


(2008-10-20 21:47:23) 下一個

A Bailout Beijing Would Cheer  北京將為之喝彩的救援行動
By David Ignatius Thursday, October 16, 2008美國《華盛頓郵報》網站10月16日文章

We are all Chinese now. That is, we have a nominally capitalist economy, but we don't trust the freewheeling private market when it comes to the crunch. So we turn to the government for protection and stability.

The new interventionism isn't so much socialist as it is Confucian -- a belief that a public-private partnership of the wise ones will get us out of the mess. And if it's any consolation, the Chinese are becoming more like us, even as we are becoming more like them.

A Chinese preview of this week's government-funded recapitalization of the banks came in the Hong Kong stock market crash of August 1998. To counter a typhoon of speculation that had battered the local market, Chinese authorities intervened to buy up sagging stocks with public money. The government spent $15.1 billion to acquire about 7.3 percent of the companies in the blue-chip Hang Seng Index.

Free-market partisans in the West were shocked by the Chinese intervention and decried it as a dangerous precedent. But it helped stabilize the Hong Kong market. Now, that earlier bailout seems modest indeed -- compared with the quasi-nationalization of the world's leading banks we're seeing this week.

The Chinese have stayed edgy about markets, even as their version of capitalism has created unprecedented growth and prosperity. They preferred to run very large trade surpluses, a kind of forced public saving, rather than spend their new wealth. And they resisted pressure to revalue their currency upward, as market forces would have dictated, because they feared the consequences.

A Chinese central banker explained to me in Beijing a few years ago that he believed Japan's "lost decade" of economic stagnation was a result of letting the Japanese yen appreciate too rapidly during the boom years, and that the Chinese wouldn't make the same mistake. The Chinese were also squeamish as they watched the Russians during their wild "oligarch capitalism" phase in the 1990s. The Russian model was too raucous, too rapacious.

It will take many months for the dust of this crisis to settle and to make judgments about the shape of the new order. But already, my favorite futurist, Peter Schwartz of the Monitor Group, predicts that we are entering a new political and economic paradigm. "Clearly, we have just moved a big step away from democratic capitalism," he says.

One source of instability that must be fixed is the structural imbalance in global trade that came to be known as "Bretton Woods II." Essentially, it meant that the Chinese and other Asian economies would run large trade surpluses and fund the corresponding U.S. trade deficits by buying Treasury bonds -- in effect lending us the money to finance our overconsumption. That helped create the huge pools of capital that sloshed around international markets, and the low interest rates that encouraged investors to take too many risks.

The Bretton Woods II regime must evolve into something more stable. In the simplest terms, the fix will require more consumption by China, and less by the United States. It's a tricky transition: After the shocks of the past few months, the Chinese will want to be less vulnerable to global markets; they will put more emphasis on domestic growth and consumption and less on export markets. But China and the West still need each other, perhaps more than ever.

One hopeful sign last week was that the Chinese were moving toward private ownership, even as America and Europe were moving away from it. The Chinese government announced a new rural policy aimed at allowing millions of farmers to own the land they have been working. This would create a huge new reserve of private wealth in China, which could power domestic spending and growth.

The reality that has come home to all of us during the great panic of 2008 is that nobody likes living on the knife-edge of the market. We want the dynamism and flexibility that a capitalist economy uniquely provides. But we want protection, too -- a safety net for ourselves and our families when markets fail.

 Lucky, prosperous people disdain this human need for protection when times are good and relief is going to the destitute and unlucky. But let's not hear any more thundering about self-reliance and the "school of hard knocks" from the bankers and trust-fund babies who are the beneficiaries of the bailout. We are all Chinese now, for better or worse, and we're all eating from the same bowl.

