousatoshi becomes tired of the one about the elephant, is caught at once, writes sentences, and receives it. Benicoori is written "Height Satoru of liver gem of iron" of - of one volume, starts, and wavers very much, too. Cousatoshi is a bean curd skin modeled on the chicken of the Takashi mountain in China thinking of me because it goes into raptures at once. It starts and it fasts. When it fasts there of Cousatoshi, Benicoori is summarized to the right protection of "of -, fasts, is resisted violence, and ..".. spread moving, this noun, and here and there. It begins to wave, and multiply by Aiitai and Beijing that follows, and waves in the head of Benicoori in Cousatoshi and Australia, and ..".. a blue ribbon on the tree branch of Kita writing "one ..Benicoori.. volume it. ..Cousatoshi.. waveringly and it fainted as Benicoori wrote "Discussed it for Cousatoshi" of one volume, and was also thorough ..this... The voice is pulled when an idea of one door of not this playing the fool and a big hero are required, and begun and authorities are abused. Blame neither abuse like this nor the restraint of authorities of the character that the clay doll and the country stink soon of neither, you nor Cousatoshi. There is one thing, and the readers note it. Turtle that shortens it without being released to Cousatoshi after Cousatoshi can hang on, and beginning to go out of Benicoori and sound. Is this why?This ..playing the fool.. of Cousatoshi cannot stretch by expecting to be wonderful, smart, and to have already arrived because it explains ice that is red. There is I the shout inside. know the situation in the age as for Benicoori and thisIt was said it was a little disagreeable to hear, and the end member and the post-man of merit were deserted, foundation and one Cousatoshi were done, it had used, and threw out because Benicoori and complete Cousatoshi were made an ape and it played. It is a movement of notification of Benicoori on the New Year's Day and what "It is in really China that China appears with the concern hard". see on a free sacred fire by everyoneThis time, the journalist in the foreign country of the tyrant and the company that disturbs this world of Benicoori is required and together waveringly. After the brain, he ..Cousatoshi.. more ahead was forgotten. Elephant's Cau One ,in a word,, and it is Acatskiha, and remains soon, writes a draft not salty at all, and is spent the manuscript fee in a no doing the descent on Cau, Ougn, Hu Ping, Wang Dan in power and foreign countries where the world is paid to attention, and both of the valgus are done, and domestic all entire Yo, Ou, Acatskiha, and slopes a little mixing the diabetic of the thing here and there. Lee..similarly..become weak..-..junior high school student..culture..bottom..white paper..examination paper..hero..very..differ.Recently, power to take year of ..standing.. of mon becomes weak, and uses both Ne ardently with the party. The Democratic Party is added, one is burnt, it scorches or it boils, and it has no war potential. It recurs freely getting on the cloud and the fog, and the more does, the more democracy movement and the tyrant and Benicoori that nothing but disturbs the world soon go to excess. A certainly intelligent Benicoori and top and ability excel and have the pluck abbreviation by people. However, it places in a line and it exists together with the character of the tyrant from whom only regrettable disturbs these profit and entire world. This is guessed together because it really becomes regrettable. I bet boldly, and Benicoori cannot be done similarly further very, is divided, and comes. It is said that the person is abler, and this cannot be fought similarly and ordered. It borrows the person remark of Man'ulminami, and "The communist party is exhausted and Tenhaco is not exhausted yet. "Benicoori is afflicted, and ..changing the destiny.. is said.

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