yinyangguaiqi2008-07-03 16:30:15回複悄悄話
The United States is the most successful country in terms of brain-wash through political propaganda. This is one of my expriences that involved the so called freedeom of speech.
I watched a program called “Frontline” on PBS channel. It basically exaggerated the situation in Darfur as a “genocide” (but it never showed the concrete evidence in terms of the number of people who were killed). It described how some of the so called “activists” conspired a “Genocide Olympics” with Dalai to force Chinese by humiliating Chinese to join an UN resolution to pressure Sudan government. They were very proud of what they had done and considered the conspiracy a “success”. I wrote a letter and posted to the PBS web site specifically to respond this program right after the show. But what I could see was the letters from other people except for mine. While I was trying to figure out why, I saw a quote saying that they can not publish all of the letters because of the large quantity. Then it says that “we will post the letters after reviewing them and will publish it according to the content the letters cover”. I then read the published ones and found out that almost all of the published letters were one side opinion, which is, UN is useless and China is veil.
美國的學校教室裏,沒有“熱愛。。。”的標語口號,學生也不上政治課。民眾愛國的確是自發的。也許,他們會天天指責政府無能,官員無德。但是,他們不會像網上的輪子們一樣咒罵自己的國家。 至於說 Freedom of speech, 您發表這篇評論不就是最好的注解嗎?
2] "...美國人講愛國主義就是普世價值,中國人講愛國主義就是狹隘民族主義...我也想到美國去做一個熱愛普世價值的國際主義者..."(from 大陸百姓)
Correction: 美國人講愛國主義是一個狹隘民族主義;中國人愛講熱愛普世價值的國際主義!!!
“天賦人權,不可侵犯,人類生來自由平等,每個人都具有一些與生俱來的,不可剝奪的基本人權,那就是生命的權力,思想的權力,自由的權力,與追求幸福的權力。政府的組成是為了維護和發揚人的基本人權。 政府由人民選舉產生,人民有權監督政府, 政府如果破壞人民的基本人權,人民有權推翻政府,必要時可以使用武力。為了在自己出生的土地上推翻暴政的統治,我們---人民,光榮的具有永遠不可剝奪的反抗和革命的權力。”
憨哥的文章圖文並茂, 藍天, 藍底, 藍邊, 藍旗,讓人的心情特別地舒暢.
其實我們在美國已經把自由和民主習慣成空氣一樣的東西, 不知不覺了.
中午吃飯的時候, 我把憨哥的文章讓我的老板看, 我說我們都喜愛美國,
結果他一高興, 當即宣布: 下班回家!! 哈哈~~~~
Do you work for US goverment to post comments?
I watched a program called “Frontline” on PBS channel. It basically exaggerated the situation in Darfur as a “genocide” (but it never showed the concrete evidence in terms of the number of people who were killed). It described how some of the so called “activists” conspired a “Genocide Olympics” with Dalai to force Chinese by humiliating Chinese to join an UN resolution to pressure Sudan government. They were very proud of what they had done and considered the conspiracy a “success”. I wrote a letter and posted to the PBS web site specifically to respond this program right after the show. But what I could see was the letters from other people except for mine. While I was trying to figure out why, I saw a quote saying that they can not publish all of the letters because of the large quantity. Then it says that “we will post the letters after reviewing them and will publish it according to the content the letters cover”. I then read the published ones and found out that almost all of the published letters were one side opinion, which is, UN is useless and China is veil.