中華正國 英文名字Chinese decent



(2007-11-15 05:49:59) 下一個

   據法國,國際電台記者,2007-11-12日,從金邊的報道﹐ 柬埔寨警察,週一早上逮捕了,前赤柬第三號人物前 « 民主柬埔寨 » ,政府外長-英薩利以及其妻子-英蒂麗﹐ 兩人。被控在赤柬執政1975年,至1978年期間,參與種族毀滅罪行。

   警察在早上,來到英薩利的私人居所 --- 處於首都金邊,一座漂亮的別墅,進行逮捕其兩人﹐並把他們,關禁在國際審判庭,毀滅種族罪行,臨時拘留所內。一時騎在人民頭上,招風作雨﹐殘殺無辜的極端政權人物,會作階下囚﹐將要,受到國際法庭的審判。在赤柬短短的三年,八個月十七日的統治下﹐據不完全的統計﹐約有一百七十萬,柬埔寨人遭受慘殺、餓死,或病死﹐其中,包括眾多的華裔、華僑以及越裔人。

   英薩利 ( Ieng Sary ) ,生於1930年1月1日﹐越南,南部九龍江 (即湄公河 ) 三角洲越、棉人,共同聚居之地方。出生紙登記名字為,金莊 (音譯, Kim Trang ) ﹐ 1950年,他獲得助學金,前往法國留學﹐在巴黎,認識了波爾布特 ( Pol Pot )﹐該時,波爾布特的名字為,沙洛沙爾 ( Saloth Sâr )。同時,他加入了旅法,柬埔寨共產主義組織的活動。 1957年,英薩利返回柬埔寨﹐繼續進行共產黨的秘密活動。當赤柬,在1975年奪權後﹐屬黨內高級領導人﹐在政府內,擔任外長和副總理職務。在赤柬內的三位頭號人物,農謝 ( Noun Chea )和波爾布特中﹐英薩利被稱為 « 三兄 »。其妻,英蒂麗 ( Ieng Thirith )﹐或喬蒂麗 ( Khieu Thirith )是波爾布特妻子,同為姐妹﹐曾任赤柬政府,社會部部長。

   1996年,英薩利在柬泰邊境的巴寧地區,領導一股赤柬,重要的力量時投奔金邊洪森政權﹐並得到免罪。英薩利今年77歲﹐經常轉移居住﹐來往巴寧或金邊,或前往泰國治病。英薩利夫妻,是國際判審庭須逮捕五人名單裏,其中之兩人。另外兩名,為前赤柬黨政治理論家,農謝和S21號監獄負責人Deuch ,早幾個月前,已被扣留。現,還有一名臭名遠揚的,前國家主席的喬申潘 ( Khieu Samphân ) 未被監禁。此外,還有一名叫義穆 ( IMuc )的人物,將須出庭受審﹐他,是已亡赤柬頭目塔莫 ( Ta Mok )之子。 上述各人,皆否認他們參與大暴殺﹐否認,為犯下約一百七十萬人,死亡的罪行負責。英薩利說﹐ 他一貫工作正常﹐並不知道,和不負責任,另一批人的行動。 可是,在1978年,他曾經發表的記錄上,說明他夫妻兩人,染指入殘殺人民的罪行﹐ 原文擇錄如下﹕ « 我們要徹底,鏟除內部的判變分子﹐我們要乘勝追擊﹐ 完全消滅,反對我們革命事業的殘餘分子。»


   8月17日,國際法庭,發出的控告書中,記錄英薩利在赤柬執政期間,所擔任的角色和罪行如下﹕ « 煽動,製造和導致各種犯罪行為﹐參與定出計劃、指令和政策﹐強迫居民離開原居地﹐對民眾強迫勞動﹐ 下令監禁行使酷刑﹐未經法律審判,殺害人民等罪行。»


   柬埔寨,國內各份報刊,也登載了週一早上,英薩利夫婦被捕的消息。一位本地記者,還說昨天下午,他已經聽到此聞。各報皆認為﹐柬埔寨政府,和國際審判庭對毀滅種族罪行,已開展具體地執行任務﹐ 邁進了具意義的一步。



   嶺南遺民2007-11-12 資料來源﹕ 法國國際電台 RFI


It is arrested, and the crime of red http://boxun.com/hero/2007/
nanshanxia/39_1.shtml leader-Britain Surrey Cambodia and 3.

