在西藏再次引起世人注目的時候,今兒發兩組照片,一組是廣為流傳的一個美國人鏡頭下的西藏。大概從本世紀九十年代起,隨著好萊塢的電影如《Seven Years In Tibet》、發現頻道(Discovery)、美國國家地理雜誌以及新聞媒體的大量介紹,西藏的神奇和美麗,被許多西方人關注;西藏特殊的地理位置以及可能隱藏的巨大的自然資源,更是讓西方大國虎視眈眈。西方社會既有對這個“世外桃源”的浪漫遐想,又有對這片神聖土地的別有用心。越來越多的西方人熱衷於西藏,到西藏旅遊或其他,從不同的視覺,解讀西藏。
阿列克2008-04-07 14:49:15回複悄悄話
想起小時候爸媽說:好吃好喝供你還天天換著法子氣我們,不聽話。我就想:一點小事就發那麽大脾氣,沒完沒了,有的時候還動粗。我寧肯換到窮人家去。其實這跟中西教育子女方式差異很象。吃飯的時候爸媽經常夾一塊肉放到我碗裏,不管我愛不愛吃,就算愛吃也不領情,外國人喜歡對孩子說would you like some...就連父母要幫孩子係鞋帶都要問can i help u另外社會福利機構應跟國外學定點每星期去領
chatter2008-04-07 10:38:28回複悄悄話
To 天佑中華_我的祖國:
Last part of your comment to Steven is regarding "love China". Steven claim that he loves China. That does not mean he cannot criticize some policy or doings of Chinese government. Those are two different things. Just like you hear a lot American don't like the government, but they are patriotic. To me even if I cast a vote to a government, I still should have a right to comment or criticize this government, even before foreigners. Let alone I was not given a right to vote.
And also using "Steven" does not mean anything. I believe over 90% of Chinese immigrants here have English name. This has nothing to do with one's believe and philosophy. Nor so whether or not one uses English or Chinese to communicate. Your implication in "I don't know you still can remember Chinese words and this is the reason I use English to communicate wih you." is groundless.
As for CCTV versus BBC or CNN, let me ask our folks this question - where did you guys get to know Abu Grade prison? Katrina mishandling? Guantanamo prison? BBC and CNN, as well as all big media. They are the first one to disclose it. Is CCTV the first one to disclose SARS? Medias there are controlled by government. What else do you expect to hear from?
As Freedom and demacracy, to me it is also obvious - I can read anything. CNN and BBC distort truth? There are tons of others available. Do they all distort truth? If someday I believe all medias here distort truth, then I'd better ask myself if my brain is distorted. Unforturenately my poor fellow Chinese do not have this luxury to read medias from outside world. They are considered as dumb and not able to distinguish right and wrong.
天佑中華_我的祖國2008-04-07 06:22:20回複悄悄話
Steven, from your Christan name, I already know something. I have been in oversea for more than ten years, I still use my Chinese name.I don't know you still can remember Chinese words and this is the reason I use English to communicate wih you.
People, especially some people already moved out of China, like to use Democracy or Freedowm these words, sounds like they don't know these words when they were in China,or they knew these words in China but were depressed too much until they are in a sign of relief when they are out of China. Then, Mr Steven, can you give me an example of how you don't have Democracy and freedom in China and how you enjoy Democracy and Freedowm in your living country? Did you ever stand in your living country's street and shouted loudly and scold the leader of the country to see how much democracy & Freedom you have compared with China?
Your questioned people on how true they have listened to real Tibetean poeple,how about you? Probably you listen to what western people say, am I right? Oh, what they say is true ! Yes, I am always searching CCTV for News, to you , that means what? Means I should stop and switch to CNN or other western media to not let my thought Brainstormed by CCTV, and get brainstormed by CNN or BBC?
I will tell my children about Tibet's History, be part of the education of Chinese History, whether Tibet belongs to Chinaor not, I will not discuss it, it is part of China's history, however, this is nothing to do with whether I support Democracy, Freedom, religious Freedom or not. These are totally two different things.
No need to ask us to wake up, if we are already outside, we have already waken up many years ago, it is not the time of waking up, it is the time to think, logically and wisely.
