

Love That Cat(half)

(2007-02-27 08:01:27) 下一個

我經過多次修改,現將最新的《Love That Cat》版本貼上。本詩共有83 verses,這次我貼的是前一部分。

Love That Cat


My name is Mei Ling. I came

To Canada with Mom and Dad.

I miss China very much.

Sometimes, I feel kind of sad.


One day, my mom, dad and I

Were having a lovely chat.

Mom told me her former friend

Would give me a little cat.


A real cat, a cute cat,

That could eat, meow and purr.

We could play together.

I could hold and pet her.


I was so excited

That I jumped up with joy.

A lovely cat would be

Better than any toy.


Finally, she arrived,

A cat of white and black.

In the pet carrier,

She shyly shrank back.


“Hi, cute little kitten,”

I gently, gently said.

In her round shiny eyes,

I saw a lot of dread.


I looked at the new cat,

While lying on the floor.

She looked like the old cat

My grandma had before.


When I was in China,

My grandma had a cat

That was beautiful, smart

And a little bit fat.


That cat’s name was Mimi.

I missed her everyday.

I had my own cat here

To play with. Yay! Hooray!


I named the new cat Mimi.

She would be my best friend.

A good time together,

We would happily spend.


This Canadian cat

Looked so funny to me.

Her nose was black and white.

She was a clown,wasn’t she?


One of her legs was black

And three of them were white.

Dad made a joke to her.

Mimi is a delight.


“What a sweet little cat!

Maybe you were born at night.

Your mom put your socks on wrong

Because there was no light.”


I opened the carrier

And said, “Mimi, please come out.”

Moving her body a bit,

She seemed to be in doubt.


Sticking her small head out,

She looked from left to right.

She carefully walked out

And then ran out of sight.


Where was the adorable cat?

I searched for her everywhere.

Mimi was good at hide-and-seek.

I couldn’t find her anywhere.


During the very first day,

I didn’t see my new cat.

Was she hungry or thirsty?

I was worried about that.


During the second day,

Did Mimi eat or not?

She didn’t eat a bit

But she drank a whole lot.


When the third day was dark,

She cautiously came out.

She ate some cat food and

Quietly walked about.


When the fourth day was bright,

She began to explore.

I gladly followed her,

Opening each room’s door.


I opened each closet wide,

Even each drawer for her.

Mimi sniffed everywhere.

Then, she let me stroke her fur.


My family ate dinner.

We were all in a good mood.

Mimi jumped up on my lap.

She wanted to eat my food.


Kittens can’t eat people food,

I learned that from a book.

Some seasonings harmful to them

Are in what we often cook.


I went to her round plate.

A bit of cat food, I took.

I pretended to eat it.

She came closer to look.


“Mimi, your food is yummy.

I eat the same thing as you.”

Doubtfully, looking at me,

She wondered if it was true.


Mimi went to her plate.

Slowly, she paused for thought.

Then, gulping and slurping,

She ate her food a lot.


My mom was very happy

And gave Mimi a cat treat.

She swiftly ate it and then

Lay down beside my feet.


She began to lick her paw

And carefully wipe her face.

What a clean little kitten!

Mimi has natural grace.


A few minutes later,

Mimi did something bad.

She began to scratch my chair.

Mom was a little bit mad.


“Stop, Mimi. You’re naughty,”

My mom seriously said.

Mimi suddenly stopped

And quickly raised her head.


Shyly and innocently,

Her big furry tail shook.

Did I do something wrong?

She gave a confused look.


I was sharpening my nails.

Why was my mom so upset?

How do I use nail clippers?

Mei Ling hasn’t taught me yet.


A spectacular idea,

I unexpectedly got.

A doormat with the big word

“Welcome” on it, we just bought.


I carefully put Mimi

On the brand new welcome mat.

Today, I was important,

A smart teacher of my cat.


Pointing to each letter,

I said and held her paw,

“W, E, L, C, O, M, E, welcome.”

My student, Mimi learned with awe.


Holding her little paw,

I taught her to scratch on the mat.

She learned it! She learned it!

Such a smart little cat!


Mimi scratched very hard.

I cheerfully said to her,

“Mimi, you are welcome.”

She purred a happy purr.

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