
Granite Radiation Danger (It's a Myth)

(2007-07-09 11:27:05) 下一個
Granite Radiation Danger (It's a Myth)

What you should know:

A while ago a story was published in a solid surface trade publication about the use of granite countertops and the release of Radon gas. This produced a myth that granite countertops are dangerous. It was quickly discovered that the Author of the story worked for a company making laminate countertops. They were trying to scare people away form buying granite.

Some rock contains small amounts of radioactive material - as they decay to a more stable state they give off radiation (alpha, beta or gamma). Granite and sedimentary rocks and weathering products like clay minerals are all potassium rich. Potassium has a radio-isotope that emits radiation. This potassium based radiation is background everywhere there is granite or sedimentary products. One of the daughter products of this decay of potassium is radon gas, which itself is radioactive.

There is no danger from granite countertops. Remember your food was grown in clay rich soils or your meat once ate grass that was grown in such soils. Also, many people live in granite areas.

A university researcher on the geochemistry of radioactive elements for nearly 20 years at Penn State University and the Colorado School of Mines stated, “I would suggest that a good way to reduce our exposure to the radon present in outdoor air, would be to build an air-tight house out of granite countertops!” (source below).

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