
Maybe, this is the \'Dark Ages\' (by smokey)

(2007-10-18 21:48:46) 下一個
Greed, anger and lust has been pushing our culture's actions for manymoons but many of us have been able to stand apart from the madness andrealize the iniquity.

Dog-eat-dog has become domesticatedthrough technology so that one dog can eat many dogs without comingface to face with those dirty mongrels. Families and lives have beendestroyed in numbers that make the Comanche raids seem like pastoralpicnic portraits.

As man evolves, it is possible that the "DarkAges" become less and less dark -- less and less physically painful andmore and more mentally painful.

Smokey remembers 09/11/01 when he and ms. smokey were staying at an RV park in Nogales, AZ preparing for a trip into Mexico.

Ms.smokey was describing what she was hearing through her radio earphonesas the planes supposedly crashed into the skyscrapers. The whole damnnarrative seemed surrealistic. That is... the incident drasticallyremoved the moorings to which the mind is tied in order not to driftout to sea.

And, in doing errands in the town, all the radioswere tuned into the Spanish-speaking news special programs. The guy atthe auto parts store was in a daze. The librarian seemed to be caughtin a dream. In fact, the whole library seemed to be more dreamlikerather than merely silent. (Heh... except for smokey and ms. smokey whowere huddled around their computer hooting and hollering at the crashof the stock market and the melt-up of gold and silver.)

Insteadof a Mad Max, dog-eat-dog scenario what we may be looking at when thefinancial system collapses is a more surrealistic, LSD-like, inabilityof the cultural mind to focus on what to do next. The mind willactually reject the painful dog-eat-dog mentality which has been thestatus quo for decades.

To smokey this seems more like the end of the Dark Ages and the beginning of something entirely new.

In other words, discard all your history books and old movies. "Been there, done that," is a quantum understatement.

DarkAge, dog-eat-dog mentality got us into this inferno. So Dark Age,dog-eat-dog mentality will be insufficient to extract us from the fire.

Why won't prior mental solutions and machinations work anymore?

"Because something is happening here,
But you don't know what it is.
Do you, Mister Jones?"

*Copyright © 1965; renewed 1993 Special Rider Music
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