原文 譯文 天作高山,天父上帝賜下了高聳的岐山, 大王荒之,先王不斷帶領萬民努力開荒, 彼作矣。就在山麓築起了宮室和住房。 文王康之,傳到文王時,百姓的生活安康, 彼徂矣岐,岐道雖然險阻,但是人心嚮往, 有夷之行,祖先把它開墾成文明富裕之鄉, 子孫保之。子孫才能保有這片壯麗的家園。 英文翻譯 From God our heavenly Father, the great Qishan was created and given
Ceaselessly our fore kings led their people to cultivate the virgin land Then palace and houses were built around the mountain
Inhabitants lived in peaceful prosperity after King Wen took the crown
Roads to the maintain were perilous, yet they aspired to the Promised Land
Together our forefathers made it an affluent nation
For children might live and ensure the glorious homeland