我將I am Mei ling (1)放到http://www.critiquecircle.com。該網站可以免費將故事貼到上麵,寫作愛好者們可相互閱讀、評論和意見。下麵是一位叫Zoe1的朋友給我的評論。我看了以後,很受鼓舞,但我還不至於頭腦發熱,我隻當它是寫作愛好者們惺惺相惜。我還會不斷地修改舊故事和繼續寫新故事。
I am Mei Ling (1)- Critique
Sent by: Zoe1 · Submitted: 6. May at 22:14
Does the story provide opportunities for illustration?
Goodopportuities for illustrations here. With bright and colourfull drawings of MeiLing family arriving into Canada from China.
Is the story engaging?
Thestory is very engaging and sweet. Loved it all the way through. Made me fall inlove with the story from the very begining. Would love to buy it if it gets publisdhed can you keep me a copy if it does?
Does the story speak to or at the child?
I say this book will be for 7 year old + not 6.For the child Mei Ling is very smat. I say Mei Ling is around 8 years old.The story would be great to share with parents alike and to learn about different countries.
Is the language appropriate for a 2-9 year old to understand?
Yesit is appropiate between the ages 0f 2-0 year olds. I w ill not say 2 though as they might get bored if it`s too long I would say 5 - 8.
Is there a clear storyline or progression?
Yes there is a clear storyline it`d flowed right through Mei Ling story of her moving from a different country.
Is the length appropriate?
It seemed long but it did get me hooked to keep on reading it. It made me want tofind out if Mei Leing and her parents find a new home.
Is the point of view consistent?
The point of view was very consistent again throught out the whole story.I couldn`t see any mistakes at all.
Is the tense consistent?
You have certainly kept it in the same tense andworked really hard on the changes. I cannot wait to read what actually happensto the Mei Ling family.
Are there any other issues with the mechanics which need to be addressed?
Not that I can think off.A bit long like I said previously but otherwise it got met hinking about what is going to happen to Mei Ling family once they stopped off their plane and arrived in a different countrty which almost seemed quietailen to them.
Does this story strike you as original or fresh?
The story struck me as it was very origanal. It was very well writien. Liked it.
Would you choose this book to read to a child?
Yes I would it`s a sweet little book I might even want to keep iy for myself if my eldest son dosen`t get hold of it first.
Other comments
Very engaging, sweet and lovely. Well written through out well done. Excellent.