

First time going to Baby Club at LAMP,Nov.9,2012

(2012-11-16 21:07:57) 下一個

I heard about the baby club on Fridays at LAMP but never been to. Finally today we joined th club.

The morning club is for baby from 6to 1 months old. The afternoon one is for baby from birth to 6 months old.


So many parents and babies were in the club, lots of babies are good crawlers,some are walkers,my baby was not crawling as usual, she sat well on one spot to play with toys and books,sometimes she interacted with other babies that came close to her.


We had a few staff,we sang lots of nursery rhymes and songs,we also had a guest speaker from Kiddie Proofers to talk about baby proofing and safety,infant to toddler car seats etc.They have everything from safety locks,safety gates,to home safety stuff.They also provide home consultation,and cusomized instalation.


Good to know there is a place (store)that we can find all the child proofing products.

The website of Kiddie Proofers is : www.kiddieproofers.com

the store is at: 3011 Dufferin St.Toronto,ON,M6B3T4


We may go visit the store or book on line when we need it. 


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