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5/28 總統山(Mount Rushmore) 南搭科他州
華盛頓:1789-97 第一任美國總統,國父,1776年帶領美國民兵們打敗了英國人,成立了美利堅合眾國。並且拒絕了做皇帝的建議,奠定了美國總統4年一期,最多連任兩期的規矩。
傑弗生:1776年寫了獨立宣言,1801-1809年 第三任美國總統。美國在他的領導下,從法國政府那裏買下了路易斯安那領地—其中也包括總統山所在的南搭科他州,將美國的版圖擴大了一倍。
羅斯福:(Theodore Roosevelt,老羅斯福,以別於後來當了總統的他的侄子 小羅斯福)美國曆史上最年輕的總統(就職時42歲),1901-1909。在他任下,美國開辟了巴拿馬運河,將太平洋和大西洋連接起來了。他還撥大批款項建立國家公園,森林、保留地等等。
林肯: 1861-1865. 贏了美國南北戰爭,防止了美國分裂,取消了黑奴製。
以前一直以為Mount Rushmore是美國愚公的翻版,這次看了總統山的展覽才明白,這個巨大的工程是政府資助的,小羅斯福總統參加了剪彩儀式。
參觀Mount Rushmore之後寫的筆記:
4 great presidents. I cannot help but compare American history with Chinese. America has had so many great leaders in recent history which shaped what the country is today. Even though they may have some flaws, overall They are great men and are respected and admired by American people. On the other hand, in the same 300 years, none of the Chinese leaders are respected by its people. Qing dynasty was emperors, then was overthrown by Nationalists. The first Nationalists leader Sun Zhongshan died very shortly after the republic was formed. His successor Jiang Jieshi was painted an ugly image by the communist. Then communists used guns and violence took power. None of the leaders after 1949 won people’s respect. Mao had brought so much disaster to the nation. Deng was never an official leader. The ones after that all ended with disgrace…