(博訊北京時間2007年11月13日 來稿)http://www.peacehall.com/news/gb/china/2007/11/200711131527.shtml

左二:張淑鳳 左一:張淑鳳被打殘的丈夫
Left two: Ms. Zhang Shufeng is left one: Ms. Zhang Shufeng, is hit the remnant husband
左二:張淑鳳女史 左一:張淑鳳女史、不完全な夫を毆られます
Zhang Shufeng in 2007 education-through-labor decision book (1)
張淑鳳2007年勞動教養決定書(二) [博訊來稿] (博訊 boxun.com)
Zhang Shufeng in 2007 education-through-labor decision book (2) [abundant news submission ] (abundant news boxun.com)
張淑鳳は2007年に犯罪者への労働による思想改造は本を決定します(2) [ニュース投稿原稿を博します] (ニュース boxunを博します.com)
Beijing visits the people, Ms. Zhang Shufeng, considers the Beijing education-through-labor committee, publicly holds court (chart) (the abundant news Beijing standard time on November 13, 2007 submission)
This morning 9 o'clock, Beijing visits the people, Ms. Zhang
Shufeng, the shape considers a Beijing education-through-labor
committee document, in the Beijing Xuanwu district court, the fifth
court publicly holds court. The Beijing legal help center, sends out a surname attorney Yuan, appears in court to support the lawsuit, the defendant side, the Beijing education-through-labor committee, two propagandas cadre, appear in court to be supposed to sue.
法院院長被抓 北京訪民紛紛借機喊冤/民生觀察(圖)
央視京報公開造假 北京訪民義憤填膺
點擊這裏對此新聞發表看法Ms. Zhang Shufeng, this time considers the Beijing education-through-labor committee, was because of last March, she by Beijing education-through-labor committee, an announcement reeducation
through labor year. Last year two met the eve, is being put under
house arrest in the home, Beijing always visited the people, Ms. Zhang Shufeng, suddenly, by the district Beijing Shunyi area kernel and local police station's vice- managers, take invited to eat meal
carries off as, afterwards, she is engaged in the illegal and criminal activities, place an education-through-labor year.
Ms. after Zhang Shufeng by the reeducation through labor, immediately,was proposed the administration reconsiders. After the administration reconsiders is rejected, still at in reeducation through labor institute she, also the trustee to the Beijing Xuanwu district court,filed the lawsuit. The case, after has been towed the more than half a year, finally publicly has held today court, in court visitors' gallery, full house, more than 30 Beijing visits the people, audited this trial.
According to incompletely understood that, visits the people, the
shape considers the education-through-labor committee, such
dictatorship organ, and, can publicly hold court, in Beijing should be the first example. According to some people disclosed that, Ms. Zhang Shufeng, this case, obtained Beijing, the law public figure's support,today, appears in court attorney Yuan which defends, in court, also pointed out many times the Beijing education-through-labor committee,the reeducation through labor normally appeals for help visits the people, violates the law.
The court will choose the date to judge.
It is reported, 2,001 bottoms, Ms. Zhang Shufeng daughter, Miss Zhang Lan by teacher (unprincipled person) Wang Qiuju, is hit is swollen the face and the mouth, Miss Zhang Lan's daddy, interrogates teacher to the school, but unexpectedly, by school another in field teacher, has been looked three people, beats mercilessly together him sends the disabled person, loses the ability to work, Ms. Zhang Shufeng,therefore, stepped onto has appealed for help the road. But, in October, 2007, Ms. Zhang Shufeng, once again by a reeducation through labor year, outside the institute is carried out.
The livelihood of the people observes the work room 2007-11-13
ます(図)(ニュース北京時間の2007年11月13日を博します 投稿原稿)