

周五亂貼 --- 山水新擷

(2014-07-18 09:57:58) 下一個
過去這一年多,我其實沒有偷懶,還是拍了不少。 我盡可能想在熟悉的地方拍出不同於明信片的有新意的作品,但很多時候也不能免俗。

選幾張出來,算是送給新班長的禮物吧。同時感謝姐夫留任 --- You are the best!



1. "Silent Giants", Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA

Bryce Canyon 我去過多次,每次都有不同體驗

2. "Fairyland", Utah, USA
A magical moment in a faraway but enchanted land in Hopi Indian Reservation, Utah

3. "Midnight Rendezvous", Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
In the midnight, an elegant white geyser suddenly erupted under the breathtakingly beautiful velvet sky full of stars.
拍完後,在車上她說,“Daddy,you should name this image 'Midnight Rendezvous'". 多麽美妙的名字!

4. "Dragon Gate", Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, Utah, USA
A twisted but strangely beautiful arch in a remote corner of the vast National Monument.

5. "Sunset Extravaganza", Stud Horse Point, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area , Utah, USA

6. "Goose Neck River", Canyonlands National Park, Utah, USA
The Colorado river winds through the vast wilderness of Colorado Plateau, cutting through layered sandstone, forming deep canyons.

7. "Golden Rush", Zion National Park, Utah, USA
The rushing water of Virgin River reflects the golden colors of the surrounding high peaksin early morning.

8. "Window To Heaven", Arches National Park, Utah, USA

9. "Cathedral of Stars", Arches National Park, Utah, USA
The spectacular Double Arch reminds me the magnificent arches of a Gothic cathedral.

10. "Fanciful Sunset", Glen Canyon National Recreation Area , Utah, USA

11. "Passing Storm", Canyonlands National Park, Utah, USA

12. "New Day", Canyonlands National Park, Utah, USA
The bottom of the world-famous Mesa Arch glows like molten lava from the incredibly rich reflected morning sunlight.

13. "Splendor I", Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA

14. "Splendor II", Badlands National Park, South Dakota, USA

15. "Sleeping Dragon Under Moonlight I", Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, Utah, USA
In this extremely remote location of southwest US desert, fantastic curves and textures of rocks glow under the moonlight.

16. "Day Break", Death Valley National Park, California, USA
It was a beautiful March morning in Death Valley National Park. I slept in the back seat of a small Jeep Wrangler
at a nearby back-country campground next to Race Track in order to capture the first ray of light.

17. "Golden Waves", Death Valley National Park, California, USA

18. "Mystic Cave", Valley of Fire State Park, Navada, USA
A fantastic wind carved cave in the Valley of Fire State Park.

19. "Ring of Fire", Arizona, USA
A spectacular sunset over the iconic and spectacular Horseshoe Bend. The Colorado River takes an almost 360-degree turn here.

20. "Blue Dream", Michigan, USA
Mist raises from a pond surrounded by gorgeous colors on a beautiful, crispy autumn morning.

21. "The Path of Stars", Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, USA
The Magnificent Milky Way glows over the deepest and cleanest lake of USA.
還是小女給取的名字。 Crater Lake是火山口形成的湖泊,是美國最深的湖泊(約600米深),也是全世界最幹淨的湖泊。湖裏的水全部來自雪水和雨水,沒有
遊客全部散去,停車場上隻剩我一人。 午夜寂靜時分,一個人在高山之巔獨自享受這樣的寂靜的雪山,深邃的湖泊和璀璨的星空,感

22. "Olympic Glory", Olympic National Park, Washington, USA
Sun-rays beam through mist in a forest of Olympic National Park.

我去過羚羊穀多次,但從沒想過去拍光柱,因為這樣的圖片太多了。我曾經對幾個朋友說,一張好照片,應該讓人看到就記住, 下次再看就知道是誰拍的。可羚羊穀光柱照片沒這個可能。 但我最近改變的想法,不光是從作品集的完整性,還是商業用途,我還是需要拍一點這樣的照片。而且任何一個夏天去過的人都知道, 在那樣的瘋狂滑稽的環境下,要把照片拍到盡可能完美其實非常困難。

23. "Temple of Light", Antelope Canyon, Utah, USA

24. "The Sands of Time", Antelope Canyon, Utah, USA

25. "Sparkling Heart", Antelope Canyon, Utah, USA

26. "The Explorer", Arches National Park, Utah, USA

27. "May Flowers", Arches National Park, Utah, USA
On a beautiful morning of May, the elegant and delicate Tufted Evening-Primrose bloom profusely in the desert in front of the “Organ”,
an impressive red sandstone tower, filling the air with heavenly fragrant smell.

28. "Star Trek", Death Valley National Park, California, USA
In the middle of night in one of the most remote areas of American West, alone in the middle of
the dry lake floor, I enjoyed the solitude of wilderness and witnessed the magnificent starry night and the
mystic moving rocks.


最後,和大家分享一下一個和我有關的新聞BSO吧。 兩個月前的美國老牌雜誌Shutterbug上刊登了一篇他們對我的4頁專訪介紹(Profile)。封麵也用了一張我在奧地利Hallstatt小鎮拍的照片。有趣的是雖然我主要是個風光攝影師,拍旅遊片隻不過是全家旅行時順帶打醬油,但這期是旅遊攝影專刊,為了照顧讀者的興趣,他們主要介紹的是我的旅遊攝影作品。7月底前他們不讓我貼大圖,隻能貼小圖了。




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