You claimed you love China,really? Oh, you loved a separated China. You loved a China that everything she does should get scolded by people that previously were, and even now are robbers? You loved a China that you sitting in front of your PC typing some words asking people not believe her? Come On, Steven, even if 99.9999% people believe what you said, I am the one who will say: Stopping saying you love China(Nobody will blame you if you say you don't love China), go and enjoy your Freedom and let other people have their own !!
To stevenw9: I believe Democracy is the best system in the world, but it doesn't mean it suits every country.
As you said, to free Tibet has nothing to do with most Chinese common life. Then what means a lot to them? I think a peaceful environment, earning good money and feeling secure are important. Violence are definately against those all.
If British colonists could ever have asked native Americans' opinion, we would not have to listen to a super powerful country to teach others what we should do everyday.
BTW, you are a Chinese, why don't you speak Chinese? I always feel strange and unconfortable to talk with a Chinese in English.
before I came here, I think Free Tibet is obvious, but after I've been here, I'm no longer sure if most Tibet want independent.
ellamoney2008-04-07 02:17:30回複悄悄話
你不配中國人這個稱號,你是外國人的龜孫子!Have you ever been to China and Tibet?If not do not say anything like brainwashed by Chinese government.
How shameful you are .You do not derserve 'I am a Chinese'.You probabaly wish to dye your skin and be the son of bitch of your white boss!
I lived in London for 10 years and although I agree democracy is not always bad but I still think it is better for China to be run by Communist party.It is much better and avoid backwards and forwards regarding to develop China.You can see how is Taiwan now.Imagine if China such a hugh country practice so called democracy,it would be ruined by western countries in no time. Do not be naive!
Look at what they do in Iraq .Is that what they call democracy?!
stevenw92008-04-06 01:19:07回複悄悄話
可憐的中國人, 在中國大陸有言論自由嗎?religious freedom? Not mentioned in Tibet. You are so brain-washed, even though you are out of China for so many years. Did you learn anything? Guess you still watch CCTV all day long. CNN may be not accurate. But there is thousands more TV stations.
What is freedom? What is respect for human beings? Guess you never learn anything. Not knowing what is right or wrong. Have any of you heard what Tibetan says? Until we hear what Tibetan freely express what they really feel from independent news resources, of course I will suspect they are mistreated, just like all those people inside China. What a pity, all 70 cable channels are the same from cctv at 8 pm news. They can never know anything different. They are brain-washed and blind-sided.
Whether Tibet belongs to China or not, will it affect your daily life? Probably not. But whether you support freedom of speech, respect for religious freedom, support for the weak, knowing what is right or wrong have everything to do with you!
Try to explain to your children because you believe Tibetan belongs to China, you support for the government to suppress their freedom of religion, speech, respect for human rights. You will be so shamed! Their little hearts know what is right or wrong!
Wake up Chinese, especially those out of China and now are enjoying freedom of speech. If you do not believe CNN, go to another news source. If you believe all those news resources from different countries, are the same from governments, for the same political reasons, you might as well go back to China to watch those 70 cable channels which show the same pictures.
I love China because I am a Chinese, but I love freedom more!
Last part of your comment to Steven is regarding "love China". Steven claim that he loves China. That does not mean he cannot criticize some policy or doings of Chinese government. Those are two different things. Just like you hear a lot American don't like the government, but they are patriotic. To me even if I cast a vote to a government, I still should have a right to comment or criticize this government, even before foreigners. Let alone I was not given a right to vote.
And also using "Steven" does not mean anything. I believe over 90% of Chinese immigrants here have English name. This has nothing to do with one's believe and philosophy. Nor so whether or not one uses English or Chinese to communicate. Your implication in "I don't know you still can remember Chinese words and this is the reason I use English to communicate wih you." is groundless.
As for CCTV versus BBC or CNN, let me ask our folks this question - where did you guys get to know Abu Grade prison? Katrina mishandling? Guantanamo prison? BBC and CNN, as well as all big media. They are the first one to disclose it. Is CCTV the first one to disclose SARS? Medias there are controlled by government. What else do you expect to hear from?
As Freedom and demacracy, to me it is also obvious - I can read anything. CNN and BBC distort truth? There are tons of others available. Do they all distort truth? If someday I believe all medias here distort truth, then I'd better ask myself if my brain is distorted. Unforturenately my poor fellow Chinese do not have this luxury to read medias from outside world. They are considered as dumb and not able to distinguish right and wrong.
Steven, from your Christan name, I already know something. I have been in oversea for more than ten years, I still use my Chinese name.I don't know you still can remember Chinese words and this is the reason I use English to communicate wih you.
