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(2007-11-22 06:20:46) 下一個


送交者: 千龍先生 於 北京時間 11/02/2007 (1756 reads) [累積73135分 給千龍發悄悄話]


[大眾貼圖] 河鎮彝族苗族鄉位於赫章縣西北部,距縣城81公裏,毗鄰雲南省彝良、鎮雄兩縣。古代屬具有輝煌曆史的夜郎古國管轄,如今歸屬貴州省赫章縣行政區域。這裏平均海拔2,200米,年平均氣溫11℃,年降雨量923毫米,無霜期210天。



Subject: The solid racket China poorest mountain village(8 attempt s)

[Populace paste chart] the river town Yi nationality Miao nationality township to be located northeast Hezhang County, is apart from the county seat 81 kilometers, adjoins Yunnan Province YiLiang, Zhenxiong two counties. Ancient times was has magnificent historical the night of court attendant country with long history jurisdiction, now belongs to the Guizhou Province Hezhang County administrative division. Here average elevation 2,200 meters, annual mean temperature 11 ℃, annual rainfall 923 millimeters, frost-free period 210 days.

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Within the boundaries mountain steep slope steep, the peaks and ridges overlap, gully vertically and horizontally, land broken, pours natural disaster and so on the spring cold weather, hail, flooding, cold rain low temperature frequent, the agricultural production condition is bad, is a national level kind of impoverished township which the State Council in 2001 delimits.

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As a result of factor the and so on history, nature, economy, society influence, has been formed the impoverished surface big, the impoverished degree deep, soil erosion is serious, ecology worsening "illness sickness". Foundation weak, transportation unenlightened, economical development slow, culture backward, rural labor force quality low and so on question extremely prominent, is the county-wide impoverished surface is biggest, impoverished degree deepest township

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