早聽說Santa Barbara附近有一丹麥城,一直沒機會去,這次從Morro Bay回來的路上,順道去了丹麥城 - solvang。在一號公路上,到處有引導去Solvang的標誌,想錯過也挺不容易的。 :-)
[ZT, from Wikipedia] Solvang is a city in Santa Barbara County, California, United States. The city of Solvang is one of the communities that make up the Santa Ynez Valley. The population was 5,332 at the 2000 census.Solvang means "Sunny Field" in Danish. It was founded in 1911 on 9,000 acres (36 km²) of formerly Spanish land by a group of Danish educators. The settlers of this city left for the west to escape midwestern winters. The city is home to some bakeries, restaurants, and merchants offering a taste of Denmark in California. But the architecture of many of the buildings follows traditional German styles. There is a copy of the famous Little Mermaid statue from Copenhagen, as well as one featuring the bust of famed Danish fable writer Hans Christian Andersen.
(1) 停完車,就看到風車。

(2) 巨大的鞋子,我站在裏麵照了一張,哈哈,有意思。

(3) 一商店的店麵。

(4) 這裏的風車最大。我們進的那家麵包點就在這附近。

(5) 招牌

(6) 藍天裏,風車下,該有一些浪漫的童話故事;可現實中,the prince and the princess had a happy life ever after這樣的大圓滿已經不複存在。。。。。我在這裏煲電話粥,盡是一些煩人的瑣事。。。。大小領導對我非常不滿,側目以對。

(7) 很喜歡這裏的房子,有童話的味道。

(8) 這些木屐真cute.

(9) 這家店, 我們呆得最久。當然也花了銀子為代價, 哈哈! 店主非常和善,我經過她的同意後,在這裏任意拍照。

(10) 多有趣的牛們。

(11) 曾有朋友從德國來,送我們一個這樣的Cuckoo Clock,我們一直收著沒用;後來買房子,想這鍾挺cute,拿出來時,發現已經不工作了,還惋惜了半天。。。。。這質量也有待商榷 :-D

(12) 這鵝卵石小頭實在可愛。。。。看人家這創意。

Tip: 2-hour driving from Los Angeles, very close to Santa Barbara.