Policeman and 〓 of Cambodia go early morning, arrest, and are the third person's in Cambodia in which Maeaca former ? from the journalist, 2007-11-12 of the international radio broadcasting stations, and the report of Phnom Penh according to France. Democratic Cambodia? ,Outside length-Britain Surrey of the government is beautiful, and two people in of reaching wife-Britain. The indictment is received to in power in red Cambodia in 1975, and it participates in) and the race and it ..(.. ..decrease.. annihilates it to the crime even at time of 1978.

The policeman comes to an address individual in and Britain Surrey in the morning. --- In temporary lockup capital Phnom Penh's there, and arresting one beautiful villa and the person, confining them, judging garden by international, and annihilating it to race's crime. It gets on on people's moment heads, the person of the political power that reaches is slaughtered to a limit ..Tscame subjected to criticism.. white, and the trial of International Criminal Tribunal will be received ..prisoner of Caitsc.. soon. It is ..about 1.7 million.., Cambodian people slaughters, it is received to die of hunger or dies of sickness, and the Vietnamese descendant person is contained for three very short years with an overseas Chinese many and China ..in that.. imperfectly under the rule on the 17th of eight months in red Cambodia according to ..drinking.. statistics.

It is local ..delta.. more where it gathers ..cotton person.. both and it lives. nine dragon inlet (in a word Mekong river) in Vietnam and the southern part born on January 1, Britain Surrey(Ieng Sary) and 1930For the paper of the birth, the name is registered, and Pol Pot's (Pol Pot) that acquires the scholarship, goes to study abroad toward France, and knows Pol Pot in Paris and at this time name is in him in Cane (transliterated Kim Trang) and 1950 (Saloth Sar). It is simultaneous and the organization of the communism of Cambodia acts his participation in the France stay. Britain Surrey returns to Cambodia, and does a secret activity of the communist party continuously in 1957. It belongs to a high-level leader in the intraparty after it becomes red Cambodia, and it plunders of power in 1975, and it takes charge of the duty as the outside length and the vice premier from among governments. Is Britain Surrey called in three number 1 in red Cambodia, agriculture declining (Noun Chea), and Pol Pot? Three elder brothers?。The wife and of Britain serve as sisters and a red Cambodian government by the wife of beautiful (Ieng Thirith) or Takashi Ulwashi (Khieu Thirith) Pol Pot before, and are directors of the city news department.

It stays with the political power of Hun Sen in Phnom Penh guiding red Cambodia of the eddy at a Cambodian Thai border of Britain Surrey, district, and one streak 1996 year at important power and the acquittal is obtained. It always converts, it resides, and it is sanative at this year's age of 77 of Britain Surrey toward an eddy straw mat or Phnom Penh or Thailand in traffic. Because it is judged for the married couple and international of Britain Surrey to have to investigate the garden and to arrest it in the list of names of five people, two people in that. They are two people additionally, and agriculture has already been detained months how many early ago of person in charge Deuch in the prison S21 (title) because of the theorist of the politics of a Cambodian party that is Maeaca declining. It is notorious, and not confined former President's Tacashimou (Khieu Samphan) to one person now. Besides, the child of (Ta Mok). should appear to the person of (IMuc) that is still and court calling the name and receive the trial tower of the leader in already red ..die.. ..he.. Cambodia itTo be negative, to deny their all participating in a large, uncouth thing respectively and the above-mentioned killing, and to violate about 1.7 million people, the crime of the death assumes the responsibility. It is normal that he works consistently at Britain Surrey, never knows, and it is said the behavior of assuming the responsibility but another some people. However, is the hand put out to doing the record that he announced before in 1978, the explanation of his two married couples, entering, and the slaughter of people's crimes, is the original chosen, and is 〓 recorded as follows?We take advantage of the win, pursue, eliminate completely, and oppose remnants of the business of our revolution with our judgment of becoming thorough, and removing and the change into the molecule of internal. ?

