
[悉尼羽毛球隊通知] Your advice is much appreciated

(2007-01-31 00:09:15) 下一個
Dear All,

First is first, this week's badminton session is:
7 Mar, Tuesday night, 7-9pm at Sports Hall, Olympic park as usual.

Second, it is a good time to review our progess for the last several weeks. I noticed more and more people are interested in joining us and play some quality games. However, is there a better way to organize and let our memebers to benefit more from the games? Please reply to me with your suggestions and thoughts, even 2 cents are welcome. :)

From my exprience, the most important parts of orginazing a group activity, are to confirm how many of us will attend, and to divid the attendees into groups with same or better skills.

I know it is impractical to ask all of you to attend the sessions as you planned, we can not control events unpredictable, however, I would like all of you to communicate with me or other members, so we know you will be absent of the coming session. By that way we can either move the booked courts to another day or cancel it. On the other hand, casual players should also notice us in advance so we can book extra court. It is courtesy and rule every of us should follow. Just drop me an email, a SMS, will help me to book the courts more accurate.

It is another headache to divid all of us according to our skills. We have good players such as Harry, William, Tony, Michael and etc., we also have new-starters. I would suggest you to play with your matches as much as possible. Of course we encourage you to improve your skill by playing games with upperhands, and if you are confident to challenge players in better skills group, you are more than welcome to do that. However, practice takes time, focus on doing some steps training, basic skills such as drop, cross-net shots, smashes, will make progess faster than competiting with upperhands all the time. Those exprienced players can be our guides and tutors in this case. Feel free to ask them to demostrate how to do these basic techniques correct. They will happily help you on improving your skills.

For people paid their court fee in advance, (I have 4 people in prepaid court fee list, and encourage all of you to do the same soon or later) your balance can be found here:
(Thank Yananda to provide the template, you are a promised accountant-to-be!)

Wait for your good suggestions!

Happy badminton!

Innerwest Badminton Group Website:

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