People, especially some people already moved out of China, like to use Democracy or Freedowm these words, sounds like they don't know these words when they were in China,or they knew these words in China but were depressed too much until they are in a sign of relief when they are out of China. Then, Mr Steven, can you give me an example of how you don't have Democracy and freedom in China and how you enjoy Democracy and Freedowm in your living country? Did you ever stand in your living country's street and shouted loudly and scold the leader of the country to see how much democracy & Freedom you have compared with China?
Your questioned people on how true they have listened to real Tibetean poeple,how about you? Probably you listen to what western people say, am I right? Oh, what they say is true ! Yes, I am always searching CCTV for News, to you , that means what? Means I should stop and switch to CNN or other western media to not let my thought Brainstormed by CCTV, and get brainstormed by CNN or BBC?
I will tell my children about Tibet's History, be part of the education of Chinese History, whether Tibet belongs to Chinaor not, I will not discuss it, it is part of China's history, however, this is nothing to do with whether I support Democracy, Freedom, religious Freedom or not. These are totally two different things.
No need to ask us to wake up, if we are already outside, we have already waken up many years ago, it is not the time of waking up, it is the time to think, logically and wisely.
You claimed you love China,really? Oh, you loved a separated China. You loved a China that everything she does should get scolded by people that previously were, and even now are robbers? You loved a China that you sitting in front of your PC typing some words asking people not believe her? Come On, Steven, even if 99.9999% people believe what you said, I am the one who will say: Stopping saying you love China(Nobody will blame you if you say you don't love China), go and enjoy your Freedom and let other people have their own !!
To stevenw9: I believe Democracy is the best system in the world, but it doesn't mean it suits every country.
As you said, to free Tibet has nothing to do with most Chinese common life. Then what means a lot to them? I think a peaceful environment, earning good money and feeling secure are important. Violence are definately against those all.
If British colonists could ever have asked native Americans' opinion, we would not have to listen to a super powerful country to teach others what we should do everyday.
BTW, you are a Chinese, why don't you speak Chinese? I always feel strange and unconfortable to talk with a Chinese in English.
你沒有聽到或看到並不等於不存在。CCTV報道的你可以不相信,那建議你看看美國人拍的如何 Tibet Dairy - 西藏日記。如果你的英文好我建議你聽英文,看看那兩個美國人到底怎麽說。
我印象最深的是在影片的最後JOHN said:
before I came here, I think Free Tibet is obvious, but after I've been here, I'm no longer sure if most Tibet want independent.
you are shit, go die
你不配中國人這個稱號,你是外國人的龜孫子!Have you ever been to China and Tibet?If not do not say anything like brainwashed by Chinese government.
How shameful you are .You do not derserve 'I am a Chinese'.You probabaly wish to dye your skin and be the son of bitch of your white boss!
I lived in London for 10 years and although I agree democracy is not always bad but I still think it is better for China to be run by Communist party.It is much better and avoid backwards and forwards regarding to develop China.You can see how is Taiwan now.Imagine if China such a hugh country practice so called democracy,it would be ruined by western countries in no time. Do not be naive!
Look at what they do in Iraq .Is that what they call democracy?!
有空常回家看看, 父老鄉情想你呀!!!!
What is freedom? What is respect for human beings? Guess you never learn anything. Not knowing what is right or wrong. Have any of you heard what Tibetan says? Until we hear what Tibetan freely express what they really feel from independent news resources, of course I will suspect they are mistreated, just like all those people inside China. What a pity, all 70 cable channels are the same from cctv at 8 pm news. They can never know anything different. They are brain-washed and blind-sided.
Whether Tibet belongs to China or not, will it affect your daily life? Probably not. But whether you support freedom of speech, respect for religious freedom, support for the weak, knowing what is right or wrong have everything to do with you!
Try to explain to your children because you believe Tibetan belongs to China, you support for the government to suppress their freedom of religion, speech, respect for human rights. You will be so shamed! Their little hearts know what is right or wrong!
Wake up Chinese, especially those out of China and now are enjoying freedom of speech. If you do not believe CNN, go to another news source. If you believe all those news resources from different countries, are the same from governments, for the same political reasons, you might as well go back to China to watch those 70 cable channels which show the same pictures.
I love China because I am a Chinese, but I love freedom more!