老大三歲時和我們一起回國. 想著飛越半個地球, 就每人申請了累計裏程計劃. 從此航空公司開始跟我們保持密切聯係.
一日收到一電話: “May I speak to RJ?” (RJ’ is my older son’s name)
“He is not at home.”
“This is ABC airline and we offer him 0%APR credit card.”
“RJ is in day care.”
“Oh, may I have his office number?”
老爸老媽住在五樓, 無電梯, 一日, 有客來訪, 訪畢, 老爸熱情擬送客下樓, 老媽將一馬甲袋放入老爸手中, 客見, 忙推辭, “不用了, 不用了, 你們自己留著吃吧.”
老媽頓顯尷尬, 手中一袋垃圾, 不知如何是好.