Know Britain Surrey and the intraparty beautifully wash the antagonist well, and with the slaughter of brothers of a domestic various circles. It is judged by one court (Britain Surrey and the locale) when Vietnamese military forces return 〓 and it receives it on Cambodian land, and the capital punishment is decided in August, 1979. I thought that the newspaper magazine had to judge and to have the trial of the form of Shiftohayashi of the Soviet Union at that time.

Are the post and the crime that records Britain Surrey when red Cambodia is in power in the book on International Criminal Tribunal and the accusation put out, and takes charge 〓 as follows on August 17?〓 agitates, murders making, the invitation of various criminality, participation, issuing the plan, the instruction, and the policy without fail, forcing to part a resident from original I, forcing labor on the people, and the exercises of a cruel corporal punishment to the confinement, and the crime of the people etc. is murdered without giving the instruction, and having passed the trial of the law. ?

Of wife-Britain in Britain Surrey was beautiful, and, similarly, originally went to study to France before by one famous intellect. It takes charge of the city news department, and the medical treatment is always investigated in the director toward the district in the northwest in 1976 when of Britain is beautiful. After it returns to Phnom Penh, she reports to Pol Pot, it does to each hierarchy of the intraparty already ..a lot of foreign number of men that is.., it sees, and it takes a hit on the power of the revolution. Because it ..Pol Pot.. starts by the report that of Britain is beautiful, the party of each class in the intraparty liquidates part, and a so-called outsider exercises, they think the wave to be an enemy of the revolution. It comes from the offer of the above-mentioned material and the offer of the document center in Cambodia.

It is Cambodia, and publishes domestic each newspaper magazine and 〓, goes early morning, and is arrested news of Mr. and Mrs. in Britain Surrey. The journalist and yesterday afternoon of this place of one person are said, and he has already heard of. Cambodia..government..international..race..crime..annihilate..garden..judge..already..develop..concrete..duty..execute..meaning..respectively..apply..all..think.

It is British Surrey, and is announced and, similarly, not talked about to at short time
before appearance at the bar of justice.

Already runs (Pass) and has died in 1998.

French 〓 international radio broadcasting station RFI at obtaining 2007-11-12
material of Tami of Minami destination

This sentence was revised on November 14, 2007.



フランスによると、國際ラジオ放送局の記者、2007-11-12日、プノンペンの報道から、 カンボジアの警官、〓は早朝行って逮捕して、前赤いカンボジアの第3番の人物の前 ? 民主カンボジア ? ,政府の外長-英Surreyは及び妻-英の蔕で美しくて、 2人。赤いカンボジアで1975年政権を握ることに告発を受けて、1978年の時にまで(へ)、人種に參與して犯罪に壊滅します。

警官は朝にになって、英Surreyの個人の住所に來ます --- 首都プノンペンがあって、1基のきれいな別荘、その人を逮捕することを行って、そして彼らを、監禁して國際で庭を審判して、人種の犯罪に壊滅して、臨時の留置所內。しばらく人民の頭の上で乗って、風當たりが強い作雨、罪がない極限に達している政権の人物を慘殺して、會作の囚人、間もなく、國際法廷の裁判を受けます。赤いカンボジアでごく短い3年、8ヶ月の17日の統治のもとで、不完全にの統計によると、およそ1百70萬あって、カンボジア人は慘殺して、餓死することを被って、あるいは病死して、その中、多い中國係、華僑とベトナム子孫人を含みます。

