Lovetocell2007-07-10 14:06:43回複悄悄話
Those are great pictures, can't wait to see it.
子初2007-06-11 12:15:21回複悄悄話
I guess I understand what you want to say. Thanks again!
Wiserman2007-06-11 10:11:09回複悄悄話
Thank you very much for your response.
These architectural pictures really amazing, world class constructions. Hopefuuly, the people in BeiJing will be world class citizens too.
子初2007-06-10 23:06:47回複悄悄話
Thank you for your message. Let's hope, and help ...
Wiserman2007-06-10 17:01:21回複悄悄話
I would like to see 100,000 Youth Activity Centers all over the country! In Mainland, the young people need places to study, do exercise, get social, and learning. China should build many many Activity Centers for people to use. These Activity Centers are far more useful than 北京2008奧運 big buildings.
I guess I understand what you want to say. Thanks again!
Thank you very much for your response.
These architectural pictures really amazing, world class constructions. Hopefuuly, the people in BeiJing will be world class citizens too.
Thank you for your message. Let's hope, and help ...
benteng, QQ, Rebecca,