
about GRO,

(2008-06-02 07:24:12) 下一個
a couple of words on NED/GRO
來源: seamist08-05-27 16:22:45
someone QQH'ed me for my target and I replied... thought it would be fair to post here,

NED, if their business condition is as good as on their CC, I'd expect next year they maybe earn $0.60+, (20% growth)

if they can solidly rebuild their growth company image, then at some point market may be crazy enough to award a EV/earning 20 valuation, that plus $3.4 would make the target 15.

about GRO, if the shareholders can resolve their difference (with no harm to the company itself) and if the earning can go back to track, they should easily go back to 10,

so that be it, all are crazy "what if...then" in the best of world scenarios,

a few stocks that I'm accumulating,
來源: seamist08-05-27 11:14:31
these two have EV/08 earning at 3-4,

these two more ore less at cash value,

GRO seems fansinating
來源: seamist08-05-24 16:55:13
was doing DD, it's price at cash now, lots of negative news, COO which seem to control its operation unit just had a fight with Chairman, which I guess is the "capital market operator",

anyone has insights to share?

one apparent trigger here, if the two find a way to resolve their problem, and the company is really making money as advertised, that's some easy money,

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