原文: "Perhaps the most poignant experience came while we were talking to the local party secretary in Che Jia Va, who gave us directions and pointed out various landmarks -- all the while keeping a stoic face. The town was once home to 13,000 people, and 3,000 are still missing, he says.
As he shows me the damage to his community, I ask how many have died. Tears flow down his cheeks, and he makes no effort to wipe them away. He says that as many as 500 are dead, including his parents, his wife and their two children.
In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio. He's needed again, and he runs off -- with apologies -- to go back to work
至於CNN, 我是個利用主義者, 他對我們有用的時候就要利用, 他不利我們的時候就要反對。 這不是美國和西方的哲學嗎? 我們拿來用用是給他們麵子呢。
這種素質和作風,西人覺得有違人性,那是因為他們認為人的自私性就是人性的一部分,而中國文化自古以來流傳的所謂“義” ,義薄雲天,西人簡單的理解為heroism,不知道是否是我的理解偏頗,那不單單隻是英雄主義,那是一種為了公眾,多數人,和自以為正義的事業可以犧牲小我,無私奉獻的一種人生的最高層次的一種精神追求。
但是CNN, 這個媒體我還是不喜歡。
CNN has quite a few good videos about the quake.