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來源: PoorKids?07-02-23 23:52:49 [檔案] [博客] [舊帖] [轉至博客] [給我悄悄話]


既然講到美國的製度好,在金融遊戲中搜刮全世界,就不能不提它的中央銀行,FederalReserve。這個央行的私有性質應該沒有問題了,因為美國聯邦法院1982已裁定這是個私有銀行。問題是它的所有者(主要是與Rothchilds,Morgan & Rockefeller財團有關的幾家銀行)如何從中得利,永久性地從金融上奴役美國人民是個有爭論問題。CND上大概不能上link,我不便列出有關網站,有興趣的去google一下,這方麵popularactivism的網站多如牛毛,書店裏也有專著。他們主要的論點是(1)美國沒有自己的鑄幣權(2)兩個好總統林肯和JFK為了發行美國自己的鈔票被國際財團暗殺(3)我們每年4/15都向FederalReserve的主人們無償進供,譜寫了人類的奴役史上最為悲慘的一頁(還以為是生活在最自由的國度呢)。


The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank is not a government agency.The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank (The Fed) is privately ownedby a group of primarily foreign bankers. In 1913, Congress sank Americainto eternal debt by giving the power to issue currency and control theAmerican economic system to the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.

Who are the owners or chief shareholders of the privately owned FederalReserve Bank? Originally, there were reportedly 203,053 shares ofprivately owned Federal Reserve Bank stock, of which approximately 65%were owned by foreigners and approximately 35% (72,000 shares) wereowned by:

Rockefellers’ National City Bank = 30,000 shares
Chase National = 6,000 shares (currently Chase Manhattan and owned by David Rockefeller)
The National Bank of Commerce = 21,000 shares (now known as Morgan Guaranty Trust)
Morgans’ First national Bank = 15,000 shares
Interestingly, the total shares owned by Rockefellers interests equal36,000 shares and the total of Morgan’s equals 36,000 shares.

Although the privately owned Federal Reserve Act of 1913 provided thenames of the owner banks be kept a secret, R.E. McMaster, publisher ofthe newsletter” The Reaper” discovered, through confidential Swissbanking connections, that the following banks have controlling interestin the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank

Rothchild Banks of London and Berlin
Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy
Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Controlled By Rockefellers)
In his impeccably researched book “Secrects of the Privately OwnedFederal Reserve”, Eustace Mullins states: “Because the privately ownedFederal Reserve Bank of New York sets interest rates and controls thedaily supply of price of currency throughout America, the owners ofthat bank are the real directors of that whole system. Theseshareholders have controlled our political and economic destinies since1913.” Those shareholders making up Mullins’ list are almost identicalto the one compiled by the Swiss banking source.

The Rothchilds
Lazard Freres (Eugene Mayer)
Israel Sieff
Kuhn Loeb Company
Warburg Company
Lehman Brothers
Goldman Sachs
The Rockefeller family and J.P. Morgan interests
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