英Surrey ( Ieng Sary ) ,1930年1月1日に生まれて、ベトナム、南部の九竜江 (つまりメコン川 ) デルタもっと、綿人、共に集まり住む地方。誕生の紙は名前を登録して、金荘 (音訳します、 Kim Trang )、 1950年、彼は奨學金を獲得して、フランスに向かって留學して、パリで、ポルポトを知りました ( Pol Pot ),この時、ポルポトの名前は、沙洛沙爾 ( Saloth Sar )。同時、彼はフランス滯在に參加して、カンボジアの共産主義の組織の活動。 1957年、英Surreyはカンボジアに戻って、共産黨の秘密の活動を引き続き行います。赤いカンボジアになって、1975年権力を奪い取った後で、黨內の高級な指導者に屬して、政府の內で、外長と副首相の職務を擔當します。赤いカンボジアの內の3人のナンバーワン、農謝 ( Noun Chea )とポルポトの中で、英Surreyは稱されます ? 3人の兄 ?。その妻、英の蔕は美しいです ( Ieng Thirith ),あるいは喬蒂麗 ( Khieu Thirith )ポルポトの妻で、姉妹なことと、赤いカンボジア政府を以前に務めて、社會部部長。

1996年、英Surreyのカンボジアタイ國境での巴と寧地區、1筋の赤いカンボジアを指導して、重要な力の時にプノンペンのフン・センの政権に身を寄せて、そして免罪を得ます。英Surreyの今年の77歳、いつも転換して居住して、往來の巴むしろあるいはプノンペン、あるいはタイに向かって病気を治します。英Surreyの夫婦、國際が庭を取り調べて5人の名簿の中で逮捕しなければならないことを判定するので、その中の2人。その他に二人、前赤いカンボジア黨の政治の理論家のため、農謝とS21日(號)の刑務所の責任者Deuch ,早いです何ヶ月前に、すでに拘留されました。現在、あります1名は悪名高くて、元國家主席の喬申潘 ( Khieu Samphan ) 監禁されていません。それ以外に、名前を義穆と言うこととがまだあります ( IMuc )の人物、法廷に出て裁判を受けなければならなくて、彼、すでに亡くなる赤いカンボジアの頭目の塔莫です ( Ta Mok )の子。 上述のおのおの、全て彼らが大きくて粗暴なことに參與して殺すことを否定して、否定して、約1百70萬人を犯すため、死亡の犯罪は責任を負います。英Surreyは、 彼が一貫して働くのが正常で、決して知っていなくて、責任を負わないことと、別のいくつかの人の行動と言います。 しかし、1978年に、彼のかつて発表した記録は行って、彼の夫婦の2人を説明して、入って人民の犯罪を慘殺することに手を出して、 原文は選んで次の通り〓を記録します ? 私達は徹底的になって、內部のを取り除いて分子に変わることを判定して、私達は勝ちに乗じて追撃して、 完全に消滅させて、私達の革命の事業の殘黨に反対します。?


8月17日、國際法廷、出す告訴の本の中で、赤いカンボジアが政権を握る時英Surreyを記録して、擔當した役と犯罪は次の通り〓です ? 扇動して、〓は各種の犯罪行為をつくって招いて、參與して必ず計畫、命令と政策を出して、住民に原居を離れるように強製して、民衆に対して労働を強製して、 監禁に殘虐な體刑を行使することを命令を下して、法律の裁判を経ていないで、人民などの犯罪を殺害します。?


カンボジア、國內の各新聞雑誌、〓をも掲載して早朝行って、英Surreyの夫妻の逮捕されるニュース。1人の當地の記者、また昨日の午後を言って、彼はすでにこのがかぐことを耳にしました。カンボジアの政府、國際と人種の犯罪に壊滅することに対して庭を審判して、すでに展開して具體的に任務を実行して、 1歩意義のに邁進しましたとそれぞれ申し込んで全て思っています。



嶺南の遺民の2007-11-12 資料の入手先〓 フランス國際ラジオ放送局 RFI


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