灣區理財 原創文集

富裕自己,造福他人。 讓自己開心,讓身邊的每個人開心。
BayFamily (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2007-02-15 07:05:55) 下一個
by bayfamily

投資理財其實很簡單, 就這麽幾件事。

1)每月按出而出,千萬別按入為出。 年輕時隻花該花的錢, 無論掙多少。


3)長線投資,沒什麽比房產更好了。無論從稅收,回報來看。不服氣的我可以拿數據和你必。房價增幅穩定,可以有大的leverage. 加上房租,沒有任何其他投資可比。 優先次序是:中國,美國快速發展的地方,Fairfax, bayarea, DC, NYC,LA, etc. 一有餘錢,就貸款四倍買房,慢慢積累。

4) 買房子麻煩,想省事的話,買了自住房後,多出的錢買股票吧。 優先次序是:Roth, 401K, 529K. 再有錢, 賭運氣玩option, 長線買index,有內線消息玩個股。

5)房產高回報,要有大的leverage, 需要穩定的投資環境,夫妻感情不好,趕緊離,找個穩定的過日子。時間耽誤不起。到四十歲再積累,太累。


7) 有小孩的, 買個term保險,sign個will. 千萬別聽任何其他的投資理財師的建議。

差不多就這7條, 有什麽忘了,各位提醒一下。 開源嗎,大家各顯神通吧。 有技術的,開公司,數學好的,改金融,會來事的,作房產經紀。


• 回複:投資理財的十年真經 -mucho_mamasita- ♂ 給 mucho_mamasita 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (111 bytes) (750 reads) 2/15/07 
• 沒錯,彎曲的百萬富翁很多很多 -bayfamily給 bayfamily 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (63 bytes) (413 reads) 2/15/07 
• 回複:沒錯,彎曲的百萬富翁很多很多 -mucho_mamasita- ♂ 給 mucho_mamasita 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (110 bytes) (349 reads) 2/15/07 
• but they are still 百萬富翁 -BayFamily給 BayFamily 發送悄悄話 BayFamily 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (46 reads) 2/15/07 
• Excellent! -cultuslake- ♂ 給 cultuslake 發送悄悄話 cultuslake 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (19 reads) 2/15/07 
• 專心能做好一樣就不錯了。 -cultuslake- ♂ 給 cultuslake 發送悄悄話 cultuslake 的個人博客首頁 (52 bytes) (189 reads) 2/15/07 
• 對呀,要專心持久 -BayFamily給 BayFamily 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (17 reads) 2/15/07 
• 有道理. -shn888- ♂ 給 shn888 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (12 reads) 2/15/07 
• 蠻實在的. -喜歡就好- ♀ 給 喜歡就好 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 2/15/07 
• 貸款那天非常讚同 -loulan- ♀ 給 loulan 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (31 reads) 2/15/07 
• 俺也頂一個! -小小石頭- ♂ 給 小小石頭 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 2/15/07 
• Good suggestions!. -A-mao- ♂ 給 A-mao 發送悄悄話 A-mao 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 2/15/07 
• 好,咱就照你說的做 -穀米- ♀ 給 穀米 發送悄悄話 穀米 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (11 reads) 2/15/07 
• 中心思想是買房??? 越多越好 -左右為難a- ♂ 給 左右為難a 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (146 bytes) (409 reads) 2/15/07 
• 回複:中心思想是買房??? 越多越好 -左右為難a- ♂ 給 左右為難a 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (346 bytes) (306 reads) 2/15/07 
• 未來的十年? go to my blog and check the data -bayfamily給 bayfamily 發送悄悄話 bayfamily 的個人博客首頁 (106 bytes) (266 reads) 2/15/07 
• How to go to your blog? -左右為難a- ♂ 給 左右為難a 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (53 bytes) (44 reads) 2/15/07 
• here it is -bayfamily給 bayfamily 發送悄悄話 bayfamily 的個人博客首頁 (51 bytes) (204 reads) 2/15/07 
• 哈哈哈!問的好!!!要答好你的問題得耒一篇博士論文。 -小小石頭- ♂ 給 小小石頭 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (18 reads) 2/15/07 
• 趕緊寫啊,還等什麽啊 -表情符號- ♀ 給 表情符號 發送悄悄話 表情符號 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 2/15/07 
• 嘿嘿!小聲問一句有稿費麽? -小小石頭- ♂ 給 小小石頭 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 2/15/07 
• 我去籌備 -表情符號- ♀ 給 表情符號 發送悄悄話 表情符號 的個人博客首頁 (22 bytes) (25 reads) 2/15/07 
• ~_~.........................! -小小石頭- ♂ 給 小小石頭 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2/15/07 
• 兩個米粒就夠了,他也不需要投資了。哈哈 -左右為難a- ♂ 給 左右為難a 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 2/15/07 
• 兩個米粒不多,我有! -表情符號- ♀ 給 表情符號 發送悄悄話 表情符號 的個人博客首頁 (38 bytes) (46 reads) 2/15/07 
• 你厲害啊,不過呢,你有也不一定願意給小石頭同誌啊 -左右為難a- ♂ 給 左右為難a 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2/15/07 
• 這、這、這、、、俺隻能自備幹糧了。 -小小石頭- ♂ 給 小小石頭 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2/15/07 
• Next 10 years, house will still double, BUT -miat42- ♂ 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (498 bytes) (169 reads) 2/15/07 
• that is why long term investment is important -bayfamily給 bayfamily 發送悄悄話 bayfamily 的個人博客首頁 (96 bytes) (68 reads) 2/15/07 
• Right, but not sure how you do that in Bay area -miat42- ♂ 給 miat42 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (132 bytes) (78 reads) 2/15/07 
• 真經啊! -表情符號- ♀ 給 表情符號 發送悄悄話 表情符號 的個人博客首頁 (0 bytes) (9 reads) 2/15/07 
• very good - but wish you said it's -NeverFollow- ♂ 給 NeverFollow 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (30 bytes) (68 reads) 2/15/07 
• Take a look at this chart -it888給 it888 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (417 bytes) (208 reads) 2/15/07 
• Search for similiar charts at -it888給 it888 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (13 bytes) (46 reads) 2/15/07 
• why roth before 401k? -ilgarden- ♀ 給 ilgarden 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (0 bytes) (28 reads) 2/15/07 
• why save in Roth before 401k? -bayfamily給 bayfamily 發送悄悄話 bayfamily 的個人博客首頁 (670 bytes) (83 reads) 2/15/07 
• Q regarding Roth 401K -JR98- ♂ 給 JR98 發送悄悄話 JR98 的個人博客首頁 (104 bytes) (14 reads) 3/16/07 
• 回複:投資理財的十年真經 -didio- ♂ 給 didio 發送悄悄話 創建自己的博客 (5 bytes) (47 reads) 2/15/07 