The writer is co-host of PostGlobal, an online discussion of international issues. His e-mail address is davidignatius@washpost.com.
作者是PostGlobal共同主辦者,這是一個國際問題的在線討論。他的e - mail地址是davidignatius@washpost.com 。
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閱讀 ()評論 (18)
Near50 回複 悄悄話 好文章, 好翻譯!
但仍堅信"逆境把我們錘煉成才What does not destroy me, makes me stronger.
hate2register 回複 悄悄話 我看這篇文章的意思是不太讚成bailout,覺的有走向社會主義的趨勢。在這裏,中國隻是社會主義的代名詞,作者並沒有貶或讚中國,而是很客觀地分析不同國家的情形。不知道底下一些看官在爭啥,幹嗎一看見中國就這麽敏感?
stillthere 回複 悄悄話

曆史就是這樣-三十年河東, 三十年河西!
釉色 回複 悄悄話 回複775151的評論:本來不想發言的,可是感覺那位是個男生,我暫時還不想變性。^0^
775151 回複 悄悄話 回複zczc的評論: Are you 釉色? You seem the same person. Again, it is lawful to post the articles written by others. That's part of news. You have your own right to post your view on China (even though it's a anti-China one). Other people have the same right to do so. Do not try to stop other people from posting either their views or from other authors.
lecherous 回複 悄悄話 中國的優秀企業,大部分已經被外資部分或者全部收購了。我們不管做什麽,老外是注定了撈大頭。
最後的恐龍 回複 悄悄話 九八年,中央政府為捍衛香港經濟入市幹預,現任特首曾蔭權時任財政司,在入市幹預的前一個晚上竟然為了他讀過的書本裏的理論哭了。他認為:自由經濟要死了!老鄧有一句話:不管白貓黑貓,能捉老鼠的就是好貓。我更喜歡把他這句話歪曲理解成:不管姓社姓資,能把人民與國家的利益為依歸的就是好政府,管他管姓社還是姓資。時到今天,姓社姓資的概念也隻能在過去的書本上還有西方別又有心的傳媒的裏才看得到!我們還有在討論分清楚他們之間的界線的必要嗎?
風娉 回複 悄悄話 美國是資本主義走到極端的社會主義,中國是社會主義走到極端的資本主義.這就叫做:雞生蛋,蛋生雞,雞又生......蛋又生......循環往複,以至無窮!
又來了個自以為是的 回複 悄悄話 有點意思,一篇直接翻譯出來的文章也有人出來對中國說兩句,好像不出來說道中國幾句,怕人不知道他是美國人還是咋的?


zczc 回複 悄悄話 一個美國人寫這麽一篇文章就足以讓中國飄飄然了嗎?中國還是中國,中國的科技及由此帶來的工業產物在哪裏、中國的社會道德和監督機製以及由此產生的一係列食品安全問題,中國的社會結構(貧窮的農民、貪得無厭的富得流油的貪官)……一切都不會因為一個美國人說了什麽就成了社會主義好的藍圖了,醒醒吧。
775151 回複 悄悄話 回複釉色的評論:
If there is no such news, there would be no any news at all.
釉色 回複 悄悄話 一個美國人,還不是美國政府唉, 一個美國專欄作家說了些什麽,寫了些什麽,有這麽重要嗎。 一個外國人把中國說的多好或者多爛,對中國國情有影響嗎。 中國人不會因為一個外國人把中國說的多好或者多爛就過得快樂一些或者痛苦一些。 其實我真的很煩這種今天美國人說了些什麽的報道,怎麽我在美國就沒看到美國人關心,今天人民日報說了美國人什麽了。
誰說非得注冊 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享。全世界都在做修正,尋求最好的主義。
金色的麥田 回複 悄悄話 憨哥真厲害!很仰望的說~~~
gcrdb 回複 悄悄話 翻譯得好。謝謝。
pzhaofliu 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享。
mdxblsnt 回複 悄悄話 你翻譯得很好。謝謝。
霽魃璆 回複 悄悄話 美國是摻了社會主義的資本主義,中國是摻了資本主義的社會主義。總之,趨同了。