
US Housing, properties showing value, but purchasing power lags

(2008-06-09 07:36:31) 下一個
it\'s not that US houses are more expensive, in fact they are of much better value than almost most of the more desirable part of the world, (Europe and Asia),

if you have been to HomeDepot lately, you should have been shocked to see how much price hike on all the little things that make up a house,

going into a couple of years, the cost of making a new house should catch up with the current price level imho,

however, it\'s not to say that housing will bottom from here, what\'s happening is the purchasing power in US has been greatly diminished after decades of over spending and some over leverage during last few boom years,

US economy needs serious structure adjustment, which may very well be on the way, basically, rewinding from the so called service economy to the more hardware based input/output relationship with the rest of world,

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