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閱讀 ()評論 (6)
BayFamily 回複 悄悄話 please read my article carefully. I never suggest people to invest blindly. You can make whatever the lifestyle if you feel comfortable. I am not saying one lifestyle is better than others.

If you do not read carefully, it is not my fault.
HCC 回複 悄悄話 >>>6)年青時多貸款,愈多越好。需要永遠保持貸款總額在你所有年現金流的三倍以上,切記切記。

Could you elaborate on this?
iamhereforfun 回複 悄悄話 It is right to keep investment in your mind. But if you don't enjoy life when you are young, only keep mimimal cash in hands and put all the money down to other stuff. Then you can't travel much, can't do lot of things, all your nerve is straned on the market, then what's the meaning of your life ? Just a slave of money, and that still only counts on your luck, if you happen to run into a stock market crash down or housing market crash down, then you miss the whole thing in your life... Won't you regret for that ?
iamhereforfun 回複 悄悄話 what qualifies you to make these naive suggestion ? I know many people bought many properties and now are seeing their prices keeping going down and going down, and they firmly hold the book titled "Do you miss the housing boom" by David Lereah.. One guy can't accept the fact that every month he has to take few thousand $$ out of pocket to cover the mortgage and he is just an average man with average income...

Every investment has a potential to earn and lose, it is all about timing. We should never be mechanic. Your principle is like teaching people to close their eyes and do it... Remember it is all about timing..

imagine45 回複 悄悄話 沒有任何評論???I like all your money ideas , the best one is ---$10,000,000family within 10 years, I'm a REAL estate agent, i know it s for real